Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: July 2018

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Relatedness and Similarity - in The Health Career Model

How can we demonstrate the basis for the axes, 'found' conceptual structures and conceptual clustering in Hodges' model?

UMLS::Similarity Web Interface (measuring pairwise similarity and relatedness of medical concepts)

Some results and definitions obtained from the above.


The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Lin (lin) is 0.85.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Conceptual Distance (cdist) is 0.5.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Resnik (res) is 1.6384.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Jiang & Conrath (jcn) is 1.7295.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Path Length (path) is 0.5.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Wu & Palmer (wup) is 0.8.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Nguyen & Al-Mubaid (nam) is 0.2038.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Random Measure (random) is 0.5703.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The similarity of person (C0027361 ) and patient (C0030705 ) using Leacock & Chodorow (lch) is 2.9957.
Using:    SAB :: include MSH
    REL :: include PAR/CHD

The relatedness of individual (C0027361 ) and group (C1257890 ) using Vector Measure (vector) is 0.7869.
Using:    SABDEF :: include UMLS_ALL
    RELDEF :: include CUI/PAR/CHD/RB/RN

The relatedness of individual (C0027361 ) and group (C1257890 ) using Adapted Lesk (lesk) is 9584.
Using:    SABDEF :: include UMLS_ALL
    RELDEF :: include CUI/PAR/CHD/RB/RN

The relatedness of self (C0036588 ) and group (C1257890 ) using Adapted Lesk (lesk) is 263.
Using:    SABDEF :: include UMLS_ALL
    RELDEF :: include CUI/PAR/CHD/RB/RN

The relatedness of self (C0036588 ) and group (C1561557 ) using Vector Measure (vector) is 0.4054.
Using:    SABDEF :: include UMLS_ALL
    RELDEF :: include CUI/PAR/CHD/RB/RN


individual (C0027361)
HL7V3.0 : A living subject of the species homo sapiens.
NCI : Human beings in general.
NCI : A human being.
NCI_BRIDG : A human being.
MSH : Persons as individuals (e.g., ABORTION APPLICANTS) or as members of a group (e.g., HISPANIC AMERICANS). It is not used for members of the various professions (e.g., PHYSICIANS) or occupations (e.g., LIBRARIANS) for which OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS is available.
individual (C0237401)
individual (C3245468)
HL7V3.0 : Description:Person as specified by coverage policy or program.
HL7V3.0 : Description:The level of coverage under the policy or program is available to an individual.
HL7V3.0 : Description: A role played by a party covered under a policy as the policy holder. An individual may be either a person or an organization.
Note: The party playing the role of an individual insured is not a claimant in the sense conveyed by the RoleClassCoveredParty CLAIM (claimant). However, a named insured may make a claim under a policy, e.g., a party that is the named insured and policy holder under a comprehensive automobile insurance policy may become the claimant for coverage under that policy if injured in an automobile accident and there is no liable third party. In the case of an individual insured making a claim, a role type code INSCLM (insured claimant) subtypes the class to indicate that an individual insured has filed a claim for a loss.
Example: The individual insured under a comprehensive automobile, disability, or property and casualty policy that is the policy holder.
HL7V3.0 :
self (C0036588)
HL7V3.0 : The "same" roleclass asserts an identity between playing and scoping entities: that they are in fact instances of the same entity and, in the case of discrepancies (e.g different DOB, gender), that one or both are in error.
playing and scoping entities must have same classcode, but need not have identical attributes or values.
a provider registry maintains sets of conflicting demographic data for what is reported to be the same individual.
NCI : The individual as the object of his own reflective consciousness.
HL7V3.0 : The relationship that a person has with his or her self.
self (C1551994)
HL7V3.0 : Covered party is the policy holder. Also known as the subscriber.

See also:


This is a Perl module that implements a variety of semantic similarity and relatedness measures based on information found in the lexical database WordNet. In particular, it supports the measures of Resnik, Lin, Jiang-Conrath, Leacock-Chodorow, Hirst-St.Onge, Wu-Palmer, Banerjee-Pedersen, and Patwardhan-Pedersen. 

n.b. While Hodges' model was created for application in health and social care contexts it can be applied generally.

Friday, July 27, 2018

UK Health Camp - Manchester 8th Sept

The free ‘unconference' for everyone interested in digital, design, 
technology and data for health and care.

Saturday 8th September
The Federation, Manchester

[ see you there...? ]

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

"Leave Alone The Empty Spaces"

humanistic ------------------------------------ mechanistic
Leave Alone ...

... the Empty Spaces

My source: On Record, Culture, The Sunday Times, 28 January 2018, p.22.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Drupal - update: a blast from the past!

I scratched (blew up) the draft Drupal site - for the umpteenth time - some five-six weeks ago. It did not take long to be back up and 'core' refreshed. As I build the content I keep saving them. It's just the the three archive pages. I've not resurrected the timeline, but get the gist now. The spreadsheet with the content is there when / if needed. The conclusion of this is that well into our summer and yes, the focus drifted again.

Off the Gosport ferry 1977... 2018
Perhaps, it's the hot-for-us summer and the World Cup? The presentation at the UKSS conference is now completed and discovering another very learned community. That trip to Portsmouth provided for some reminiscence of train - ferry and walks made 41 years earlier. It's not just the NHS that sees change. While Gosport has been in the news of late for all the wrong reasons; the trip was an opportunity to reflect and revisit a brief but key experience of my teenage years. What if... indeed...

I'm clearer about the draft paper on threshold concepts, deprivation of liberty safeguarding and Hodges' model. That paper may have found a home at last, but as two papers not one. I've pushed that revision division back to late summer - autumn. Reading for the next book review is proving really enjoyable. The book will accompany me to London this weekend for the RIPEN workshop tomorrow. I've responded to the virtual learning environment invitation and - for my prep - answered the workshop's four questions against Hodges' model of course. After the workshop there's an exhibition to head for in the early evening.

As for Drupal, I've been using Composer and trying to solve some of the errors that 'Status Report' reveals. Now at least d3.js and highlight.js are resolved. CDN warnings have been turned off. The constant push that is Drupal has moved on to 8.5.5 with a message today about September 5th release for 8.6. Maybe I should wait, but the practice, the practice..! I'm not going to Drupal Europe much as I might like, I've not earned the stripes. I am looking f/w to grappling once again. I need to find the modules that are key to the new site so that I can reward - encourage myself with something tangible and upload (something!!).

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Study: Do you have lived experience of emotional distress, neurodivergence, and/or behavioral health treatment? ...

... Are you a Mad Pride, neurodiversity, or psychiatric survivor activist?

A mental health advocate?

WHO: We’re seeking participants who have lived experience of “mental difference,” i.e. characteristics, traits, states, and phenomena that have been categorized as symptoms of mental disorders or developmental disorders, and/or lived experience of behavioral health treatment, and who have engaged in any form of advocacy.

WHY: To help researchers better understand how experiences of mental difference and behavioral health treatment impact activist involvement.

WHAT: A voluntary research study. This is an online survey lasting approximately 20-25 minutes. Participants will be asked questions about their mental health related experiences, involvement with activism, and viewpoints on sociopolitical issues within the mental health arena. Every 30th participant will receive a $50 gift card up to five cards.

HOW: Contact Emily Cutler at ecutler@mail.usf.edu or click on this link to directly access the survey: https://usf.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_acaniQNBp7Z7f81. The study’s protocol number is #00035052.

Nev Jones PhD
Assistant Professor
NIDILRR Switzer Research Fellow '17-'18

Department of Mental Health Law & Policy
Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute
University of South Florida
e: genevra AT usf.edu
t. @viscidula

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Book: "Somebody I Used to Know"

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

My source: Neville, S. (2018) 'Can I go on?' FT Weekend, Life & Arts, Books, p.9.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Yes, Nursing is both an Art and Science but ...

... we don't want facsimile care

humanistic -- NURSING AS ART & SCIENCE -- mechanistic

iterate, iterate
process, process
repeat, repeat

Pedro Paricio - 'The Duel'
Halcyon Gallery, 1 July 2018

See also:

Pedro Paricio
[Dear Sir, Thank you for your amazing work and to Halcyon Gallery for the opportunity to view and photograph the above. Just a suggestion - the text on your site e.g. 'biography' is small and not very readable against the background.]

BBC News: NHS still reliant on 'archaic' fax machines

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

ERCIM News No. 114 Special Theme "Human-Robot Interaction"

ERCIM News 114
Dear ERCIM News Reader,

ERCIM News No. 114 has just been published at https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/

featuring the Special Theme"Human-Robot Interaction", coordinated by Serena Ivaldi (Inria) and Maria Pateraki (ICS-FORTH)

The section "Research and Innovation" reports on news about research activities and innovative developments from European research institutes.

This issue is also available for download in pdf and ePUB

Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News. Feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested.

"Assistive robots and healthcare applications within the context of HRI are discussed in Cesta et al. (page 18), Hindriks et al. (page 20) and Efthimiou et al. (page 21). Cesta et al. present a cognitive architecture combining human perception and AI techniques to infer knowledge about the status of a user and the environment and plan personalised assistive robot actions for elderly people. Hindriks et al. report on their first experiments on a social robot that supports collection of patient data in a hospital, to reduce the workload of nurses. Efthimiou et al. are developing a multimodal user-centred HRI solution that encourages trust and acceptance of assistive robots for elderly people." p.7.
p. 35 Corpus Conversion Service: A Machine Learning Platform to Ingest Documents at Scale
by Michele Dolfi, Christoph Auer, Peter W J Staar and Costas Bekas (IBM Research Zurich)

Next issue:
No. 115  July 2018
Special Theme: "Digital Twins"

Monday, July 02, 2018

Doctors & Nurses in The Book of Life c/o David Kracov

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

David Kracov, The Book of Life, Metal Sculpture, £20,900

My source: Eden Fine Art, New Bond St, London, 1st July, 2018.