Book: The Moral Economy - Individual - Group
My source: Financial Times
Cover image: Amazon
Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:53 pm
Labels: behaviour , book , business , case studies , citizenry , civil society , control , economics , ethics , governance , incentives , individual , media , morality , motivation , policy , population , practice , psychology , society
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:13 pm
Labels: activism , awareness , belonging , comms , community , compassion , e-society , friends , group , home , humans , individual , loneliness , love , music , narrative , publicness , society , storytelling , volunteers
isolation loneliness mental health feelings identity meaning motivation - behaviour SUBJECTIVITY |
physical health, coronary heart disease , stroke
meta-analysismortality longitudinal observational studies systematic review OBJECTIVITY |
social network family - relationships - befriending social isolation quality of life family - community cohesion social enterprise
| policy social care provision day centers mobility - transport volunteering public - funding - private
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:01 pm
Labels: behaviour , BMJ , death , emotion , health , intervention , loneliness , methods , mortality , physiology , prevention , psychology , relationships , research , risk , stroke medicine , studies , study , systematic review , well-being
Posted by
Peter Jones
12:33 am
Labels: activism , atlas , care domains , children , complexity , data , diversity , economics , education , emotion , environment , equality , gender , health , Hodges' model , language , migration , poverty , visualization , wealth
"Reflection is holistic - it considers the whole, |
where aspects within the experience
can only be viewed
within the context of the whole,
they exist in dialectical tension,
| and cannot be reduced into parts or stages." |
Posted by
Peter Jones
9:03 pm
Labels: care domains , Hodges' model , holistic , holistic bandwidth , holistic competency , integrated care , nursing , practice , references , reflection , reflective practice , reflexive , research , theory , theory-practice gap
"New models of cooperation and cross-sector collaboration are needed to identify synergies across these sectors, and generate actions that result in overall gains to society, with health, environmental and economic co-benefits." p.19.
How can policies and decisions at the city level expand opportunity for and protect the health of the 54% of humanity now living in cities? This document outlines some opportunities and basic strategies, while answering the following critical questions:
1. Why is urban development important to health and vice versa?
2. What are examples of successful urban policies and strategies that deliver environmental, economic, social and health benefits?
3. How can decision-makers apply a “health lens” to urban planning, governance and finance, and avail themselves of tools to improve health, reduce social inequalities and ensure wider access to services and opportunity?
4. What role can the health sector play in advancing healthy, sustainable urban planning?
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:39 pm
Labels: children , conference , development , environment , health , housing , infants , older people , public health , public mental health , quality of life , report , sustainability , urban health , well-being , WHO
![]() |
Report: A Breath of Fresh Air |
Mental Pollution
advertising truth-values
mental health
anxiety depression fear
psychological effects of
noise, vibration, foul air
awareness understanding
Vulnerable individuals:
Older Adult
Person with Chronic Health Problems
Air Pollution
particulatesDefinition - Measurement - Monitoring
Power Stations Coal Powered Vulnerable Population Density
| ||
Public Health Information Giving
Public amenities
Quality of Life
Housing - Parks
Health Professionals Intervention
| Change[?]
Policy Standards Law Accountability
Retain Standards from EU regulations
Clean Air Zones Clean Energy Providers
NHS Carbon Emissions Accessibility Transport Modalities
Posted by
Peter Jones
8:42 am
Labels: activism , air pollution , benefits , climate change , collaboration , data , environment , EU , government , health , Hodges' model , measures , monitoring , policy , politics , public health , regulation , report , safety , well-being
Dear Colleagues
Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the compilation of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Global Health report “ Triple Impact- how developing nursing will improve health, promote gender equality and support economic growth.’
A review group of APPG members has undertaken a major review of the development of nursing globally over the last few months, holding a number of witness sessions, collecting evidence and debating our findings with the RCN, ICN and others. The report “Triple Impact – how developing nursing will improve health, promote gender equality and support economic growth” launched on the 17th October 2016 sets out a radical agenda and argues that the UK should play a major role in developing nursing globally.Many thanks again for your time and support.
Posted by
Peter Jones
6:19 pm
Labels: activism , change , development , economics , education , equality , gender , global health , government , health , impact , nursing , opportunity , planning , politics , quality of life , recommendations , report , workforce
The Townsend archive provides open access to a range of original documents underlying the 1967/68 Poverty in the UK survey led by Peter Townsend. This survey pioneered the application of relative deprivation in measuring poverty.
The archive includes over 2500 digitised questionnaires from the survey. On these questionnaires you will find hand-written notes made, at the time of the interview, by the survey field workers. They provide telling details of the living standards and attitudes of that time. They are searchable by region, interviewer and survey booklet number.
The archive also covers a range of other papers associated with the administration and conception of the survey and notes and drafts of Townsend’s book. You can also download Townsend’s ‘Poverty in the United Kingdom’ book.
You will also find video interviews with researchers, fieldworkers and colleagues involved in, or associated with, the Poverty in the UK survey. David Donnison, Hilary Land, Adrian Sinfield, John Veit-Wilson and others reflect back on this landmark project. These interviews provide unparalleled insights into survey and research methods then and now, the relationship between social policy research and policy making across the last 45 years, and the impact, or otherwise, of research on tackling poverty.
To take a look at this fascinating resource visit:
Posted by
Peter Jones
9:52 pm
Labels: attitude , book , deprivation , history , inequality , measures , medical sociology , objective , open access , policy , regional , research , resources , society , socioeconomic , sociology , subjective , survey , UK , video
Dear All,
Corruption has become prevalent in healthcare to the point that it is normalised. From the politician to the patient, individuals routinely place their own private interests above public health goals and patient health outcomes. That was the conclusion from speaking to thirty public health experts and anti-corruption specialists across the globe, as part of our most recent research project.
Our earlier research had shown that those working in the healthcare sector have a low understanding of corruption. Previous attempts at providing an overview of the types of corruption in the sector, while providing an excellent resource for those dedicated to the subject, had been complex and lacked comprehensiveness. Our new publication Diagnosing Corruption in Healthcare [], which we launched at the opening session of the World Health Summit yesterday, aims to bring all the relevant information into one space. We have produced a "map" of corruption in healthcare that contains 37 types of corruption that are clustered into eight areas in health systems.
On our new website you can explore the map fully. Take a look at the explanations of each type of corruption, understand better how they occur in practice by examining some case studies, and if you still want to learn more there are links to other resources on the web.
Please also note that we will be publishing an eight-episode podcast series. Each episode will cover one of the eight corruption categories identified in our research. The first episode will be published this Wednesday, providing an introduction to corruption in healthcare and exploring how corruption can occur in the high-level governance of a health system.
We hope that those working in the healthcare sector, from doctors and nurses to company compliance officers and directors, will be able to use this "map" to better understand the corruption risks in the work. We also hope this map will prompt policy makers, in the public health and anti-corruption fields, to tackle this formidable challenge that endangers health outcomes around the world.
Best wishes,
Sophie Peresson
Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Programme
Transparency International UK
Be GREEN, keep it on the SCREEN
Healthcare. Environment. Media. Education. Business. #TransparencyMatters to us all. Tell us your story here .
HIFA profile: Sophie Peresson is Director of the Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Programme, Transparency International, UK. Email address: sophie.peresson AT
My source: HIFA: Healthcare Information For All:
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:40 pm
Labels: case studies , classification , compliance , corruption , crime , drugs , global health , governance , health , health systems , justice , law , mapping , outcomes , policy , publications , research , resources , risk , safety
Reflection is an important human ability. It can be variously described as - reasoning, problem solving, introspection ... but an ability of self-reflect and critique our circumstances in a balanced, mature, objective way is an important skill that should ideally be shaped like so many others in childhood. Education and health literacy matters.
Evidence for reflection and reflective practice for nurses and other health professionals remains rather sparse and contested. There can be ethical challenges and assessment and measurement of reflection and reflective practice is problematic.
Hodges' model can support individual reflection providing a framework to facilitate person centred, integrated and holistic care. Globally there is no generic conceptual framework. Here is a candidate!
The parity of esteem debate that is so often heard in the political domain, becomes a stark fact of life to the individual in their physical and mental health. The two must be integrated.
Policy makers look to the SCIENCES domain to find the technical and analytical tools to study demographic trends and produce national statistics.
Health providers are increasingly having to deliver services for individuals and programmes for population health. Data and Big Data all contribute through national governments to regional centers and the WHO.
Far from the binary logic of maths and the technical wonders it gives rise to, here in the SOCIOLOGICAL domain the YES or NO to having next of kin, partner, family and friends is pivotal from a mental health perspective.
There is an irony that the size and stability of someone's social network is an indicator of their staying well; while social media can act as a force for good, or a negative force aimed at those vulnerable to bullying and abuse.
Effective communication is situated and ultimately determined by context: personal, local, glocal and global. |
In this domain, whichever corner you turn to, it is politicised: be it funding for services; the word 'recovery'; the very existence and acknowledgement of mental health allied to human rights and service provision; employment and welfare; policy for access, diversity, equity, gender, equality.... mental health is manifest with political dimensions.
How are the needs of specific groups met, children, youths, women, men...? Mental health law is crucial for personal and public safety. How this is conducted and governed is a measure of a modern state and please note the distance from the INTRA- INTERPERSONAL domain at upper left. |
Posted by
Peter Jones
11:44 pm
Labels: #WMHD , activism , awareness , care domains , global , global health , global health framework , Hodges' model , integrated care , mental health , policy , psychology , sciences
(Robinson Crusoe & Friday) #OscarsSoWhite Group Psychology Behavioural Economics | Queen of Katwe |
Posted by
Peter Jones
4:32 pm
Labels: activism , Africa , competition , dichotomy , diversity , drama , equality , film , games , identity , inclusion , individual , media , narrative , opportunity , prejudice , race , skills , storytelling
I may as well face it: I am tarred with the same brush that paints psychiatry, hospital and community mental health services these days (and nights). Sometimes the media, with due cause I sadly add, dispenses with the brush: the paint comes by the bucket full and is hurled.
As a product of the Victorian asylum system I am bound to be tainted. This seems to be the case when seeking feedback on Hodges' model from activists for anti-psychiatry, patient activism, engagement, self-care, carers rights and recovery. There are those who feel even the latter is a political foil that stabs at the heart and mind of those in desperate need of mental health care. The situation is exacerbated even further, such is the politicisation of healthcare and mental health in-particular since austerity cast its shadow on funding.
In seeking comment on Hodges' model this is very much about pros and cons. Hodges' model being from the 1980's is an historical artifact, but I beg to differ as to its relevance. To that audience Hodges' model is probably the antithesis of "Love at First Sight". Like the psychiatric system and the legal powers it can exercise, the model says;
"The students gathered in response to an email ... Philosophy Ethics Individual Psychology (Robinson Crusoe) | (email...) It asked whether the economics they were learning, dominated by mathematical formula and abstract models, was relevant to the real world." "How far can economics be called a real science?" "Earle complains that the repeated use of such formulaic models presents a "closed system", immune to external interrogation. "You are taught a narrow way of thinking about the economy as this set of rules and laws not to be questioned and not to be engaged with," he says. ..." |
(Robinson Crusoe & Friday) Group Psychology Behavioural Economics | He would like, he says, to "put politics, and philosophy and, well, ethics back into economics by teaching it as a "contested", cross-disciplinary subject..." "Post-Crash Economics has folded into Rethinking Economics" Post-Crash Economics Society |
Posted by
Peter Jones
10:31 pm
Labels: activism , critical thinking , curricula , debate , economics , ethics , heterodoxy , history , Hodges' model , humanistic , ideas , learning , maths , mechanistic , philosophy , pluralism , practice , sciences , students , theory
Posted by
Peter Jones
10:05 pm
Labels: #WeGotThis , awareness , career , change , employment , images , individual , nursing , organisations , professions , public , public understanding , recruitment , roles , society , video , work , workforce
Born in Liverpool, UK.
Community Mental Health Nurse NHS, Part-time Lecturer,
Researcher Nursing & Technology Enhanced Learning
Registered Nurse - Mental Health & General
Community Psychiatric Nursing (Cert.) MMU
PG Cert. Ed.
BA(Joint Hons.) Computing and Philosophy - BIHE - Bolton
PG(Dip.) Collaboration on Psychosocial Education [COPE] Univ. Man.
MRES. e-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, Lancaster Univ.
Live and work in NW England - seeking a global perspective.
The views expressed on W2tQ are entirely my own, unless stated otherwise.
Comments are disabled.
If you would like to get in touch please e-mail me at h2cmng AT