Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: September 2017

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Saturday, September 30, 2017

"Kind of Blue" Balance in all Things?

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia I (1514)

"Writing three decades ago about Austrian literature, the German author WG Sebald made a case for melancholia as a form of resistance. It was tempting, he said in Die Beschreibung des Unglücks (“The Description of Disaster”), to see the drive to describe misery as reactionary. But in fact, it could be much more productive and radical: “Melancholia, the contemplation of the dismal plight we are in, has nothing in common with the desire to die . . . Describing the dismal plight we face contains the possibility of overcoming it.”

My source:
Feigel, L. (2017) Kind of blue. FT Weekend, Life&Arts, 23-24 September. p.9.

"Lara Feigel is the curator (with John-Paul Stonard) of ‘Melancholia. A Sebald Variation’, an exhibition that runs in King’s College London’s Inigo Rooms from 21 September - 10 December."

Albrecht Dürer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Monday, September 25, 2017

ERCIM News No. 111 Special Theme "Digital Humanities"

Dear ERCIM News Reader,

ERCIM News No. 111 has just been published at https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/

The Special Theme "Digital Humanities" is dedicated to new projects and trends in the interdisciplinary domain between computer science and the humanities.
Guest editors: George Bruseker (ICS-FORTH), László Kovács (MTA-SZTAKI), Franco Niccolucci (University of Florence)


This issue is also available for download in pdf and ePUB

Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News. Feel free to forward this message to others who might be interested.

Next issue:
No. 112, January 2018 - Special Theme: "Quantum Computing" ...

Best regards,
Peter Kunz
ERCIM News editor in chief

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Lines, opposites and unity

"The point, then, is that lines join the opposites as well as distinguish them. And that precisely is the essence and function of all real lines and surfaces in nature. They explicitly mark off the opposites while at the same time time they implicitly unify them. For example, let's draw the line representing a concave figure, as follows: 
concave   (convex) 
But notice immediately that with the very same line I have also created a convex figure. This is what the Taoist sage Lao Tzu meant when he said that all opposites arise simultaneously and mutually." (p.25)

Wilber, K. (2001) No Boundary,  Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth. Boston: Shambhala.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

"Invisible Countries": What are you saying? More to the point what on Earth are you thinking...?

The book in the previous post that prompts this has its own content and creative rationale, but taking the title literally...

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

So, you take your identity, country, 
nationality for granted?

You give scant regard for your citizenship when so many are stateless.

Do you possess a passport?

A national ID number of some sort?

There's no need for borders. But they do predict the struggles to follow over access to water, the position of dams. This is where we literally co-locate (with the political domain) the geo-political.

You may have a point though:

 "The first day or so we all pointed to our countries. The third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day, we were aware of only one Earth." --Sultan bin Salman Al-Saud, astronaut

You also take your family heritage, possibly your 'good' family name for granted?

Who do you think you are?

Don't you realise you are history?

Are you a pacificist? That is what many will glean from such a stance.

What's that?
Oh, I see you are a citizen of the world?

"The love of one's country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?" --Pablo Casals

Stop struggling. We are all victims of history.

See also: iWish 2059

Quotations: c/o http://www.worldbeyondborders.org/quotes.htm

Friday, September 15, 2017

iWish 2059 ....?

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

My source: Sylph Editions

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fallding: 'model'

"The ideal type, as a case of the heuristic, resembles what is now called a model. ... He [Nagel] makes model refer simply to the mental imagery with which we clothe our theoretical entities in order to have some pictorial grasp of them : ... essentially analogies, yet they do more than help us visualize; they help our thinking to unfold by taking it in new directions. 
[Model] is taken to mean a system of concepts that is useful in mapping the variables in a field under investigation. It may be a corner of a field or the whole field of the subject: a model may be of bureaucracy, for instance, or of society in general. ... in scientific work we do not start out with an empty mind, nor even with isolated hypotheses. We start with a guess about the whole structure of our universe of discourse. The coherence that goes into this system of concepts, a coherence whereby each concept is defined by the relationship in which it stands to the others, is analogous to explanation but is not explanation in fact. For it is not an account of reality as it has been experienced" (p. 510).

Harold Fallding. Explanatory Theory, Analytical Theory and the Ideal Type. In. Thompson, K. and Tunstall, J. (eds.): Sociological Perspectives, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1971.

Excerpt from Harold Fallding. (1968) The sociological task. Prentice-Hall.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Logical Levels Behavioural Model - mapped to Hodges' model

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

Beliefs & Values

(Interpersonal) Skills

Environment (cognitive access)
Environment (physical access)

Identity (Body image)

Practical Skills & Capabilities

(Social) Environment

Identity (Social Roles)

(Cultural) Values
(Work, Political status - Citizenry)

Environment (Accessibility)

My source: HIFA forum

Dear HIFA Colleagues

I would like to share with you what I have found to be a simple and practical behavioural model which can be used as a framework for designing, reviewing and enhancing health promotion interventions.

The “Logical Levels” model proposes that the change or maintenance of a particular behaviour must be supported at various ‘neurological levels’: “Environment”, “Skills and Capabilities”, “Beliefs and Values” and “Identity”. All levels must be appropriately and effectively addressed and failure to address any one of the levels can undermine the impact of a health promotion intervention.

For example, relating the model to condom use: Even if someone can get condoms easily (Environment), can use them properly and negotiate their use with a sexual partner (Skills and Capabilities) and believes they are highly effective at preventing HIV, other STIs and unintended pregnancy (Beliefs and Values), Identities such as “I am useless and worthless” or “I am a macho stud” may still prevent them from actually using condoms. In such cases, a shift at the level of Identity is also needed to support condom use.

This article (http://www.boht.org/key-concepts.aspx/#LogicalLevels) presents the Logical Levels model and how it can be used to enhance health promotion interventions, with the illustrative example of how it has informed the development of a training kit which addresses condom use at all the different logical levels.

Best Regards

Peter Labouchere
BRIDGES OF HOPE TRAINING - Transformational Training for Healthy Lives
E-mail: peter AT boht.org
Skype: peterlabouchere
Website: www.boht.org

HIFA profile: Peter Labouchere is a Training Consultant / Executive Director at Bridges of Hope Training, South Africa. Professional interests: Developing innovative training materials and engaging participatory training methodologies to address (throughout Africa and beyond) a spectrum of health and behaviour change issues including HIV-prevention, testing, treatment, stigma, positive living, PMTCT and Medical Male Circumcision. peter AT boht.org

Monday, September 11, 2017

The Radical, Interpretative and Functionalist in Hodges' model

 SUBJECTIVE ------------------------------------ OBJECTIVE
humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

This post (subject to further revision) is intended to highlight the similarities of the above structural and conceptual basis for Hodges' model and a table and figure in Keith Tudor's book from 1996 'Mental Health Promotion' from which I drew a post earlier in the year:

Inner model II: Hodges' model - helping to locate Social Sciences...

In this post I'm returning to what are some pivotal figures in regard to the status of Hodges' model. Viewing this below you are invited to simultaneously superimpose Hodges' model.


'Radical humanist'

individual experience of health and autonomy in making healthy choices
'Radical structuralist'

materialist view of natural and social world

actors involved in the social process


regulated behaviour - 
and regulating healthy behaviour (pp.46-49)


In the book Figure 1.4 is  reproduced above with the 'subjective' and 'objective' to the left and right respectively. I have placed these within the axes of Hodges' model topmost. I appreciate you do need the text (especially table 1.3 and the many references provided) to understand Tudor's purposes in defining mental health. The book is well worth locating - despite its age. I must admit I already have three books in the box for the next trip to Hay. This one though is a keeper. Whilst in Hodges' model the vertical axis is:
(dyad) group (population)

this is not challenged by the dual sociological form above and in the book. Health and social care are predicated on the individual in the first instance. Change lies with the individual. We are all social beings, socialised entities.

Keith Tudor writes (p.33):
Drawing on the notion of paradigm, developed by Kuhn (1970), and putting these two dimensions, the subjective-objective and the regulation-radical change, together as axes, Burrell and Morgan (1979) define four distinct sociological paradigms (figure 1.4).  
... First, although each paradigm will contain a variety of viewpoints there will be, nevertheless, a 'commonality of perspectives', an essential unity within the paradigm, defined and described by the differences between the paradigms. Secondly, 'all social theorists can be located within the context of these four paradigms according to the meta-theoretical assumptions reflected in their work' (Burrell and Morgan, 1979, p.24). The paradigms thus provide a useful map with which to explore conflicting theories and practices. Thirdly, the four paradigms are mutually exclusive: a synthesis is not possible' (Ibid., p.25).
I am still digesting this. Even to wondering that a synthesis may be possible, even if fudged through a series of overlays?

This occasional paper by Tudor may be also help:
Mental Health and Health Promotion

My source: Table 1.3 A scheme for analysing assumptions about the nature of society in relation to mental health. Figure 1.4 Four paradigms for the analysis of social theory (Burrell and Morgan, 1979, p.22) & In Tudor, K. (1996). Mental Health Promotion, Paradigms and practice, Part 1 Defining the field; Chapters 1-2. London: Routledge, pp.32-33.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lancaster: Launch event for the AffecTech Innovative Training Network

We hope you will join us for a special evening at Lancaster’s beautiful Ashton Memorial Hall to celebrate the launch of AffecTech, a prestigious digital health research initiative.

Where: Ashton Memorial Hall, Williamson Park, Lancaster 

When: Monday September 18th 2017, 7pm-9.30pm 

Why: AffecTech is a Marie Curie Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission, dedicated to delivering effective low cost self-help technologies to help sufferers of affective health conditions such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorders. Coordinated by Lancaster University, and benefiting from leading European and global partners including the UK’s NHS, Oxford University and technology giant Philips, the goals, scale and expertise of AffecTech is unique, integrating the latest innovations in personal tech for mental health, with the most influential clinical psychology insights into emotion regulation. 

This event is organised by the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University and will be an exclusive opportunity to network with leading partners from the digital health sector, and learn more about innovations in wearable technologies for mental health.

There will be complementary drinks and canapés, music and a full bar.

Please confirm your participation by signing up on Eventbrite (password: AffecTech):

We are looking forward to seeing you there. 

For further information and contact details, please visit: http://www.affectech.org/

PRESS RELEASE: Tuesday 5 September 2017
Research into wearables technology set to transform the future of mental healthcare

[ I attended - best wishes to all on a great research journey and initiative.
My source: a direct message from @Affec_Tech ]

AffecTech Launch

Friday, September 08, 2017

Hodges' model: a New Invention

Created in the early 1980s, Hodges' model is clearly not a -

'New Invention' P. Halling

While Hodges' model is not a new invention, we have always needed to way-find. Maps are very powerful and even more so now that the world is literally within our grasp. What forms of way-finding can Hodges' model encompass ...

Psyche's journey: All aboard!?
The journey that is life and death... within which and beyond is the arrival of love.
The anatomy and physiology of the human body - the journey called development.
The wound healing journey, the granulated path.
The many skills to become more acutely aware of and honed to be a more effective communicator.
The ways and means by which a clinical procedure MUST be followed - with the essential detours that must include psychological considerations and assuring that 
dignity, respect and privacy are upheld.
This ineffable stuff called information how do we arrive there from data?
From information what is the direction of travel to knowledge - 
is W1S D0M a postcode?
This ineffable stuff called evidence, where is that to be found 
and then by what routes can it be applied?
The journey of the health and social care record from blank to comprehensive.
The journey past the signage (paper ... IT systems) that denotes local vocabularies.
The student's journey from novice to expert.
The patient's journey from illness to recovery; relapse to recovery, 
through palliative care to end of life.
Transitions: from care at home, to hospital, home or residential setting.
The patient's journey to hospital: paramedics, ambulance, corridors and bays, 
accident & emergency, ward, transfers, home.
The patient's narrative journey repeated to own doctor, paramedics, nurse, another doctor, social worker, physiotherapist, occupational therapist (not as long as it used to be?).
Crisis informational: worry - going for tests, scan ... attending clinic for results.
 Informational and temporal compression of the above due to headwinds of pressure on beds.
Self-referral journey to destinations (services) and agencies to be confirmed.
The medication journey (not yet personalised) absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion.
The other medication journey that precedes (reconnoitre) rationale, information giving, consent, titration, established regime, withdrawal, medication stopped.
The terrible journey that sees family losing their loved ones twice over.
Explicit and implicit journeys how closely observed formally and informally.
The trip around the other hubs that also turn: the bed hub, social services hub...
The journey through the calendar that is reflected in so many diaries.
The journey called supervision and why is the start session square so hard to find - time for?
The journey called allocation from referral to assignment of care coordinator. 
The journey through procedure land which includes a territory called complaints.
There is the healthcare journey that claims respect as it is predicated upon the postcode.
The journey of idealism and legacy that is called integrated, 
person centred, holistic care and reflective practice...?
Care programme approach review - initial, intermediate, discharge meeting and community review.
The path clearly delineated but less (not yet) travelled
 - health promotion, preventive medicine, self-care, self-efficacy and health literacy (education).
The journey through so many environments: inner - outer space.
The journey that is hope... and Psyche's way-finder...

How many of the care domains of Hodges' model 
do you ensure you pass through - including the spiritual?

Of course, this list only scratches the surface...

All these journeys can be found and navigated through Hodges' model.

WEST--------------------------------------- EAST

As for the sign 'New Invention'...

Last Saturday at 0700 I left WN4 and headed south for Hay-on-Wye. I arrived at 0930 after passing through Clun and the hamlet of New Invention. I returned with a box of secondhand books, including a couple on education history purchased on my last visit in November 2015. These were useful in the studies at Lancaster. Once sold, 22 books in all, I had £20. Six other books went to the charity shop. An enjoyable trip.

Photo by Philip Halling, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

Monday, September 04, 2017

Ethical concerns: Four principles approach (in Hodges' model)

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic

Noordraven, E.L., Maartje H. N. Schermer, M.H.N., Blanken, P., Mulder, C.L. & Wierdsma, A.I. (2017). Ethical acceptability of offering financial incentives for taking antipsychotic depot medication: patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives after a 12-month randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 17: 313. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-017-1485-x

Priebe, S., Bremner, S.A., Lauber, C., Henderson, C. & Burns, T. (2016). Financial incentives to improve adherence to antipsychotic maintenance medicationin non-adherent patients: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment, 20 (70). pp. 1-122. ISSN 1366-5278 DOI: 10.3310/hta20700

My source:

Gillon (below) highlights a debate that is ongoing and even more acute given the ethical challenges of today. Interesting also that in 1994 attention to scope could provide a level of assurance(?):

Gillon, R. Medical ethics: four principles plus attention to scope. BMJ. 1994;309(6948):184–8.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

21st Century Discipline(s): Trump - Deleuze

humanistic --------------------------------------- mechanistic
"The encounter between two disciplines ... does not take place when one reflects on the other, ...
but when one discipline realizes that it has to resolve, for itself, ...by its own means, a problem similar to one confronted by the other." – Deleuze

My source: http://thebeautifulbrain.com/