Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: February 2025

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, February 28, 2025


Ava and Tammie

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      


qualitative - quantitative



Previously: 'Rare'

Thursday, February 27, 2025

(In-person) Seminar: Healthism, Neurodiversity, and Respectability Politics

Accustomed to posting news of many seminars and events that I cannot attend, this one does produce some frustration in that it is of marked interest but in-person. I am reaching out, seeking slides, and papers, and will follow-up, as for me, Professor Kukla's seminar really 'speaks' to Hodges' model. The relation conjoins the individual and collective, as it did originally for Brian Hodges in creating the eponymous model:

Hodges' model is invariably potentiated, as are all conceptual (idealised) models to encompass self-care, individual health care through to family, public and population health. As posted previously, the family(!) of -isms can be represented too:


Seminar Series in Analytic Philosophy 2024-25: Session 15

Healthism, Neurodiversity, and Respectability Politics

Quill Kukla (Georgetown University)

28 February 2025, 16:00 (Lisbon Time – WET)

Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa, Sala Mattos Romão [C201.J] (Departamento de Filosofia)


Abstract: “Healthism” is the pervasive ideology according to which each of us is responsible for valuing and protecting our own health and prioritizing health over other values, while society has the right to enforce, surveil, and reward healthy living. Neurodiversity and other forms of cognitive difference are generally understood through the lens of health: they are taken as diagnosable pathological conditions that should be treated or mitigated via medical interventions. Putting these two ideas together, neurodivergent people are supposed to try to be “healthy,” through pharmaceuticals, behavioral therapy, and the like, and society has an investment in making them be “healthy.” But neurodivergence is not a morbidity in a typical sense, so it is unclear what “health” means in this context. In practice, our societal standards for health for neurodivergent people are defined in terms of what avoids disrupting neurotypical expectations and systems or making neurotypical people uncomfortable. “Health,” for neurodivergent people, is in effect respectability—it is not defined in terms of their own needs or flourishing but in relation to the norms and needs of others. This can be seen from a close reading of diagnostic definitions and official medical “treatment” methods and goals. Trying to “treat” neurodivergent people by making them respectable citizens who are palatable within neurotypical productivity culture is usually likely to backfire; typically bad for their own well-being, and a social loss.

See also: 'recovery'

Jones P. (2014) Using a conceptual framework to explore the dimensions of recovery and their relationship to service user choice and self-determination. International Journal of Person Centered Medicine. Vol 3, No 4, (2013) pp.305-311.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Feb 2025 Black History Month - Maths & Nursing

 Contributions of Famous Black Mathematicians

Image c/o https://mathandmovement.com/

and Major Nancy Leftenant-Colon

'Trailblazing black nurse who made national news by being the first to join the regular US army'.

Leftenant-Colon, above centre - joined the regular military in 1948 as
a member of the US Army Nurse Corps. Her work had to be outstanding

Nancy Leftenant-Colon

My source: print copy -
Register, Major Nancy Leftenant-Colon. Obituaries. The Times, 15 February 2025, pp.70-71.
and photograph plus caption.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

So, I can proceed, fall flat on my face - [ concepts-maths iii/iii ]

- and utilise the inevitable!

'Decades after struggling to understand math as a boy, Alec Wilkinson decides to embark on a journey to learn it as a middle-aged man. What begins as a personal challenge—and it's challenging—soon transforms into something greater than a belabored effort to learn math. Despite his incompetence, Wilkinson encounters a universe of unexpected mysteries in his pursuit of mathematical knowledge and quickly becomes fascinated; soon, his exercise in personal growth (and torture) morphs into an intellectually expansive exploration.' 


A Divine Language

As observed many times in the literature and here on W2tQ writing about Hodges' model, healthcare - medicine and nursing are both a science and art. Hodges' model is an invitation to the arts in liberal form, with an emphasis on practice: social sciences, humanities, physical sciences and even mathematics. 

There is now quite a bank of posts on W2tQ tagged art/arts and more specifically prints. I still plan to attend a workshop on printing. As ever, in my head, my mind's eye - I've an amazing, brilliant .. (!?) arts project, just waiting to be released. A true collage of the care concepts.

If Hodges' model is 'simple' in its basic form, then it is clearly possible for other people to create their own artistic impressions, interpretation of Hodges' model. My effort would of course be unique, as would theirs. There could be a competition and I end-up missing out. Not even short-listed for a prize; a victm of familiarity perhaps? 

Quite 'naturally' in a way, or at least by way of childhood experiences, a need for therapy and validation; I have also arrived at a belief that there is a mathematical project here (Oh, for goodness sake! Is there no end to this?). 

As posted before, like Alec Wilkinson I am no mathematician. Embarrased, shamed to a husk at school on many occasions, I encountered math teachers who must have empathised. Well, that's one way to explain the appreciation of maths I have always felt. Or more accurately, a love of knowledge; of which maths and logic are a part? Since I can hardly understand, I am more in love with the idea of maths, than mathematics itself. I have always been in awe of maths and people who 'get it', even if that is only  mastery of the high school mathematics curriculum.

Convinced that there is more to Hodges' model than meets the eye, I have thought of following Wilkinson - who tries to be systematic - to underpin a book - back into the nightmare lands of my youth. Should I retake GCSE maths? 'There be dragons', without a doubt. The heat can be recalled, like it was yesterday. This isn't just a dragon, it is a chimera. At times it wants to be a friend, providing familiar terms, domain, set, and group. Wilkinson's quest is structured and seeks a reasoned and disciplined approach. Why am I bothering? I have a choice surely? Nursing, health, global health can all collectively furnish many items of epistemological fruit. No need for calculative flagellation. Through Hodges' model you can productively span the disciplinary bridges once again: call in - sociology, economics, policy and more. How many Königsberg bridges do you need?

While the artist in me, might waste time. In pointing to Hodges' model as a potential mathematical object, this little seed might fall on fertile and (much) more capable ground(?), as Wilkinson describes:

'Mathematics might be the only creative pursuit in which inevitability figures. Other artists might be defeated by a task beyond their capabilities, but they do not live with knowing that sooner or later, if their work is consequential, someone will do what they haven't been able to do. Mathematicians work within a discipline in which, so long as their suppositions are correct, there is always a precise and irrefutable answer, even if they can't find it.' p.135.

I can hope for this at least.

Alec Wilkinson. (2022) A Divine Language. Learning Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus at the Edge of Old Age. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250168580/adivinelanguage/

Previously: How 'divine' is the language of care?

n.b. At some point I will go though all the posts and unpublish/delete items that add little to the core.

Monday, February 24, 2025

SSMJ February 2025 - South Sudan Medical Journal

Dear Reader,

The full issue of our February 2025 issue is online here; the articles are listed below. 

  • South Sudan cholera outbreak: A call to improve sanitation Ruot Garjiek Teny 
Research Articles 
  • Prevalence and associated risk factors of hepatitis B virus infections among women of reproductive age in Juba, South Sudan Ezbon WApary, Akway M. Cham, Oromo F. Seriano 
  • Management and outcome of women requiring massive blood transfusion after childbirth: A cross-sectional study at Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania Wangwe Peter Joseph, Sawe Eshi-Fisha Linda, Meda Elineema Robson 
  • Addressing barriers in paediatric tuberculosis reporting: A qualitative study of private healthcare providers’ perspectives Suryanti Chan, Idris Adewale Ahmed, Hamzah Hamzah 
  • Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of caregivers of malnourished children at the Al Sabbah Children’s Hospital, Juba, South Sudan Francis Beek Akook, Nyok Daniel Ngor 
Case Report 
  • Evaluation and surgical repair of retroperitoneal duodenal perforation following blunt trauma: A case report Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo, Abhinav Voona, Nalini Naik, and Jyotirmay Jena 
Main Articles 
  • Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (Pink Eye) in South Sudan: A review Wani Mena The Establishment of the National Public Health Institute (NPHI) in South Sudan Nyinypiu Tong, Anthony Garang, Joseph Lako 
  • The third community health workers’ symposium, Liberia, 2023: What are the implications for South Sudan’s Boma Health Initiative? Kon Alier, Solomon Anguei, William Kuon, Christopher Ajumara 
Short Communications 
  • South Sudan’s journey to defeat Guinea Worm Disease: The role of President Jimmy Carter and the Carter Center Makoy Samuel Yibi Logora 
  • Letter to the Editor: President Jimmy Carter deserves a special recognition for his work to eradicate Guinea worm in South Sudan. Victor Vuni Joseph 
  • Letter to the Editor: Simulation-based education amid conflict: The Sudanese American Medical Association experience in Sudan Mohamed Almahal, Mohamed Ahmed, Omer Gomaa, Salaheldin Abusin, Ihab Abdalrahman
  • Obituary: Maj. Dr Santino Kuot Maluil 
  • Obituary: Dr Benjamin Peter Oduk 
See the back page for instructions on how to prepare and submit manuscripts for publishing in SSMJ.

Thanks to everyone who supports SSMJ - authors, editors, and, especially, our peer reviewers.

The SSMJ team
Email: southsudanmedicaljournal AT gmail.com
Website: http://www.southsudanmedicaljournal.com
Follow us on Twitter@SSMedJournal and our Facebook Group,

SSMJ is published by the Health and Social Science Research Institute of South Sudan (HSSRI-SS)

Copyright © 2025 South Sudan Medical Journal, All rights reserved

Previously on W2tQ:

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Care concept engineering - anyone? [ concepts-maths ii/iii ]

"Concepts are the building blocks for thought, and from Socrates onward one of the goals of philosophers in the Western tradition has been to analyse important philosophical concepts like knowledge, justice, beauty and freedom. For some, the motive was just to get clearer about these fundamental units of thought. For others, the goal was more ambitious. Not content to analyse our concepts, these philosophers hoped to improve them - an old project that has recently acquired a new name: "conceptual engineering". p.98.

"Well, good conceptual engineers, like good engineers in other domains, should start with as much information as possible about which options have already been tried and how well they have worked. If we are going to build a better concept of knowledge, or justice, or moral permissibility, or freedom, we would do well to begin by seeing how these concepts (or their closest analogs) are constructed in cultures around the world, and how well existing varieties work. We would also do well not to restrict ourselves to the millennia old method of cases in studying concepts. Over the last century, linguists, anthropologists, psychologists and neuro-scientists have developed many new methods and technologies for studying concepts. Philosophers who are serious about conceptual engineering should embrace these methods." p.100.

Stich, S., Machery, E., A Possible Future For Philosophy, The Philosopher's Magazine, 1st Quarter 2018. 80: 98-100. 

You can call it [conceptual engineering] whatever you wish; in nursing, concept analysis is well established for example. However described, you may find that Hodges' model useful. If you can demonstrate that Hodges' model is not suited to the task, due to its undoubted Cartesian credentials (baggage'), then this would also be progress.

There are no doubt many previous posts this one can be connected to. Most immediately is:

- to follow iii.

This issue of TPM is long gone. In the clear out, I'd drafted these posts.

Saturday, February 22, 2025




A Sociedade Portuguesa de Filosofia, em colaboração com o Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, organiza o seu 6º Congresso Internacional, que decorrerá na Faculdade de Letras da mesma universidade, de 1 a 3 de setembro de 2025.

O Congresso é aberto à participação de todos os interessados em apresentar e discutir a sua investigação em qualquer domínio e metodologia dos estudos filosóficos. As propostas serão avaliadas anonimamente por membros de um amplo painel de especialistas.


Genia Schonbaumsfeld (Universidade de Southampton)
João Carlos Salles (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
Luísa Couto Soares (Universidade do Porto)
Olga Pombo (Universidade de Lisboa)
Viriato Soromenho-Marques (Universidade de Lisboa)

LÍNGUAS DO CONGRESSO: Português, Inglês, Francês e Espanhol


Participantes: € 80,00
Sócios da SPF: € 50,00
Estudantes (licenciatura, mestrado ou doutoramento): € 40,00
Estudantes sócios da SPF: 30€

DATA LIMITE para a submissão de propostas de comunicação: 1 de Abril de 2025


Álvaro Balsas (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga)
André Barata (Universidade da Beira Interior)
António Pedro Mesquita (Universidade de Lisboa)
Célia Teixeira (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
David Yates (Universidade de Lisboa)
Diogo Ferrer (Universidade de Coimbra)
Gil Santos (Universidade de Lisboa)
Irene Borges Duarte (Universidade de Évora)
João Cardoso Rosas (Universidade do Minho)
João Constâncio (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
José Meirinhos (Universidade do Porto)
Magda Costa Carvalho (Universidade dos Açores)
Nuno Venturinha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Pedro Galvão (Universidade de Lisboa)

EMAIL DO CONGRESSO: 6congressospf  AT gmail.com


Consulte a página do congresso no site da SPF: www.spfil.pt/6congresso





The Portuguese Philosophical Society, in partnership with the Centre of Philosophy of the University of Lisbon are organizing the 6th International Congress of Philosophy, to be held at the University’s Faculty of Letters on 1 to 3 September 2025.

The Congress welcomes all researchers interested in presenting and discussing their research in all domains of philosophical studies and according to all philosophical methodologies. Abstracts submitted will be anonymously refereed by members of a large panel of experts.


Genia Schonbaumsfeld (University of Southampton)
João Carlos Salles (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
Luísa Couto Soares (Universidade do Porto)
Olga Pombo (Universidade de Lisboa)
Viriato Soromenho-Marques (Universidade de Lisboa)

CONGRESS LANGUAGES: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish


Each proposal must indicate that it intends to be associated with one and only one of the following sections:

Teaching Philosophy (PE)
Epistemology / Philosophy of Knowledge (ET)
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art (ES)
Ethics and Bioethics (EB)
African Philosophy (AF)
Philosophy of Science (SF)
Philosophy of History (FH)
Philosophy of Language (FL)
Philosophy of Mathematics (FMA)
Philosophy of Mind (FME)
Philosophy of Nature and Environment (FN)
Philosophy of Religion (FR)
Philosophy of Law (FD)
Philosophy and Gender (FG)
Phenomenology (FE)
Luso-Brazilian Philosophy (FB)
Political Philosophy (PF)
History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (HA)
History of Modern Philosophy (HM)
Logic (LO)
Metaphysics and Ontology (MO)


Participants: € 80,00
SPF Associates: € 50,00
Students (Bac, MA or PhD): € 40,00
Student SPF Associates: 30€

DEADLINE for submitting proposals: ­­­­­­1st April 2025


Álvaro Balsas (Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga)
André Barata (Universidade da Beira Interior)
António Pedro Mesquita (Universidade de Lisboa)
Célia Teixeira ((Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
David Yates (Universidade de Lisboa)
Diogo Ferrer (Universidade de Coimbra)
Gil Santos (Universidade de Lisboa)
Irene Borges Duarte (Universidade de Évora)
João Cardoso Rosas (Universidade do Minho)
João Constâncio (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
José Meirinhos (Universidade do Porto)
Magda Costa Carvalho (Universidade dos Açores)
Nuno Venturinha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Pedro Galvão (Universidade de Lisboa)

CONGRESS EMAIL: 6congressospf AT gmail.com

HOW TO SUBMIT ABSTRACTS AND FURTHER INFORMATION on the congress page at the SPF site: www.spfil.pt/6congresso

My source:

E-mail: iestudosfilosoficos AT gmail.com

Friday, February 21, 2025

Rediscovering nursing ...? [ concepts-maths i/iii ]



'In the Introduction to his landmark book, Individuals Peter Strawson talked of the “massive central core” of human thinking that has no history … categories and concepts which, in their most fundamental character, change not at all”.'

'Strawson’s central core revolved around the need for us to identify persistent objects in a unified framework of space and time. He was not troubled that with the arrival of special and general relativity our concepts of space and time had changed, nor that our concept of middle-sized dry goods had changed to accommodate what we suppose to be their constitution by quantum particles.'

Blackburn, S. Rediscovering the Past, The Philosopher's Magazine, 1st Quarter 2018. 80: 72-73. 

Strawson, P.F. (1964). Individuals (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203221303


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Book review: #5 - Handbook on the Ethics of AI

Handbook on the Ethics of AI
If there is an overall theme to the book it is - rather inevitably -   anthropomorphism. Some argue it is consequential in nature due to the risks we are running. Sandry's chapter 10 Anthropomorphism and its Discontents begins by highlighting duality, dichotomies, and  oppositions that instantly come into effect in this emerging  theoretical, practical and policy field. If a term anthropomorphic can be 'loaded' this one carries extra baggage: history, religion, natural, aesthetic, philosophy, physical, existential. The dual issue of making a machine that looks human; versus, machines that could deceive humans (used remotely today and in situ in the future?) is considered. In our interacting with AI Tech, I found intention (and attention) of specific interest. Sandry seeks definitions, starting with dictionaries, the discussion is helpful across arts too. The reader is left well briefed and technically too: intrinsic and extrinsic forms, the role of the intentional stance, 3-factors. ...

Health is not a primary focus of the book. The index does not list healthmedicinenursing, at least not where they may be expected. The index is comprehensive but I wonder if it could be improved. Care is suggested through social robotics (p.147). Design figures again, anthropomorphically of course (p.147). Specific attention to ethics and Taking Care With Language are given (sections 6-7). I scribbled! again about care for tech - in the material, energy, and production 'costs' in an ecological sense. SUVs annoy me (sorry!) are they all necessary? On language, I thought back to McDermott D (1985) Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity, In MIND DESIGN, Haugeland J (Ed), MIT Press, London, p.144-145:

Balance in subjectivity and objectivity of stances and resulting content / conclusions can be difficult to achieve and represent. The latter section prompts respond to frustration with the term anthropomorphism. I found myself in a couple's lounge, as a community mental health nurse, acutely aware of the role of proxies in dementia care; as Sandry described Paula Sweeney's 'fictional dualism' (8, 150). Hodges' model fits well here too, regards anxiety. To socialbots, I added carebots. There seems potential in sociomorphing.

As noted previously, reflection and relation-al points litter the text. In Jecker's chapter 11 A Relational Approach to Moral Standing for Robots and AI this is more explicit. Jecker refers to care of others - as animals too. In computer science and seeking to retain a socio-technical perspective, I've seen potential in capability and maturity frameworks. Section 2 provides some discussion of the former. One of the first words I looked up in the index was isomorphic. It wasn't listed but I found reference to it on page 157: '... a community of robots psychologically isomorphic to to human beings that share our psychology ...'. Maths is a focus here, even though I must try to utilise AI to aid my learning and understanding. This is - must be an outcome of reading HEoAI.

The section on (self-)counsciousness is engaging and not limited (again) to machine intelligence. Subjectivity arises again. I wrote a note re. the precautionary principle, my 'prompt' the ethical principle. A gift was dicovered in 3. A CONCEPTUAL REFLECTION and within 3.2 Relational Ethics, preceded by the potential of Kant, utilitarian and vurtue ethics. While not wishing to virtue signal I've long speculated on how other cultures could inform nursing theory and models of care. Jecker incorporates the African philosophy of ubuntu in relational ethics. Student's would enjoy this, especially as Jecker (Source: Author) provides tables laying out the ethical approaches and robot & AI capabilities. This can also encompass older adults and care contexts with social robots. Nussbaum's capabilities applied to human development is also adopted here - another useful reminder:

(And, once again I recall Nussbaum's talk on Aristotle.) In post #4 I wrote of the rubbish scene in the film A.I. Artificial Intelligence, but it's here (p.166) that I wrote the note. There is so much I'm skimming over - believe it not.

The conclusion in mentioning a hybrid future consisting of both humanistic and mechanistic agents appears to find an additional theoretical and practical ally in Hodges' model?

Chapter 12 by Navas is AI Ethics, Aesthetics, Art and Artistry visits the history and philosophy of this subject too, esp. from 1700s. With Žižek and Deleuze there is much prepatory reading for would-be undergrads - and general readers keen to have an awareness of contemporary issues. There is quite a triad here - disassembled - across several sections. I have quoted from the volume many times, but p.179 concerns empathy: 
'Empathy challenges the ongoing optimization of technology, because it takes time to exercise it. A person needs time to think about whatever issue, situation, thing, or person they may empathize with. In other words, empathy is essential for humans to understand and figure their relation to others and their surroundings. Empathy, if practiced reflexively, can lead to critical thinking. which may not lead to clear results but the activity may and often does end in "wasted" time if framed under the drive for efficiency, which is clearly something Al is designed to achieve. And lastly, empathy, because it has been foundational to art, is also part of art's long-term resistance against capitalism's exponential dependence on speed of production. At the core of AI ethics, then, we find speed of production and consumption coming in conflict with human existence itself. Humans are proving to be inefficient actors in the very system they built for their own benefit, which obsessively demands faster cultural activity from people, which (to be blunt) translates to an unapologetic and incessant desire for profit.' pp.179-180.
Section 6 on creativity AND speed is fascinating, especially as human-machine (brain) interfaces develop apace. Concerned as I am with what is a metacognitive tool, 8 Metacreativity formed the conclusion of chapter 12. The notes refer to generative coding which has come up in various webinars.

Silent Running: Film
Briefly, chapter 13 covers AI and the Environment. It is amazing (or not) how in a few sentences your mind can be changed? From "Really!" upon reading 'species culling', to this being explained in the crown-of-thorns starfish (hence COTSbot) and the toll on coral in Queensland. There are robots-for-ecology. I smiled returning to Silent Running's Dewey, Huey, and Louie becoming reality. Facinating point in: what is collective must be recognised in terms of causation. Appropriatly, PEAS is an acronym: probalistic weather event attribution studies are a reality in conjunction with remote sensing and tracking.

Drones are also developing apace, and applied robotics - tree-climbing. Less reassuring (adding to nature's precarity?) are artificial insects to undertake pollination; more positively reducing the impact of chemical and toxic spills. Simulation for training is well established in medicine and nursing; section 2.3 addresses this were PEAS form super-ensembles of data (I like that). PEAS can also have a role in determining an evidence-base and demonstrating it is hoped provenance for that evidence in the movement of populations, for example, climate refugees. In conflicts, human rights and justice, forensic architecture is of course well established: Forensic Architecture (Care Forensics?)

The summative nature in closing chapter 13 is a helpful approach which I will possibly try to duplicate.

Socio-technical approaches are found in chapter 14 Uses and Abuses of AI Ethics by Frank & Klincewicz. Understandably, boundaries play a large role, as you would expect in deliberating value and values, moral patients and agents. The Collingridge dilemma is discussed, regards putting in place controls for a technology while it is still in development, otherwise control may be lost (p.213). Diversity, a story of the moment - closes out this chapter. There is a 'nice' continuity across chapters to
15 The (Un)bearable Whiteness of AI Ethics by Syed Mustafa Ali et al. (the first note highlights the format is a dialogue). The (colonial) politics of north-SOUTH are duly noted and Africa (section 4). Section 8 points to technological (and health) colonialism. I take as a positive that the 'hyphen' also has a place (S.10).

The Savage Mind

Again related, as per the book's structured parts, chapter 16 Ethics beyond Ethics: AI, Power, and Colonialism by Kim prompts the reader to revisit the concepts of 'other', alterity even if 'understood'. I pencilled 'Savage Mind' here. Machines are posited as the colonial other. There will be a repeated argument as in response to humankind's going back to the moon (to stay) and on to Mars. We should sort Earth out first. So too for inclusion and the machines. What about the people who are excluded, disenfranchised and increasingly so? I wondered (previously) if (even) more could be made a transparency? Noting the word subaltern, it appears this has suddenly been attributed to Ukraine? On disability and ableism reminded also of radio history and 'Does He Take Sugar?'

The statement: 'Machines are perceived as distant - temporally, spatially, or socially - and different from human culture.' p.234. Is, so true.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
cognitive - conceptual
time, space
human cultures

'Binary-opposition' and the need to think outside of this is acknowledged. And as if (perhaps) to stress both distance and proximity, I wrote 'mobius' in the margin (p.238). Hutchings (2015) sounds a valuable reference: 'Ethical Encounters - Encountering Ethics'. The books I've read contribute to evidence to revalidate my nurse registration. I realise I've sold-myself short in listing the book's titles. Although not discussed here the remaining chapters are excellent critical reading at a time when diversity, equality and inclusion policies are being rolled-back and undone. I will highlight these:

  • 17 Disabling AI: Biases and Values Embedded in Artificial Intelligence (quoted in 'Do you fit the description?')
  • 18 The AI Imaginary: AI, Ethics and Communication
  • 19 Feminist Ethics and AI: A Subfield of Feminist Philosophy of Technology
  • 20 Buddhism and the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • 21 Queering the Ethics of AI

In chapter 16 'Ethics beyond Ethics...' just before the conclusion I will carry forward a sentence -
'Forming an identity requires that "I identify something or someone beyond me" - with one or more categories persons, non-human others, acts, ideals, values, or social systems' (p.243).
- and the points following, and end there.

Many thanks to David J. Gunkel (Editor), the many contributors, and Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd for my copy. I have greatly enjoyed and learned much from reading this book.

Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. David J. Gunkel (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978 1 80392 671 1245

Silent Running 
The Savage Mind

Related previous posts: 'general + AI'

*That early streak of competitiveness was clearly educated out of me.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Frayn's - shared 'Home Address'

Frequently I've made the point that 'person-centred' means placing the individual, patient, carer ... whatever the context, at the centre of Hodges' model. At the same time this is of course an idealisation:

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

What is your
'home' address?

'Science, it turns out, is in this respect simply an extension of all the other means we have found of representing the world. As with pictures and narratives, the world is unimaginable without the focus of a viewpoint. To understand the world in any way whatsoever scientifically, historically, artistically, anecdotally, imaginatively we find ourselves compelled to assume a potential point of convergence from which everything is  viewed, measured, and recounted. About the entity that defines this point we know only that it is by definition invisible to us. And since the instruments of science, of logic and mathematics, and of art, are all products of this invisible entity, they will not serve to represent or explain it to us. Anything in the world, or out of it, can be perceived or thought about, or both, and represented in our various codes. The only thing that systematically eludes us, whichever way we turn, is the something upon which everything else depends. The conscious subject that gives meaning to the objective universe cannot give meaning to itself. Without it nothing can be understood; about it nothing can be said. 
'The point of convergence . . .' And already we've gone wrong. The self isn't a point, in any remotely geometrical sense, but a complex organisation; and the consciousness that it generates, and by which it is animated, is a complex phenomenon.' pp.401-402. (my emphasis)

Frayn, Michael (2006). The human touch: our part in the creation of a universe. 'Home Address', Chapter 5. London: Faber & Faber. 

A final post from my paperback copy, next - off to a good secondhand home. Previously: 'Frayn'.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Outcomes for Patients with for Long-Term Health Conditions

 Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are organising a Special Session: Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Outcomes for Patients with for Long-Term Health Conditions

(https://aiih.cc/lthc/) in the International Conference on AI in Healthcare (AIiH), 8-10 September 2025, Jesus College, University of Cambridge.

We would like to accept both full length papers (12 pages plus references) and short abstracts (up to 5 pages including references) for special sessions. Submission guideline can be found here, including paper templates in both Word and LaTeX: https://aiih.cc/paper-submission/

The accepted full papers and abstracts will be published in the Springer LNCS volumes.

Full Paper submission deadline:            Friday 11 April 2025

Abstract submission deadline:               Monday 30 June 2024

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Best wishes

Shang-Ming Zhou

Professor in e-Health | Faculty of Health | University of Plymouth | PL4 8AA | UK.

Email :  shangming.zhou AT plymouth.ac.uk; smzhou AT ieee.org



Sunday, February 16, 2025

Book review: #4 - Handbook on the Ethics of AI

Chapter 7 is no doubt one of the engine rooms of this book. In AI Ethics and Machine Ethics, John-Stewart Gordon follows preceding authors citing Nyholm and others. This probably helps the overall coherence of the book, and underlines what is a dynamic and emerging field. Reading 'What is AI ethics?' (p.98), I made a note about our humanity's cognitive house-keeping (and other life-forms?) executed through sleep, the ability to unlearn, and forget. Efforts to mitigate machine bias are provided in a list 1-5 (p.100). As observed previously, this author is also thinking on their feet (and very well too) with 'Source: Author's own' in a figure for the systemic place of machine ethics and another (table) 7.1 'Four approaches to machine ethics'.

3.4 considers the challenges involved in developing ethical AI systems. As in healthcare, we see where the (problem of) 'many hands' emerges from:
'Developing ethical AI systems requires collaboration between computer scientists, ethicists, and other stakeholders, which can be challenging due to differences in expertise, terminology, and perspectives. Computer scientists bring technical expertise to the table, while ethicists provide insights on moral principles and values that should guide AI behavior. However, these experts often operate within their own domains and may lack a common language to effectively communicate and collaborate. 
Other stakeholders, such as policymakers, industry professionals, and end-users, also play vital roles in shaping the ethical development of AI systems. They bring diverse perspectives, needs and expectations that need to be considered and balanced during the design, implementation, and regulation of AI technologies. For instance, policymakers are responsible for creating guidelines and regulations that ensure the safe and responsible use of AI, while industry professionals must adhere to these standards and navigate the practical challenges of integrating ethical considerations into their AI-driven products and services.' p.104.
The solution includes having interdisciplinary and ethnically diverse teams, cross-disciplinary training, and a more holistic and comprehensive approach to AI development. Unintended consequences (a news item today (13th Feb 2025) are discussed, the dual-use nature of AI and technological 'delivery' surveillance acting for good and potentially ill (China's - Social Credit Point System).

AI ethics is also itself apparently a conceptual framework (p. 99,107).

What is permitted by law in a State clearly varies. Chapter 8 deals with From Ethics to Law: Why, When, and How to Regulate AI. Collingridge is another recurring citation, and presents a dilemma no-less (Section 3. p.116); one to follow up  (Coeckelbergh too, chap 9). I've always felt that some knowledge of social and economic history is a good foundation. History is reflected here in resort to 'masterly inactivity' (p.118) and regulatory approaches - as debated this past week at an AI Action Summit in France

I can still recall the sense of competition in having time in the sandpit at infants school.* Software developers will use sandboxes to develop and revise code in an isolated environment, before it goes live, or wild. With AI the book refers to mishaps, projects that have gone wrong. We need to take care regards the nature of the 'sandboxes' that are used. In a way this speaks to the utility of Hodges' model as a resource for lifelong learning, a learner being fully socialised into a profession and its evolving disciplines:

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

I had to look up the CREEPER (Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots) ACT (p.121). We are accustomed to outsourcing, and its perverse effects facilitated through globalisation, with nations transferring their pollution - plastics, and e-wastes. There are efforts as Chesterman writes to limit outsourcing to AI in terms of the decisions (pp.122-123). I enjoyed the nods to Isaac Asimov too. 

Gellers in chapter 9 AI, Design, and More-than-Human Justice provides another cylinder to drive the text not just forward but acknowledges the future for all: organic and inorganic. Gellers is argues for attention to AI and justice, not merely the moral and legal status of AI. Reading of  'communities of justice' (p.128) the established notion of 'communities of practice' or the collective of users - socio-technically. Gellers highlights our being in the anthropocene and how the environment and nature is figuring in law. So, not just legal questions for humans but natural 'things' and entities also (posted previously: Person & Sense of Place: A River runs through it ...).

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
[what >]
-hood (p.129)


communities of practice

communities of justice

I don't think we are there yet? Even, accepting that built-in obsolescence is an established and legal thing. But AI could turn materialism on its head. Looking at the materials, metals, rare earth elements ... that goes in how long do they last and how are the materials recovered? AI, computing desperately needs the doughnut economy, must epitomize the doughnut. Looking for a place to live, you notice the way probably quite serviceable bathrooms and kitchens are ripped out. The suites on a skip. That is quite a scene on the rubbish tip in the film: 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence'. The amount of energy in total production and materials is still not wholly valued, even before other values are 'added'? The focus on design here is integral to such questions. It has brought me to care design, and care architecture. Socio-technical aspects are highlighted again by Gellers (for me, as noted on W2tQ, that hyphen matters). 

Unsurprisingly, Descartes also figures in this chapter, section -Technology in the anthropocene:

'First, for philosophers of technology, the Anthropocene obliterates the nature/culture divide intrinsic to Cartesian thinking (Conty, 2017) that altered the course of history by rebranding technical objects as artificial and thus divorced from nature (Hui, 2017).' p.131.
It is encouraging that there is now recognition that 'we are nature too'. While we can record thought - brain activity on an EEG, from the outset (school studies of biology, then human biology) I've always associated intelligence, mind, thought, emotion, hope, dreams and cognition .. with the intra- interpersonal domain. If you adopt a socio-technical approach (overview - mindset) then invariably the technosphere will straddle the HUMANISTIC <-> MECHANISTIC axis of Hodges' model:
'So far, I hope to have established that technology plays a prominent, if complicated, role in the Anthropocene. But how does this relate to justice? Technology's relationship to ecological systems holds important implications for determining who belongs to communities of justice. To begin, the Earth system consists of interrelated biological, physical, and mental "worlds" (Kotzé, 2020, p. 80). The mental world, also referred to as the "technosphere," is an autonomous amalgamation of energy, communication, transportation, and financial systems, along with cities, governments, factories, farms, and other built systems and their constituent parts (Haff, 2014, P. 127). Technological artifacts such as AI are therefore part of the technosphere.' p.132.

Hodges' model: axes and care domains

We read of robots-in-ecology and robots-for-ecology. I was reminded of the SF film 'Silent Running' here. The real merit and encouragement for me in Geller's contribution, is section 4 which compares how we can approach more-than-human justice. Total eclipses are supposed to be rare, irrespective of what they might portend, now AI, the climate and life on Earth keep eclipsing each other: thus far partially. 4.1 Multispecies justice - Peter Singer really is ahead of his time (chapter 11 - here!); following socio-ecological justice 4.2, we arrive at planetary justice. Note (in Hodges' model) the 'distance' of what is generally deemed social and where the ecological in reality - physically resides. In the margin I'd scribbled 'Less a case of "take me to your leader" and more a case of "show me all your cards!"'. The synthesis and closing section on the design of robots specifically for more-than-human-justice helps here by including relationality, intersectionality and and contexts. 'Design justice' is something the book prompts me to carry forward (p.137).

One final post on HEoAI to follow ...

Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. David J. Gunkel (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978 1 80392 671 1245

Related previous posts: 'general + AI'

*That early streak of competitiveness was clearly educated out of me.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

'Life's compass' ...

'... I have been thinking a lot about the responsibilities of leadership. How do people in positions of power reach decisions and do they fully consider the consequences of these decisions? In questioning how someone chooses to lead, I'm also asking how that individual navigates the possible courses of action, and what kind of compass is being used to guide them. It has made me think about how any of us choose to navigate our way through life and where we look for a sense of direction. I wonder what we might change about the choices we make if we were more reflective about what serves as a compass in our lives.'

'"The Invention of the Compass" is attributed to an anonymous painter of the late 16th century, although there exists a roughly contemporaneous plate of the same title, and of an almost identical image, engraved by the Dutch artist Jan Collaert the Elder. In the original painting an old man with a long white beard, and dressed in a voluminous red and brown cloak, sits behind a large table in the centre of a room. As well as a canopied bed and another desk spread with books and scientific instruments, there is a model, or vision perhaps, of a carrack sailing ship hanging from the ceiling. There is also a large round compass device that sits heavy on the floor on the left foreground of the canvas. ...'

'It is as if this painting (Caravaggio) intended to serve as a compass, helping to move our steps and actions in the direction of caring for others. This is a powerful idea, and it suggests that all images contain that potential to influence how we live. Where we choose to direct and keep our gaze to some extent can determine how we permit our lives to be guided, if not in a physical sense then toward a value system that can end up having an impact on the way we engage with the wider world.' (My emphasis)

Ack. Enuma Okoro, Life's compass, The art of life, Life&Arts, FTWeekend, 1-2 February 2025. p.2. (Still need to subscribe, marvellous reading!)

Caravaggio, The Seven Works of Mercy

The Invention of the Compass

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

moral compass
personal values
my choices

maps - compass
position - navigation
direction - distance
degrees of freedom

the public
the public good
group think

political freedom

Enuma Okoro, Life's compass, The art of life, Life&Arts, FTWeekend, 1-2 February 2025. p.2.


New Inventions of Modern Times [Nova Reperta], The Invention of the Compass, plate 2

By Caravaggio - Unknown source, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10286196


'compass' :: 'map'

Friday, February 14, 2025

Curtains ...

'I'm not sure many rational designers would set out to emulate, or even to echo the interiors in David Lynch's films. These are rooms that haunt us: the chevron carpets, the red velvet curtains, the peeling wallpaper suggesting that our environment is somehow theatrical, temporary, a dream - an expression of our subconscious. ...

"I don't know where it came from, but I love curtains," Lynch - famously reluctant to explain his work - said in 2014. "There is something so incredibly cosmically magical about curtains opening and revealing a new world. It resonates on a deep level with people."'

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

IMAGINE a curtain:
What colour is it?
Imagine opening the curtain -

                      [a room: LxDxH]
- is the wallpaper peeling? ...

Edwin Heathcote, Head spaces, Interiors, House&Home, FTWeekend, 1-2 February 2025. p.4.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Book review #3: Handbook on the Ethics of AI

I've started several 'gap' lists, including a draft post or two. Seeking to help bridge the theory-practice gap is an original purpose for Hodges' model.

Friedman's chapter 5 Responding to the (techno) Responsibility Gap(s). It is almost as if Friedman's title is parameterised. We could insert the domains of Hodges' model (plus, spiritual - safeguarding!) in there. Then there is the magic of languages, for responsibility substitute accountability and do a deep-dive applying Hodges' model in a specific domain. Friedman notes it is not entirely accurate to talk of a single "responsibility gap". Can this provide evidence for the situated potentiality of Hodges' model's and role in fostering situational awareness? Although there is an ongoing roll-back of CSR - corporate social responsibility, I scribbled in the margin:

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

Of course, 'user' still applies in the political domain, as we are all citizens; users of the State (note also the socio-technical utility of keeping the 'user' in sight). There is also personal ethics, and the legal duty of care - as a nurse (in my case) and for a member of the public. Discussion on notions of responsibility, in light of AI, especially self-driving vehicles, and autonomous machines (weapons) is much needed. Regulatory gaps are recognised; amid current news of debate on the degree of regulation of national and international financial systems. Nyholm's four-fold formulation on responsibility is invaluable as examples are provided. There is a reference to nine notions of responsibility, and the link to accountability and retribution.  I like Friedman's  discussion of responses to responsibility gaps as; optimists - technological approach; human-centred and hybrid approaches; plus pessimists (4.3). The latter includes debate and campaigns to 'stop the killer robots'. Did this chapter, have a positive effect in extending thoughts about events in the middle east? There are two points here I will return to in the final post.

For students, Schwarz's chapter 6 takes readers back to a literally pivotal development in ethical thought and debate: Trolleyology, with the addition of algorithms and killer robots. What Searle's Chinese Room (noted p.276 here) argument is to AI; so trolley-based dilemmas are to ethics. A point made by Schwarz, referring to the development of subsequent variations. (Following on from #2, Brian Magee's interviews with John Searle on philosophy of language and Wittgenstein are also well worth a listen.) Schwarz's chapter (and the whole book) could be read in preparation for an undergraduate course: computing, law, policy, philosophy, and ethics, for example. The challenge of determining responsibility and accountability "the problem of many hands" (p.71), is not limited to AI. This is a global issue in achieving justice for many previously healthy, competent, quite 'ordinary' people.

The question posed above, applies "equally"(!) here too: 3. mathematical morality for war. Ever since reading of argumentation through the Open University and other sources, I'm sure this is applicable to Hodges' model (with its 'own' algebra)? I'm no mathematician but the book provoked excitement rather than anxiety as I read: 'Principle of Permissible Harm (PPH) and probabilistic reasoning - with formulae (pp.88-89). There are some important (imho) 'take-away' messages here, but I don't want to spoil things. Nurses need mathematical skills, in drug calculations and are assessed on the same. Statistics are used in research, of course but maths is hardly the primary motivation for entry into the care professions: 
'Designing technologies in a way that takes into account broader human-centric values is an important and laudable approach to responding to new and emerging technologies in any arena. It cannot, however, serve as a substitute for moral deliberation and the act of taking moral responsibility for harmful acts, especially when lives are at stake. Reducing this to a mathematical problem ignores everything that cannot be captured in discrete numerical terms or as data points. And in situations where people and their lives become nothing more than data points, non-computational aspects, such as relational or embodied dimensions of human life, are marginalized if not entirely obscured. The real world is not reducible to binary logic, it is rife with contested, contradictory, and clashing values that might all be equally relevant It is complex in ways that cannot always be neatly captured or mathematically modeled. In other words, ethics cannot be "solved."' p.91.
More to follow ...

Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence. David J. Gunkel (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. ISBN: 978 1 80392 671 1245


Related previous posts: 'general + AI'