Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: October 2020

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Saturday, October 31, 2020

The Competence Framework for Mental Health Peer Support Workers

"This document sits alongside The Competence Framework for Mental Health Peer Support Workers – Full Listing of the Competences (referred to as ‘the Competence Framework for MH PSWs’). It includes the story of peer support and its evolution from a ‘grass roots’ social movement to the present time. Today, we know that people who bring their own experience of mental health difficulties to supporting other people facing similar challenges have a unique and important contribution to make in statutory services.1,2 While the relational basis of the work remains at its core, we also know that peer support work continues to develop and is not static, and that it will keep changing and progressing."p.1.
"The other domains of the framework are:

the working knowledge that MH PSWs require

core relational skills, which include:
  • drawing on and sharing lived experience of mental health difficulties
  • communicating well and fostering mutual trust and respect
supporting people as MH PSWs, including being able to support people’s self-management (that is, the actions people can do to take care of themselves and gain control over their own lives)

working with teams and promoting people’s rights

self-care and support, which includes being able to make effective use of supervision

meta-competences, which involve judgement, decision-making or self-reflection, and so guide peer support work

organisational competences, which describe how services employ, support and supervise MH PSWs, and so enable them to do their work." p.8

"The more that services and teams embrace a culture of reflective practice and openness to change, the more effectively they will be able to establish MH PSWs within their workforce." p.17.


The Competence Framework for Mental Health Peer Support Workers. Part 1: Supporting document, Health Education England, et al. October 2020.

Friday, October 30, 2020

'Proof' of the Four Quadrants

As I have read (and 'reviewed')  Lowy and Hood's (2004) The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix in applying a matrix, it first has to be created and the process includes identifying and naming the quadrants of concern. The final step is similar to what I see as a key function of Hodges' model: assurance. They refer to proof, being finalising the matrix asking the question are these quadrants real. Are they correct in this (business, industry and commercial) context?

For Hodges' model the quadrants are predetermined. They are 'fixed' but in a way to reassure both those on clinical ethics committees and involved in corporate governance. Although fixed -

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

 - the terms used can vary as below:

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population


 'Culture and Society' was a suggestion and I've often wondered about the (meaning) scale and semantic synergy across the terms. Sociology is an academic discipline. As students 'produce' the model, I invariably have them wander about the library with Dewey. 'Politics' maybe a subject of study, but not 'Political'. The context for Hodges' model, however, is the situation in which the patient, nurse, carer, doctor, social worker, occupational therapist, physio ... find themselves. What is political about the situation. Even this is not the whole picture quadrant. What politics are evident? What political aspects should (must) be paid attention to? What is missing politically that is (further) injurious to this patient? (This patient (and carer) who is already helpless, hopeless and vulnerable?)

 In terms of proof, this is of course very important within healthcare. In mental health we often adopt a psycho-social approach and in psychological therapies from counselling to cognitive and gestalt forms in Hodges' model we can distinguish between one-to-one and individual psychology and group therapies and the psychology of a group. As soon as 'self' considers 'other' we also conjoin the model's vertical axis.


humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population





When I write 'sciences' I'm looking at my school time-table (yes - really!). The sciences for me back then were biology, chemistry and physics (which had to include astronomy). Today, we refer to STEM:

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
In the summer on twitter ComplexWales asked a question and made a suggestion (I must find and copy the tweet). This set me to task to write during lockdown: so I've a good outline of a short manual for Hodges' model.

In the last post, this is why I'm grateful to Lowy and Hood. I can now also factor this into the manual,  future presentations and workshops.
Real proof as an evidence-base goes far beyond this. I can see an exercise with the above components, the axes, the domains and the research subjects being invited to construct something. Amid the quest for data and theory there should be a space for pragmatics too.

Finally, I will leave it to you to reflect on -

Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education
- in relation to Hodges' model ...
More to follow ('care architecture' still) ...

Alex Lowy, Phil Hood (2004) The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix: Using 2 x 2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass ISBN: 978-1-118-00879-9


Thursday, October 29, 2020

Book review: "The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix" iii

Business and healthcare share an ongoing fascination with integration. A several decades long preoccupation, I now see as a legacy issue. One, that is set to continue: a clear objective but  tantalizingly always out of reach.

Not that I'm drawn to figures, but there's a double helix (figure 2.4, p.33) to illustrate the distinctions and dependencies that operate between:





Pressure to 


Hopefully, you can see what is going on here - the attraction, the fit? Chapter 2 on Form, Method and Mastery presents the foundations of what is to follow, with chapter 3 on the Eight Archetypal Dilemmas. While the context is business the insights here are applicable generally:

Head - Heart*

Inside - Outside

Product - Market

Change - Stability

Content - Process

As in Hodges' model, a situated perspective is called for and in designing 2x2 matrices the author's outline individual and group activities. Their step 3, 'Catalogue' - creating an inventory of interesting and important aspects of the situation is mirrored in Hodges' model - care concepts, patient or carer priorities - and general problem solving. A key difference in the business context is that the quadrants are not pre-defined but must be 'Named'. The critical question, Lowy and Hood write (p.68), is proof: "Are there four real quadrants?"

The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix
The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix

A 'good' book makes / helps you think. In prompting the next blog post this is proof for me of a good book.

More to follow ('care architecture'?) ...

Here are the previous posts:

Q. What is Hodges' model? A. It is NOT a 2x2 matrix


Alex Lowy, Phil Hood (2004) The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix: Using 2 x 2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 978-1-118-00879-9

With many thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

*See also:


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Dear Apple,

... and Google, Microsoft, Amazon et al.

By any stretch of the four* care
 (knowledge) domains, the following does 
provide a holistic view 
of a person's health...

"Give your patients a more holistic view of their health.

Empower your patients to access and securely store their health records right on their iPhone using just their credentials from your existing patient portal.

Learn more about health records on iPhone"


*Four - embedded within the fifth - the spiritual.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Book review: "The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix" ii

The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix
The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix


Once again I will start by referring to a previous post:

Q. What is Hodges' model? A. It is NOT a 2x2 matrix.

The structure of Hodges' model, the two axes immediately suggests opposition, dichotomy and thoughts of polarities. 

Page 30, table 2.2 Principles of 2 x 2 Mastery, includes:

Opposition between forces is either direct or complementary. Direct opposition is Hot versus Cold or On versus Off. Complementary opposition is Size versus Speed or Growth versus Profit. Recognize the nature of opposition, and work with it." p.30.
Of the others, the creative tension in health is manifold. Out of a professional foundation comes the therapeutic relationship nurse - patient and then the tension of trying to provide person-centred care that also has integrity in having the courage to advocate or engage independent advocacy and address the political issues that may (will) arise. Iteration here is a gift in that Hodges' model is situated and can address the multiplicity of contexts that are encountered in health, education and business too. Iteration for me implies travel, movement between the domains in search of a new perspective, (ad-)vantage point. Combined with integrity, this can mean going were you are not necessarily comfortable and perhaps seeking help. I like transcendence a great deal as it refers to "Learning requires unlearning". This points to the outcomes of interventions and application of knowledge, skills supported by Hodges' model with positive change. Transcendence can encompass liminality as described in therapy and education - threshold concepts in particular.

If you seek proof of complexity in healthcare, nursing and medicine look no further than a business book. The book is a marvellous reference text on 2x2 frameworks. In the introduction the authors stress the work is not intended to be read cover to cover. Business readers will be drawn to specific types of framework. Well referenced and researched the index is also comprehensive (with one framework missing (of course!). As the year of publication indicates the references and business examples that are outlined are dated, but they still deliver in readable and meaningful terms the utility of the framework described.

The layout and organisation of the chapters retains a 'current' appeal. I mention proof of complexity after reading:

 "Strategy is the art and science of competing more effectively than one's competitors." p.91.

In healthcare the 'competitors' may be the patients themselves (self-stigmatising, fearing the future, helplessness, hopelessness, fatigue). Competition may lie in other agencies depending on the politics of local health care delivery. Some may argue that the commodification of health is a creative tension not a political one. Also in the sense that 'we' are duty bound to heal, cure, treat you and have you care for yourself in future. Art and science are needed in print and book-loads at present as COVID-19 pushes out other diseases, illnesses that patients and families still face.

More to follow ...

Book review: "The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix" i

Alex Lowy, Phil Hood (2004) The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix: Using 2 x 2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass ISBN: 978-1-118-00879-9

With many thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Book: Labours of Love

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

"Good care shown to us in our most vulnerable moments can serve 'as an epiphany, not necessarily leading to new knowledge, but to recognition of the importance of something already known.

"The Lancet projects that the number of over-85s requiring 24-hour care will double by 2035."

Bad care, in contrast, can dehumanise us ...
'our sense of dignity is precarious'."

Economic precarity

"the invisible heart"

"in contrast to Adam Smith's "'invisible hand'"


See also previously on  W2tQ:


My source:

Urwin, R. (2020) Crying out for change, The Sunday Times, Culture, 27 September, pp.28-29.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Orchestrating the Four Notes

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population





More to follow ... next month!

See also:



My source:

Various: BBC Radio 4, Times Radio, World Service

Friday, October 23, 2020

Jones Act(s)

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

Jones act -

to highlight to the worlds of education, health - social care, informatics, global health, politics, ecology...

... a way and means to step beyond comfort zones, familiar ports of call and turn the stones to assure and grasp the whole, the big, the rich picture ...

... to see people in their context, their environment, what matters to them, their families and communities. To see and acknowledge past, present and envision a new future individually and collectively.

Jones Act -

"which requires that only American-flagged ships carry goods between domestic ports." p.22


See also previously on  W2tQ:


My source:

Briefing: Joe Biden's economic plans, The pragmatist, The Economist, 3rd-9th October, 2020, 437:9214. pp. 19-22. 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Erasmus+ Survey - Invite

Dear INHWE Members,

We need your help with a research proposal we are submitting soon. If you teach elements of leadership or IPE in your role then we would be delighted if you could spare 3 minutes of your time to complete the following survey: https://inhwe.org/erasmus-survey (Deadline: end of play Tuesday 27th October)

Also, you might be interested to know that we are now producing results (with more to come later this week) for our StoryAidEU project which you can view and download here: https://storyaid.eu/results/

If you would like to know more about our research projects or how to partner with us, feel free to get in touch.

Best wishes,


David Smith

Director | www.inhwe.org International Network for Health Workforce Education


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Black Minds Matter - too (by Daniel Davies)

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population
"Black British men are four times more likely than white men to be hospitalised for poor mental health, and are less likely to seek help before they reach crisis point. The system in place to support them is broken, yet few in power have acknowledged the problem until now. So, how do we fix it? We spoke to men who have fallen foul of a dysfunctional service, and those campaigning for change"
b o d y
Shared Values

'One Mind'


See also:


My source:


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Political space: 'Forum Internum'

... Or, how do they 'read' the model?

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population
Forum Internum
([{Private - mental space}])
Freedom of Thought
Brain-Machine Interface

Social media technologies
Data aggregation
data mining
Vulnerable groups

Political space
Human Rights
Lawyers, Courts - NeuroLaw

Arrival of fMRI imaging in court
Protection of Freedom of Thought


Please also consider here the position of the individual, their mental health and mental health law.

My source:

BBC Radio 4: Political Space - Forum Internum 3/3

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Infinite space: Where do you 'read' the model?

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population
"The mind is king of infinite space, Hamlet said,

"A book is better to read in the spot of choice..."
... and no better spaceship has yet been found than a book."

"... 4.38 million books -

"But if one is banged up by lockdown, a book is a rope of knotted sheets."

- were bought in the first week of this month."

"Escape is not the same as escapism."

My source:

Editorial, Infinite shelf space, The Daily Telegraph, 8 October, 2020, p.15.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Persistent or Global navigation: Hodges' model

Interfaces are hardly novel these days, even our acknowledging them is a moot point. An interface that is effective will be transparent to the 'user' who is able to get on with the task, the process that is their purpose. For web design, medical devices and

There are many posts on 'interfaces' here on 'Welcome to the QUAD' from 2007 to 2020:

Hodges model: What is it? [2] It’s an interface... 

(Contrast this view, perhaps, with recent posts on Hodges' model as a matrix.)

VerbAtlas 1.0 - Semantic Role Labeling and beyond! c/o Roberto Navigli 

Don't Make Me Think (2006)
- and the tag 'interfaces' (59).
Hodges' model remains an interface to me.
The homepage for the website 1998-2015 presents Hodges' model - as the interface - to the user (visitor).

In revisiting (before it visits the charity shop) Steve Krug's Don't Make Me Think (2006) reference to persistent navigation or global navigation (p.62) reinforces the fact that humanity needs an interface for health and care. Two qualities that such an interface needs include:
  1. Persistence in being Cognitive (isn't everything?) but in the sense here of being simple and so ready-to-mind.
  2. Being Global as in Global Health, plus Universal Health Coverage, generic, applicable to all persons, contexts and situations.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Bleeding Hearts: From one domain to the others ...?

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population


Artist: Andrew Folan 

My source: Printmaking Today, Summer 2020, Vol 2, Issue 114, p.4.

See also: Artisan Media USA


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Book review: "The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix"

I'll start this post as I did a previous one on this book:

Q. What is Hodges' model? A. It is NOT a 2x2 matrix.

Regular visitors / readers of W2tQ will be familiar with this rendering of Hodges' model:
humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

The separation of axes and domains above is contrived to overcome some of the limitations of HTML.

An image can re-solve and integrate to show the model as intended: two axis that intersect that then gives rise to four quadrants, or that can be described as care, or knowledge domains:

Hodges' model: The axes and domains

There's another answer to the question posed above.

I was wrong AND right.

Hodges' model is not a 2x2 matrix as per the many established and very powerful examples described in Lowy and Hood's book, The Power of the 2x2 Matrix

It is a 2x2 matrix as I have often explained to people. I have also stressed the model's generic status, so while Hodges' model can be used in a business context, this merely highlights the model's generic potential and its situatedness.

In numerous workshops I've adopted a Socratic approach. The audience 'formulate' Hodges' model from the questions they are asked. 

The word instrument conjures ambivalence for me. Who wants to be an instrument of the State - and yet we all are? Have I been championing, advocating for what is an instrument for the past three decades and more? Do I trust the instruments? While instruments are probably associated with the sciences and mechanism (whether analogue or digital) Hodges' model is an instrument for dialectical method.

 "When Plato described Socrates' logic as dialectical, he was referring to the intensely honest and courageous investigations of important subjects, including or perhaps especially, the self and reality. The Socratic method as used by to adroitly elicit curiosity and promote learning is the practical application of this form of dialectic." pp.26-27.

"From the Greek dialektikḗ, the origin of the term dialectic is literally the art of (techne) of philosophical discussion. ... The dialectical perspective pushes us to search for meaning beyond the level of obvious, visible evidence, focusing on the dynamic relationship between things and how they evolve. The benefits for problem solving and design are significant. Dialectical thinkers are better and faster at framing, exploring, and resolving problems. Dialectical thinkers are able to wend their way through complex and difficult challenges because they are less likely to ignore messages that trouble them." pp.24-25.




More to follow ...

Alex Lowy, Phil Hood (2004) The Power of the 2 x 2 Matrix: Using 2 x 2 Thinking to Solve Business Problems and Make Better Decisions, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass ISBN: 978-1-118-00879-9

With many thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Conference: Improving Child & Adolescent Health for better Public Health

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Professors and Researchers,

Dear Colleagues!

It is our pleasure to invite you to this international 2-day meeting and research exchange

held online on Tuesday & Wednesday, November 10 & 11 2020 – save the date!

Improving Child & Adolescent Health for better Public Health

– Fiction or within the scope of possibility?

to bring together researchers and stakeholders to introduce completed research projects as well as new research ideas

that address the complex challenges and needs of child & adolescent health for future collaborative projects in order to apply for national and international grants.

Please find attached a brief outline with preliminary program (contents, schedule).

We greatly appreciate your attendance and would ask for a confirmation by Friday, October 23, by replying to this email.

We also welcome your contribution in form of a short talk/pitch.

In order to finalize the program, please include the following information in your response to this e-mail:

120 Researchers from 56 Universities/Organizations around the world and cross-cutting disciplines and research interests are invited.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any colleagues you think would be interested as well.

Further detailed information along with the final program will be provided as soon as it is finalized, but right in time before the event in November 2020.

We look forward to welcoming you to this international 2-day meeting on „Improving Child & Adolescent Health“!
Kind regards,
Katharina Wirnitzer, University College of Teacher Education Tyrol & Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck, AT

Prof. Clemens Drenowatz, University College of Teacher Education Upper Austria, Linz, AT

Prof. Nandu Goswami, Medical University of Graz, Graz, AT

Studienleitung (PI)

Member of Schools for Health in Europe – SHE Research Group


Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Wirnitzer (PhD)

Institut für fachdidaktische und bildungswissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung

Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol

Department of Subject Didactics and Educational Research and Development

University College of Teacher Education Tyrol

Pastorstraße 7/A.008, 2. OG
A – 6010 Innsbruck

katharina.wirnitzer AT ph-tirol.ac.at
I    www.ph-tirol.ac.at

Saturday, October 10, 2020

The Healthy Brains Global Initiative: Mental Health Care NOT only by the Quarter II

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

Tuberculosis, Malaria, HIV Aids
Cancer, Infectious disease, Heart disease

The impacts of mental illness in societies
"25 per cent of people worldwide
experience mental illnness"

HBGI funding of $10 Billion

direct & indirect costs of mental illness = $3 trillion a year
$6 trillion by 2030

GeoPsychiatry, PsychoPolitics, SocioPolitical


Clive Cookson, Global drive aims to fight mental illness, FTWeekend, 10-11 October 2020, p.4.


Plus c/o HIFA

Today 10 October is World Mental Health Day.

The current issue of The Lancet carries a lead editorial on this subject: 

 CITATION: Mental health: time to invest in quality Editorial| volume 396, issue 10257, p1045, october 10, 2020 The Lancet Published: October 10, 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32110-3 

EXTRACTS The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day, on Oct 10, is increased investment in mental health. Why invest, and why now? The answer is simple. At the best of times, good mental health is needed for a society to thrive. During a pandemic, good mental health is more important than ever. Without a focus on mental health, any response to COVID-19 will be deficient, reducing individual and societal resilience, and impeding social, economic, and cultural recovery... Investment must be about more than just money if mental health services are to be made fit to address the challenges of the COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 era and to become resilient against future public health crises. There must be an investment of thought, time, and a commitment to change.

COMMENT (NPW): I would like to invite HIFA members to share their experience on mental health services in your country. What changes have you seen during the pandemic in terms of demand and provision? What approaches have worked well, or not so well, in dealing with these challenges? 

Best wishes, Neil

 Let's build a future where people are no longer dying for lack of healthcare information - Join HIFA: www.hifa.org

Friday, October 09, 2020

Care by the Quarter*

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population

"A review of almost 1,000 audits by a professional accounting body has found that about a quarter were substandard."


*5ths really - the spiritual and never an after-thought...

When we talk of achieving 'balance', 'leverage', being 'on message' and other c-speak, this is clearly never straightforward.


Louisa Clarence-Smith, Inspectors find a quarter of audits are substandard, The Times, September 29, 2020, p.42.

See also:

Bloomfield, B. P., & Danieli, A. (1995). THE ROLE OF MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: THE INDISSOLUBLE NATURE OF SOCIO-POLITICAL AND TECHNICAL SKILLS*. Journal of Management Studies, 32(1), 23–46. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-6486.1995.tb00644.x 

Leys, C. (1999). Intellectual Mercenaries and the Public Interest: Management consultancies and the NHS. Policy & Politics, 27(4), 447–465. https://doi.org/10.1332/030557399782218353

Oliver, D. (2014). Stop wasting taxpayers’ money on management consultancy for the NHS. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 349. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from https://www.jstor.org/stable/26519046

Kirkpatrick, I., Sturdy, A J, Alvarado, N, Blanco-Oliver, A and Veronesi, G. ‘The impact of management consultants on public service efficiency’ Policy & Politics: doi.org/10.1332/030557318X15167881150799. 


Begley, P., & Sheard, S. (2019). McKinsey and the ‘Tripartite Monster’: The Role of Management Consultants in the 1974 NHS Reorganisation. Medical History, 63(4), 390-410. doi:10.1017/mdh.2019.41



Thursday, October 08, 2020

Individual :: Group - Please scratch my back!

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

< - Please, please scratch my back!
Oh, Yes! Lovely!
Now I suppose I have to sratch yours...?! ->



Source: BBC Radio 4 Inside Science 8 October 2020

"Claudia Hammond looks at the neuroscience behind our sense of touch. Why does a gentle touch from a loved one make us feel good? This is a question that neuroscientists have been exploring since the late 1990's, following the discovery of a special class of nerve fibres in the skin. There seems to be a neurological system dedicated to sensing and processing the gentle stroking you might receive from a parent or lover or friend, or that a monkey might receive from another grooming it. Claudia talks to neuroscientists Victoria Abraira, Rebecca Bohme, Katerina Fotopoulou and Francis McGlone who all investigate our sense of emotional touch, and she hears from Ian Waterman who lost his sense of touch at the age of eighteen"


Tuesday, October 06, 2020

ERCIM News No. 123 Special Theme: "Blue Growth"

Dear ERCIM News Reader,

ERCIM News No. 123 has just been published at https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/

This special theme is devoted to the application of ICT technologies to the "blue growth" field, which includes machine learning and artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems of systems, IoT/M2M communications, space communications and observations, big data infrastructures, unmanned and autonomous systems.

Guest editors: Alberto Gotta (ISTI-CNR) and John Mardikis (EPLO - Circular Clima Institute)

This issue is also available for download in pdf and ePub.

Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News. Feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested.

Next issue:
No. 124,  January 2021
Special Theme: "Epidemic Modelling"

Announcements in this issue:

Call for Proposals: Dagstuhl Seminars and Perspectives Workshops
Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik is accepting proposals for scientific seminars/workshops in all areas of computer science, in particular also in connection with other fields. https://www.dagstuhl.de/dsproposal

Seven open positions from PhD students to research scientists at the the SIMULA HPC department

Positions available at Inria
Throughout the year, Inria welcomes new employees to its research teams and departments, whether through competitions, mobility within the public service, contractual agreements or internship proposals

Special Issue on “Test Automation: Trends, Benefits, and Costs”
Call for papers and submission information:

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Ack. Thanks to Peter Kunz.

Monday, October 05, 2020

Call for Papers: Ethics, Health Data, and Bio-Citizenship

CFP: PhilosophicalNews, vol. 22, 2021

Ethics, Health Data, and Bio-Citizenship

Submission Deadline

Full paper: January 1st, 2021

Aims and Background

Adriana Petryna first introduced the term “biological citizenship” in her ethnography of the aftermath of the Chernobyl post-disaster emergency, Life Exposed [Petryna A. 2002. Life Exposed: Biological Citizens after Chernobyl. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.]. As stated by Rose and Novas, biological citizenship can be defined as an active form of citizenship that produces new forms of belonging, claims to acknowledgement of experiences, and access to resources revolving around biological and medical claims. Within this frame, the “emergency” refers to those “emerging forms of life” and introduces a new element into the philosophical, ethical, and sociological reflection: something which arises from the intertwining of modes of theoretical thinking and moral agency pertinent to different areas – medical, legal, economic, political, moral – and is not directly postulated by any of them; something whose characteristics can be identifiable, but whose result cannot be predicted. Several factors have contributed to defining the concept of biological citizenship. These include:

1.         A gnoseological expansion leading to a proliferation of disease categories in the biomedical field;

2.          New forms of bio-sociality emerging in connection with the increase in rare diseases;

3.         The consolidation of new biopolitical systems and new forms of governance;

4.          The rise of new political and moral economies of hope;

5.          An increased relevance of patient associations in decision making.

However, biological citizenship should not be constructed merely as a resurgence of the medicalization of life (Foucault), or a form of liberalization and privatization of eugenics (Habermas). In this context, this special issue aims at investigating the multidisciplinary background of the expanding moral claim to bio-sociality and bio-citizenship. As a matter of fact, being a bio-citizen carries an underlying demand for more suitable public policies and socio-economic rights to shape the universalization of fragility and vulnerability as human conditions in contemporary society. On the one hand, bio-citizenship may therefore be viewed as a proactive proposition for patient-centred healthcare within an enlarged framework of cultural and political meanings: the patient is no longer a subject, who happens to suffer from a specific impairment at a specific moment in time; rather, being a patient is a universal condition, shared by all human beings. The idea is to move from a generally negative perception of the term “patient” to a neutral or positive perception of the same concept. On the other hand, however, biological citizenship also implies an underlying and constant connection between the patient status and the involvement of health data in order for patient-centred technologies to run efficiently. This entails new (cyber) risks and vulnerabilities that might not only impoverish the empathic and emotional quality of the care relationship, but also favour a concept of democratic citizenship based on Big-data-oriented sovereignty, thus paving the way from bio-citizenship to bio-data-citizenship. This idiosyncrasy is very evident in the ongoing global experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are learning how contingent the necessity is to rethink the link between ethics, Big data, patient empowerment, and healthcare technology.

Original contributions discussing issues such as gender, big data, biocitizenship, or any other relevant topic will be considered, subject to approval by the Editorial Board.

Submission Details

             8000 words (spaces included)

             Each text has to include an abstract written in English, 300 words max.

             All material should be submitted via e-mail to the special issue’s editors Antonio Carnevale (a.carnevale AT cyberethicslab.com) and Emanuela Tangari (e.tangari AT cyberethicslab.com).

The volume will be published in June 2021.

For further information as well as the submission of the paper, please refer to the guidelines or visit http://www.moralphilosophy.eu/cfp/cfp-no-22/

Sunday, October 04, 2020

Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program for 2021

Registration open Oct 1

Dear All

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program for 2021!  The aim of the fellowship is to develop leaders who understand the foundations of health inequity and have the knowledge, skills, and courage to build more equitable health systems and organizations.

Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity is a one year fellowship opportunity designed for early to mid-career leaders who are currently engaged in health sector work including, but not limited to, academia, government, healthcare delivery, the arts, equitable housing, business, research, and media. The program will select twenty fellows. Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity is one of seven global, interconnected Atlantic Fellows programs. While each of the seven Atlantic Fellows programs is distinct and grounded in its local context, they share a common purpose of advancing fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies.

The Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity program is designed to bring together the diverse industries, professions and leaders that influence health and well-being.  There are no specific educational requirements or ‘preferred’ professions - we are a community united by values.  The shared attributes and values of the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity include solutions orientation, equity, inclusivity, courage, humility, diversity, and creativity.  If you share these values, we encourage you to apply!

More information about the program can also be found in the attached flyer and on our website, https://healthequity.atlanticfellows.org/.

Please feel free to contact us with any inquiries. 


Seble L Frehywot MD, MHSA
Associate Professor of Global Health and Health Policy
Department of Global Health & Department of Health Policy & Management

Director of Global Health Equity On-Line Learning
Atlantic Philanthropy-Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity Program

Milken Institute School of Public Health
The George Washington University

950 New Hampshire Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20052

 My source: HIFA

Saturday, October 03, 2020

Humanity: Still trying to join the Dots - Individual :: Collective

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
group - population
sub-conscious pattern recognition
"Differences in belief have substantial impacts ranging from personal identity formation ...

"Our ancestors once saw the faces of gods in the stars - joining the dots in the heavens to create a celestial pantheon."


... to social/group affiliation and exclusion ...

... to national and international political dynamics."



Whipple, T. (2020) Join the dots for a glimpse of the Almighty, The Times, September 10. p.17.

Adam B. Weinberger, Natalie M. Gallagher, Zachary J. Warren, Gwendolyn A. English, Fathali M. Moghaddam, Adam E. Green. Implicit pattern learning predicts individual differences in belief in God in the United States and Afghanistan. Nature Communications, 2020; 11: 4503 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-18362-3


Thursday, October 01, 2020

The Contribution of Disciplines from the Arts and Humanities to addressing Antimicrobial Resistance: final report

The Contribution of Disciplines
from the Arts and Humanities
to addressing
Antimicrobial Resistance
 Dear RIPEN workshop participants
It is now over a year since our last main sets of RIPEN workshops and of course so much has happened in that time that I don't know quite where to begin (!!). So I won't start into talking about COVID. Only to say that I very much hope that you and yours are managing to get through this ok so far. I know that I speak for the rest of the RIPEN team when I say that recent events have only served to highlight the central place of nursing and caring in society which is a source of pride (if not so much monetary reward!).
Anyway, I thought that some of you might be interested in this link to the final report from a follow-on study that I've just completed. It draws together learning from all the 11 projects funded by the AHRC at the same time as RIPEN: http://radar.gsa.ac.uk/7418/ . 
The report is best viewed in double page layout (download, save then open). Obviously, it is of less direct relevance to hands on nursing applications, but I think our experiences on RIPEN showed how important the wider picture often is (as evident in the events of the last six months!).

Please feel free to share with others through any of your own networks as relevant. 

with best wishes


Dr Colin Macduff
Senior Research Fellow
School of Design
Glasgow School of Art
MacDuff, Colin (2020) The Contribution of Disciplines from the Arts and Humanities to addressing Antimicrobial Resistance (CODA AMR). Project Report. The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow.  

n.b. I will have a read myself and post again before the end of the year.