Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: July 2024

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

WHO online survey on maternal well-being framework - ENG, FR and SPA translations available

 ------- ENGLISH ------

Dear colleague,

You are invited to participate in the development of the World Health Organization (WHO) maternal well-being framework through an online survey. 

This consultation is one step in a broader process led by the WHO Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing (MCA) towards creating a comprehensive framework that supports maternal well-being across diverse environments and cultures. Based on the results of a scoping review of the literature and an expert consultation held in May 2023, a preliminary framework has been developed including a definition, domains and subdomains. WHO/MCA is now organizing multiple consultations which objectives are listed below. 

What is the purpose of the survey?

  • Ensure comprehensive coverage of all critical elements of the framework and identify potential gaps in the definition, domains and framework of maternal well-being.
  • Evaluate the framework’s applicability across various settings and cultures.
  • Foster collective agreement and consensus among key stakeholders.

Who can take part to this survey?

Any individual or organization who has interest in maternal health and well-being. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Representatives of women's groups
  • Health workers (midwives, OBGYN, nurses, neonatal nurses, paediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, community health workers...)
  • Experts in human and sexual and reproductive rights, public health, health promotion, gender, mental health, economics, humanitarian, etc.
  • Academics and researchers 
  • Government organizations
  • National civil society organizations / NGOs
  • International agencies / UN agencies
  • Private sector

How to participate in this survey?

Please click on the following link: Survey Link

We expect this survey will not take longer than 15 minutes to complete. It is available in English. 

The survey will be open until 17 August 2024. 

We would be grateful for your response to this survey and your kind help in circulating to your colleagues and networks.

Please reach out to Justine Le Lez - lejus AT who.int with any further questions. 

Best regards,

On the behalf of the Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing (WHO/MCA)

------- FRENCH / FRANCAIS ------



Vous êtes invité·e à participer à l'élaboration du cadre conceptuel du bien-être maternel de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). 

Cette enquête est une étape d'un processus plus large dirigé par le Département de la santé maternelle, néonatale, infantile et de l'adolescent et du vieillissement (MCA) de l'OMS, visant à créer un cadre conceptuel exhaustif soutenant le bien-être maternel dans divers environnements et cultures.

Sur la base des résultats d’une revue de la littérature et d’une consultation d’experts tenue en mai 2023, un cadre conceptuel préliminaire a été élaboré, comprenant une définition, des domaines et sous-domaines. L’OMS/MCA organise actuellement plusieurs consultations, dont les objectifs sont énumérés ci-dessous.

Quel est l’objectif de l’enquête ? 

  • Assurer une couverture exhaustive et identifier d'éventuelles lacunes dans le cadre actuellement proposé.
  • Évaluer l'applicabilité universelle et l'adaptation du cadre conceptuel à divers contextes et cultures.
  • Favoriser un consensus collectif afin que le cadre conceptuel reflète reflètent une large gamme de perspectives et d'idées

Qui peut participer à cette enquête ? 

Toute personne ou organisation intéressée par la santé maternelle et le bien-être. Cela inclut, sans s’y limiter :

  • Des représentants de groupes de femmes
  • Des professionnels de santé (sages-femmes, gynécologues-obstétriciens, infirmières, infirmières puéricultrices, pédiatres, psychiatres, psychologues, agents de santé communautaires…)
  • Des experts en droits humains, droits sexuels et reproductifs, santé publique, promotion de la santé, genre, santé mentale, économie, santé humanitaire, etc.
  • Des universitaires et chercheurs
  • Des organismes gouvernementaux
  • Des organisations nationales de la société civile / des ONG
  • Des agences internationales / agences des Nations unies
  • Le secteur privé

Comment participer à cette enquête ? 

Veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant : Lien vers l’enquête

Nous estimons que cette enquête ne prendra pas plus de 15 minutes à compléter.  

L’enquête sera ouverte jusqu’au 25 août 2024.

Nous vous serions reconnaissants de bien vouloir y répondre et de la diffuser auprès de vos collègues et réseaux.

Pour toute question, n'hésitez pas à contacter Justine Le Lez.



Au nom du Département de la santé maternelle, néonatale, infantile et des adolescents et du vieillissement (OMS/MCA)


------- SPANISH / ESPANOL -----

Está invitado a participar en la elaboración del marco conceptual del bienestar materno de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). 

Se le invita a participar en el desarrollo del marco de bienestar materno de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Esta encuesta es un paso en un proceso más amplio liderado por el Departamento de Salud Materna, del Recién Nacido, del Niño, del Adolescente y del Envejecimiento (MCA) de la OMS hacia la creación de un marco integral que apoye el bienestar materno en diversos entornos y culturas.

Con base en los resultados de una revisión de la literatura y una consulta de expertos realizada en 2023, se ha desarrollado un marco preliminar que incluye una definición, dominios y subdominios del bienestar materno.  La OMS/MCA está organizando actualmente varias consultas, cuyos objetivos se enumeran a continuación. 


¿Cuál es el objetivo de la encuesta? 

· Garantizar una cobertura exhaustiva e identificar posibles brechas en el marco propuesto actualmente. 

· Evaluar la aplicabilidad universal y la adaptación del marco conceptual a diversos contextos y culturas. 

· Fomentar un acuerdo colectivo para que el marco conceptual refleje una amplia gama de perspectivas e conocimientos. 

¿Quién puede participar en esta encuesta? 


Cualquier persona u organización interesada en la salud materna y el bienestar. Esto incluye, sin limitarse a: 

·  Representantes de grupos de mujeres

· Profesionales de la salud: matronas (parteras profesionales/obstetras/obstetricias/comadronas), ginecólogos-obstetras, enfermeras, enfermeras pediátricas, pediatras, psiquiatras, psicólogos, agentes de salud comunitarios…

· Expertos en derechos humanos, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, salud pública, promoción de la salud, género, salud mental, economía, salud humanitaria, etc.

· Académicos e investigadores

· Organismos gubernamentales

· Organizaciones nacionales de la sociedad civil / ONGs

· Agencias internacionales / agencias de las Naciones Unidas

·  El sector privado

¿Cómo participar en esta encuesta?

 Por favor, haga clic en el siguiente enlace: enlace a la encuesta

Estimamos que esta encuesta no tomará más de 15 minutos para completar. 

La encuesta estará abierta hasta el 25 de agosto de 2024.

Le agradeceríamos que respondiera y difundiera la encuesta entre sus colegas y redes.

Para cualquier pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con Justine Le Lez.



En nombre del Departamento de Salud Materna, Neonatal, Infantil y del Adolescente y del Envejecimiento (OMS/MCA)

Thursday, July 25, 2024

World Drowning Prevention Day 25th July 2024

Every year, an estimated 236,000 people drown, making drowning a major public health problem worldwide. Drowning is one of the leading causes of death globally for children and young people aged 1-24 years. Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths.

The global burden of death from drowning is felt in all economies and regions, however:
  • low- and middle-income countries account for over 90% of unintentional drowning deaths; 
  • over half of the world's drowning occurs in the WHO Western Pacific Region and WHO South-East Asia Region; 
  • drowning death rates are highest in the WHO Western Pacific Region, and are 27-32 times higher than those seen in the United Kingdom or Germany, respectively.

World Drowning Prevention Day

World Drowning Prevention Day, declared in April 2021 by General Assembly resolution A/RES/75/273 <https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/75/273>, is held annually on 25 July. This global advocacy event serves as an opportunity to highlight the tragic and profound impact of drowning on families and communities and to offer life-saving solutions to prevent it.

Find more information in the following link: 

In your country, are there any initiatives to prevent drowning?

Here are some of the measures shared at the United Nations web site.
  • installing barriers controlling access to water;
  • providing safe places away from water such as crèches for pre-school children with capable childcare;
  • teaching swimming, water safety and safe rescue skills;
  • training bystanders in safe rescue and resuscitation;
  • setting and enforcing safe boating, shipping and ferry regulations;
  • improving flood risk management.

My source (with video added above and Hodges' model below):

Jackeline. HIFA-Spanish Moderator

HIFA profile: Jackeline Alger, MD, PhD, is a parasitologist associated to the Department of Clinical Laboratory of the University Hospital; Executive Director of the Antonio Vidal Institute for Infectious Diseases and Parasitology; Tegucigalpa, Honduras. HIFA Country Representative of the Year for the years 2015 and 2018. Email jackelinealger AT gmail.com

The bullet points above mapped to Hodges' model, with additions (italics).

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

teaching swimming, water safety and safe rescue skills
training bystanders in safe rescue and resuscitation
awareness of risk situations
confidence to learn to swim

installing barriers controlling access to water
providing safe places away from water such as crèches for pre-school children with capable childcare
improving flood risk management

teaching swimming, water safety and safe rescue skills
training bystanders in safe rescue and resuscitation

family and community impacts

funding - prioritisation
setting and enforcing safe boating, shipping and ferry regulations

improving flood risk management
facilities for safe & effective teaching


Previously 2022

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Frayn - on maths

"Pure arithmetic is not about particular things but about particular relations between things. Algebra preserves an even loftier detachment from the world. It is not about relations between things - it about relations between relations. Numbers are variables that can be quantified in the physical world. Algebraic terms are variables that can be quantified in the world of numbers." pp.154-155.

Frayn, Michael (2006). The human touch: our part in the creation of a universe. 'Fingerhold', Chapter 5. London: Faber & Faber. pp.139-170.

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic



... human human  human  human human ...

Don't you dare!
Yes, please do!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Axiology, concept, horizon

"The hypothesis that thinking is founded in valuation requires for its development what philosophers call "axiology," the philosophic study of values. Of course, values are not phenomena that float into view, stimulating a "philosophy of values" to study them. Rather, it will be argued that values should be conceived of as the universal character of everything. Axiology, therefore, is the study of things with regard to their value dimension. An axiology of thinking is a study of the various roles of value in thinking." p.12.

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

"An image is the horizon in terms of which our definitions of its contents makes sense.  It is like a mental picture of the rough outlines of the world: it handles information by giving each datum a position relative to the rough outlines." p.36.

"A concept is a way of mentally grouping various components whose combination is valuable because of a normative measure. The "real" identity of things comes from the normative measure of which their de facto harmony is an approximation." p.84.

Neville, R.C. (1981) Reconstruction of Thinking, New York: SUNY.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care in England

"For the first time ever, the adult social care sector has come together, led by Skills for Care, to develop the Workforce Strategy it needs. Adult social care needs a workforce strategy to ensure we have enough of the right people with the right skills to provide the best possible care and support for the people who draw on it. 
Development of this vital Strategy has been truly collaborative and it could not have been developed without the expertise, time and commitment of many stakeholders."
      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES                   
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
Job satisfaction

Personalisation - Belongings


Attitudes, Opportunities, Incentives

Access to Training

Activities, Reablement

Arts, Dance, Music

Dental and other services

Systems view - Demographics

Collaboration / Liaison

Social Care: At home & residential care

Job status

Local community, schools

Funding of Social Care

Integrated & Person-centred Care

Workforce strategy

Pay - terms and conditions

Government policy

Workforce recruitment & retention:

National - International

Source: Email - Skills for Care and BBC Radio 4 Today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

'Land Back' - Owens Valley, California

"The vast territory known as Owens Valley in California was home for centuries to Native Americans who lived along its rivers and creeks fed by snowmelt that cascaded down the eastern slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Then came the European settlers, and over time, the Native Americans tribes lost access to nearly all of that land. Eventually, the water was lost too: ...
Less familiar is what happened to the Owens Valley, and the people who lived there, after most of the water was sent south. Owens Lake is now a patchwork of saline pools covered in pink crystals and wetlands studded with gravel mounds designed to catch the dust. And today, the four recognized tribes in the area have less than 2,000 acres (800 hectares) of reservation land, estimated Teri Red owl, a local Native American leader. 
But things are changing, tribal members say. They have recently reclaimed corners of the valley, buoyed by the growing momentum across the United States to return land to Indigenous stewardship, also known as the "Land Back" movement." p.7.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES                   
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      


indigenous peoples



Cowan, J. Native Americans reclaim lost land in California, The New York Times International Edition, June 18, 2024. p.7.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Honouring 'Wheatfield: a Confrontation' by Agnes Denes

"In the summer of 1982, two acres of wheat were planted and harvested by artist Agnes Denes, two blocks from Wall Street and the World Trade Center and facing the Statue of Liberty.

Planting and harvesting a field of wheat on land worth $4.5 billion created a powerful paradox. Wheatfield was a symbol, a universal concept; it represented food, energy, commerce, world trade, and economics. It referred to mismanagement, waste, world hunger and ecological concerns. It called attention to our misplaced priorities.

The harvested grain traveled to twenty-eight cities around the world in an exhibition called “The International Art Show for the End of World Hunger”, organized by the Minnesota Museum of Art (1987-90). The seeds were carried away by people who planted them in many parts of the globe." twistedsifter

         INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES                   
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      


'Honouring Wheatfield: a Confrontation' - ArtBasel from June 10:


In 1982, An Artist Harvested Two Acres of Wheat on Land Worth $4.5 Billion by TwistedSifter


Roux, C. Reaping what you sow, Collecting, FTWeekend, 8-9 June 2024, p.4.

Monday, July 15, 2024

FT: "Nearly 3mn people fell into financial difficulty last year"

Access to credit and illegal lending

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES                   
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

study included an online survey 3,101
 financially vulnerable people
nationally representative online study
with a sample of 1,500 people

>20mn classed as vulnerable

'44% of the UK adult population'

exclusion from financial services

'People with flaws in their credit scores,
risk being excluded from affordable
financial services, being forced to
rely on subprime lenders.'

"the poverty premium costing the country
a staggering £2.8bn per year."

economic determinants of health

'We need to view financial inclusion
as a key enabler of growth.'

Hickey, S. Nearly 3mn people fell into financial difficulty last year, Money, FTWeekend, 13 July, 2024. p.2. https://www.ft.com/content/9fa98712-b73e-4eac-ba5f-71d3bad13fa7

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

ERCIM News No. 138 Special theme: "Sustainable Cities"

Dear ERCIM News reader,

A new ERCIM News issue (Number 138) is online with a special theme on sustainable cities. This ERCIM News special theme reports on research addressing technologies, systems, applications, and services for sustainable smart cities, showcasing Europe's research ecosystem.
You can access the issue at https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/

This special theme was coordinated by our guest editors German Castignani (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) and Georgios Mylonas (Industrial Systems Institute, Athena Research Center).

Thank you for reading ERCIM News!

Please share this issue with anyone who might find it interesting. You can also support us on Twitter (@ercim_news) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/ercim). Let's keep the conversation going and share the latest updates together!

Next issue:
No. 139, October 2024
Special Theme: "Software Security". Submissions are welcome! See call for contributions.

Announcements in this issue:

  • Call for Proposals: Dagstuhl Seminars and Perspectives Workshops - Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik is accepting proposals for scientific seminars/workshops in all areas of computer science.
  • ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme - Postdoctoral fellowships available at leading European research institutions. Simple application procedure. Next application deadline: 30 September 2024.
  • Call for Participation: Forum Beyond Compliance 2024: Research Ethics in the Digital Age
  • Call for Participation: Edge AI Meets Swarm Intelligence - Dubrovnik, Croatia, 18 September 2024
  • SmartEdge & AIoTwin Summer School and Workshop, 16-20 September 2024, Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Call for Participation: FMICS 2024 - 29th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems, co-located with Formal Methods (FM) 2024 in Milan, 9-11 September 2024

ERCIM News is published quarterly by ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. With the printed and online edition, ERCIM News reaches more than 10000 readers.
All issues published to date are available online.


ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase cooperation with European industry. Leading European research institutes are members of ERCIM. ERCIM is the European host of W3C.

Subscribe to the ERCIM News quarterly alert

Peter Kunz*                      	
ERCIM Office
2004, Route des Lucioles
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex


*My source via email - many thanks.

n.b. A search did not find 'health', 'well-', 'care', or 'pollution' in this issue.
Contrast with (and other previous issues):

ERCIM News No. 98 Special theme: "Smart Cities"

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

The Nursing and Midwifery Council: Independent culture review - Reflection, accountability and action

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES                   
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

Title: 'Registered Nurse' ...



Theory - Practice - Governance [gap*]



Community of Practice

Role models

Models of  Care -

Across all care contexts

c/o Twi/X

*always trying to bridge ...

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Book for review: v "Philosophy of Care - New Approaches to Vulnerability, Otherness and Therapy"

I think this is the final post for Philosophy of Care (think! There is so much more ...). There are other chapters more salient to me personally, but for Hodges' model and the collective human enterprise, I think chapter 5 by Virginia Held is the most important. There's not just a chapter, but three in Part II 'Care and Economy'. I appreciate the reminder of Kate Raworth's Doughnut Economics which challenges;"the dominant assumption of the economy as a machine". I notice on Twi/X Kate Rowarth reflects on the UK's election:
The book 'Doughnut Economics' opens with the story of Yuan Yang who, as a young economics student back in 2008, was challenging the outdated theory she was being taught. Last night she was elected as the first-ever MP for Earley & Woodley. Huge congratulations @YuanfenYang!
I gave Keir Starmer a copy of Doughnut Economics just 10 days before he became Labour Party Leader. So will the book make it onto his bookshelves in Number 10? More importantly: will policies for a regenerative & distributive UK become real under this government?...


While in Philosophy of Care, another three words stood out:
"'Big-picture thinkers'^, Raworth notes, have offered alternative visions, but they have been dismissed by the field of economics." p.102.

continued ... 

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Take II? Fit for Government . . ?

As a community nurse, driving is obviously pretty essential to your being able to work. I have come across non-driving community nurses (earlier this year) but they are still few(?). As a boy going to work with my father you could see how dependent he and workmates were upon a string of vans, cars and be able to drive both being on the 'right-side' of the law and his health. It was always an 'event' a new van, fitting out with racks, shelves, nooks, hooks and crannies for all sorts.*

Then as a community nurse older adults you come across individuals who still have their driving license, still have their car on the drive / front, and still have the car keys. Perhaps family have suggested to mum, dad, brother, sister, aunt: "Look, isn't it time to call it a day and give up driving?" Ouch! There's a crash - in itself.

Re-working the two-part draft paper on deprivation of liberty safeguarding, threshold concepts, Hodges' model within residential care, some thresholds are difficult, challenging to call. But some are safety critical, and perhaps need a more 'proactive' stance, without giving way to ageism. Is it the local community's job - the public's job to proffer a diagnosis: and what about persons on the world stage? Diagnosis by social media?

I quickly admired those people who, though reticent, gave up the literal fast-lane. Inevitably you wonder how you will react when the time comes. Will you have the humility, the goodness of grace to hand over the keys? To call it a day. With an ageing population, I've warned the children when driving to expect the unexpected. Cars going the wrong way. It was a struggle for my father: but safety as it so often does - did the trick - with the impetus of physical illness.

Sometimes, at work, after a family trying, and a fracas, when they've tried to hide / remove the car keys, suddenly a near-miss has upped-the-ratchet. Neighbours have seen the 'driver' reversing out into the road, with numerous car horns announcing the event. Then perhaps you are intercepted outside, a call comes to the day center (the transport is also going), the community team, or the GP's surgery (the neighbours have helped with medication).

I've had to speak to GPs for them to visit, meeting them on occasion. Do GPs - family physicians still have the same gravitas today?

This is a care transition: what can be a difficult one. A helpful point (diplomatic argument) that often gets through is the matter of car insurance and the status of the existing policy?

Does a political leader carry insurance?

It is difficult for all, a person's human rights, choices, freedom; their life story, former career perhaps, their health career - most definitely.

With events in the USA and the Democrat Party, and seeing the cover of The Economist I had to TAKE II.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES                   
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

cognitive state



Fitness for Office:
Mentally & Physically
The Economist

safety of Others

community - duty of care -
 (however realised)

This is global problem that is set to increase and not just for reasons of health.

Ack. The Economist

Owen, D. (2009) In Sickness and in Power: Illnesses in Heads of Government during the Last 100 Years, London: Methuen Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-413-77689-1

Listen also ... BBC Radio 4 Moral Maze 

'The Morality of Stepping Down'


*I suspect he's still driving around somewhere. x

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

HC@AIxIA: AI&Health Seminar Series (2024) - JULY 11

Dear Madam/Sir,

This is to officially announce the SEVENTH seminar of the "AI & Health" series as hosted by HC@AIxIA, i.e., the "Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare" working group of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. Save the date: 11 JULY 2024.

We hope you will attend and participate in the discussion on the relevant topics that will be presented and by our speakers. 
Feel free to share this with those potentially interested.

Please find some details below, and a poster attached. All directions for participating are available at https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/.

== Are you interested in Joining the group? ==
Please head to https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/ fo find out how. Do not hesitate to contact us at hc-aixia AT googlegroups.com for any information or clarification.

Thank you for your interest in the AI & Health seminar series and the HC@AIxIA working group, and see you soon!

Francesco Calimeri, Mauro Dragoni, Fabio Stella
(coordinators of the HC@AIxIA working group)

== July 2024 seminar ==

2024 June 17 - 4:30PM CET
Alberto Mussetti, Hematology Department, Institut Català d'Oncologia (Barcelona, Spain)

Title: The Quantum Leap: AI and Telemedicine Unveiling the Next Frontier in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Abstract: This conference explores the transformative intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Telemedicine in the realm of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (allo-HCT), heralding a new era in healthcare. The discussion delves into the potential of these advanced technologies to reshape the landscape of allo-HCT, promising enhanced accessibility, efficiency, and patient outcomes. The conference begins by examining how AI algorithms are revolutionizing donor matching processes and patient assessments, refining the selection of recipients and minimizing complications. Furthermore, the integration of telemedicine platforms facilitates remote patient monitoring, enabling real-time tracking of vital health indicators and facilitating timely interventions. As AI and telemedicine converge to reshape the landscape of allo-HSCT, this discussion serves as a pivotal exploration into the advantages and limits of this transformative journey.

Short Bio: Alberto Mussetti MD, works at the Hematology Department at Institut Català d'Oncologia (Barcelona, Spain) as Director of the Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cell Therapy Unit. During the last years his research has been focused on lymphoid malignancies, allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant and digital medicine. He previously worked at Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (Milan, Italy)and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center of New York. He is an active participant and principal investigator of the Lymphoma Working party of the European Bone Marrow Transplantation Society (EBMT) and the Center for International Bone Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR).