Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: March 2021

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

'Clean tools' - fit for Conceptual Engineering?

Posting previously news of a conference on 'Conceptual Engineering' I was drawn and try to follow the following series:

Conceptual Engineering Seminar | Simon Blackburn (Cambridge): TBA 

March 30 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm 

ABSTRACT. — When I hit upon the term ‘conceptual engineering’ in the Introduction to my book Think, I suppose I thought of it as simply a cute way of introducing what philosophers do. I had no idea that the term had already been used, although I have subsequently learned that it was. I have therefore been surprised that books and seminars have subsequently been devoted to the idea: it is as if books and seminars were simply entitled ‘Philosophy’ rather than directed at particular problems within philosophy. In my talk I hope to go further into that and try to understand why it happened. 

Yesterday, Simon Blackburn cited Austin (1956) and the need for 'clean tools', which led me to the following source*:

"First, words are our tools, and, as a minimum, we should use clean tools: we should know what we mean and what we do not, and we must forearm ourselves against the traps that language sets us. Secondly, words are not (except in their own little corner*) facts or things: we need therefore to prise them off the world, to hold them apart from and against it, so that we can realise their inadequacies and arbitrarinesses, and can re-look at the world without blinkers. Thirdly, and more hopefully, our common stock of words embodies all the distinctions men have found worth drawing, and the connexions they have found worth marking, in the lifetimes of many generations: these surely are likely to be more numerous, more sound, since they have stood up to the long test of the survival of the fittest, and more subtle, at least in all ordinary and reasonably practical matters, than any that you or I are likely to think up in our armchairs of an afternoon - the most favoured alternative method."

*my emphasis

Simon's talk of 'clean tools' prompted me to reflect:

The assumed neutrality of Hodges' model. As noted on W2tQ previously, Hodges' model is an invitation to start with a new slate. To leave behind bias and prejudice, to assure unconditional positive regard and a non-judgmental approach and attitude.

'Engineering' is usually conducted within a dedicated physical space. Apprentices will soon be familiar with the discipline of leaving the work environment clean and prepared for the next day. They will learn that tools have their place (even on the screen). Tools themselves also need care; so don't be care-less.

If Occam's razor is a preparatory rule for conceptual hygiene, perhaps we can take this further, or at least propose an addition? There is a 'rule of forceps' (which, it might be argued, is person-centred, or clearly patient-centred?) but not only are forceps a tool, we can utilise a divider too.

In use, Hodges' model suggests and facilitates dichotomous thinking. The forceps may help grasp the the key parts - the polarities of a situation. The divider may serve to help us to weigh and measure the 'distance' of two concepts, especially if they seem to be grounded across two of the model's care (knowledge) domains.

So Hodges' model may have a role in 'conceptual engineering', variously as a dialectic divider or dialectical forceps?

Austin, J. (1956). A Plea for Excuses: The Presidential Address. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 57, new series, 1-30. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/4544570Austin, J. (1956). A Plea for Excuses: The Presidential Address. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 57, new series, 1-30. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/4544570

There is a legal case of historic interest also described in the Austin's paper.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

A window on social history ...

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Ask a child to draw a house ..?

A row of coal miners' houses with no windows to the street,
Halifax, 1937 by Bill Brandt





*and its quality

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Anticipatory Prescribing as part of Anticipatory Care

This post is derived from a selection of the main concepts found within three papers (references listed below) on 'anticipatory prescribing'. Some explanation may assist. I have duplicated 1. What is current practice? across the domains to suggest that the question needs to be answered for each of the care (knowledge) domains. The same principle applies to the repetition of the attitudinal questions at the individual and group (sociological) level. Person-centredness demands that the patient's views are paramount plus the aggregated responses of the group as a whole.

Perhaps there is a 'drug TIME' too, which operates across all the domains once more, and each variously weighted objectively and subjectively? The concept of control and assessment of control is also critical.

I've placed GP decision-making across both 'individual' domains described as it is as a 'process' and for the patient as 'bedside manner', as also reflected in the GP and healthcare professional's communication with the family.

Clinical effectiveness and observations are likewise span the interpersonal and sciences domains. This is to denote the need to achieve and sustain parity of esteem and integrate physical and mental health care - pastoral and spiritual also.

'Cost' is anchored in the political domain, but clearly there are much wider economic ramifications, both in quality of life, quality of death and the way 'cost' is determined, measured, analysed, evaluated and reported.

For me nursing, medicine, healthcare are most effective when they are anticipatory. Observation, reflection and critical thinking are key. In a way for an individual to be health literate is a preparation for self-care. Although clearly in a general sense of health and well-being; not necessarily being literate with respect to a long-term medical condition.

Hodges' model is an idealisation and the detail is obviously described in the papers listed. The intention below is for readers to gain an appreciation of anticipatory prescribing and the application and scope of Hodges' model.

 Taking a larger perspective anticipatory prescribing is part of anticipatory care.

@GeriSoc https://twitter.com/GeriSoc/status/1374716732120645632?s=20

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Anticipatory Prescribing

Reassurance for patient, family &  friends
clinical effectiveness
subjective TIME
agitation, distress (mood, anxiety, orientation, communication, identity - self, fear, understanding, mental capacity...)

The patient's spiritual well-being needs are met*.

1. What is current practice?

2. What are the attitudes of patients?
3. What are the attitudes of family carers?
4. What are the attitudes of community healthcare professionals?
[as individuals]

GPs’ discussion with patients

(Advanced care planning - choices)

5. What is its impact on patient comfort and symptom control?

Anticipatory Prescribing

Physical access to medication and treatment is assured.
clinical effectiveness
objective TIME
remote anticipatory prescribing increased 24 hours availability

The intervention seeks to improve [my] symptom control

pain, nausea and vomiting, agitation, and respiratory secretions.

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the practice of Anticipatory Prescribing; more terminally ill patients are having end-of-life care at home and in care homes.

1. What is current practice?

New routes of administration

injection, oral, sublingual, or rectal

5. What is its impact on patient comfort and symptom control?
GPs’ decision-making processes
Systematic review and narrative synthesis
Semi-structured interviews
Web-based survey
An important intervention in supporting patients and families who wish to have last days of life care at home.

1. What is current practice?

2. What are the attitudes of patients?
3. What are the attitudes of family carers?
4. What are the attitudes of community healthcare professionals?

5. What is its impact on patient comfort and symptom control?
Patient and families’ well-being throughout the end-of-life journey

*There is concord and respect regards patient's spiritual well-being needs.

GPs’ discussion with family

family caregiver administration

The Independent Review of the Liverpool Care Pathway found that the use of Anticipatory Prescribing without adequate explanation or justification led to families being concerned about over-sedation and the medication hastening death.

1. What is current practice?

5. What is its impact on patient comfort and symptom control?

6. Is it cost-effective?

Revise pharmaceutical regulations to permit repurposing of anticipatory prescribing medications in care homes, wider community drug access, and recycling unused medications returned to pharmacies.
Address stock shortages.

Bowers B, Ryan R, Kuhn I, Barclay S (2019) Anticipatory prescribing of injectable medications for adults at the end of life in the community: A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis. Palliative Medicine 33(2): 160-177 https://doi.org/10.1177/0269216318815796

Antunes B, Bowers B, Winterburn I, Kelly MP, Brodrick R, Pollock K, Majumder M, Spathis A, Lawrie I, George R, Ryan R, Barclay S. (2020) Anticipatory prescribing in community end-of-life care in the UK and Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic: online survey. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjspcare-2020-002394

Bowers B, Barclay SS, Pollock K, Barclay S (2020) General Practitioners’ decisions about prescribing end-of-life anticipatory medications: a qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice; 70(699) e731-739 https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp20X712625 


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Hodges' model: Not just rectilinear, but bubbles too ...

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

"To the holistic absorption by the One – upon which the success of so many religions and philosophies was premised for centuries – Sloterdijk opposes the proposition of a dyadic theory of intimacy. This is a distinction between an acute appearance of unity, experienced from a cosmic position of being fully contained inside a whole, and an ontological insistence that this position is itself contingent on a constitutive relationality. It is not possible to attain an overview, an outside bird’s-eye view of spheres (Neither Sun Nor Death, p263). By contrast, ... 

"Sloterdijk’s anthropological theory of shared, auto-poetic space, carries ontogenetic force. This is, by example, expressed in the discussion of the relationship between birth and thought, or between the birth of a child and that of a world.35 Sloterdijk dedicates the bulk of Bubbles to birth, providing a detailed discussion of intrauterine dwelling, including the sensory presence of liquids, soft bodies, the early experience of spatial boundaries, fluidal communion in the medium of blood, the constitution of an intimate acoustic bipolar sphere and, above all, cohabitation with the placenta, conceived as primal, anonymous companion. Intrauterine space is approached as the most vivid illustration of the spherological principle according to which coexistence precedes essence. At once enclosed and porous, poetic and connected, intrauterine space is the production of a dense and connected ‘two’: ‘What we call ‘mother and child’ in the abbreviated terms of subject-object language are, in their mode of being, only ever poles of a dynamic in-between’ (Bubbles, p320)." p.47.

By contrast, ... the relational ontology of spheres aims to rehabilitate the relation at the expense of the essential, and the situation at the expense of components (p151). Against any form of substantialism, a relational ontology emphasises the centrality of being-with [Mitsein] in relationships of mother and child, mesmerist and subject, therapist and patient, foetus and placenta, and so forth." p.47.



My source:

Duclos, V. (2019) Falling into Things: 
Peter Sloterdijk, Ontological Anthropology in the Monstrous. 
New Formations, 95, Spaces and Stories, pp. 37-53.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

TEDxNHS #1 – Why teaching a man how to fish won’t solve food poverty

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic


 “social murder ...

... meeting too early a death."

My source:


Friday, March 19, 2021

Healthcare Systems & Services: Yes, attend to the battlements ...

 Yes, attend to the battlements, but 

don't neglect your 'Towers of Observation'?

Illustration by Luca D'Urbino: https://www.durbodesign.com/
humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

"More than 27,000 tests have been carried out, with 459 positive results and eight deaths." p.20.

"A report last year estimated that there were some 100,000 vacancies across the health service." p.21.

My source:

Britain. The NHS and covid19. Is it ready? Britain’s NHS is well suited to dealing with crises. But it is overstretched and faces an enormous task. The politics of pandemics, The Economist. Mar 14th 2020, pp.20-21. https://www.economist.com/weeklyedition/2020-03-14

Illustration by Luca D'Urbino: https://www.durbodesign.com/

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Universal Health Coverage: Every Day - All Year - All Weathers [ #COP26 ]

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Related posts on W2tQ:

Global Health

Universal Health Coverage

My source:

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Does “#AI” stand for Augmenting Inequality in the era of Covid-19 healthcare? c/o BMJ

Fig 1 Cascading effects of health inequality and discrimination manifest in the design and use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems [BMJ]

Original graphic surgically re-rendered as per the knowledge (care) domains of Hodges' model:

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

My source:

Monday, March 15, 2021

HowTheLightGetsIn - ToTheIntra-InterpersonalDomain*

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic


* ... or gets out?

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Paper: Models of care for patients with hypertension and diabetes in humanitarian crises: a systematic review

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

"Implementing NCD care in humanitarian crises requires the development of a context-adapted approach or ‘model of care’. A model of care may be characterized as a conceptual and pragmatic framework that describes how services are delivered within a health system (Davidson et al., 2006; Agency for Clinical Innovation, 2013)."

Models of care

"We found that there was no single unifying model of care for HTN/DM care in humanitarian crises, and the variance in care models included in this review was highly dependent on context. In order to descriptively synthesize the diverse models presented in the included studies, we created a typology based on the type of crisis, region and integration with the health system, since these factors likely influenced model design"
patient’s expectations

hypertension and diabetes (HTN/DM)

Crisis type and Region
Natural: Hurricane, Flood, Earthquake

Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan,  China, Pakistan,  India, Philippines, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Nepal

Camp, Non-Camp; Rural, Urban

Location of services - Location of people in need, transport, travel time, distance

Refugee population - Local population

forced displacement, disruption of treatment and support, interrupted health services, movement and attrition of health care workers (HCWs), insecurity, destruction of infrastructure,  breakdown in supply chains and data processes

"The domains of access — availability, affordability, accessibility, accommodation, and acceptability — were derived from previously described measures of coverage (Penchansky and Thomas, 1981; Hernández-Quevedo and Papnicolas, 2013; Levesque et al., 2013)."

Refugees and Host Communities

Humanitarian crises

"Responsiveness has been defined as the ability of health services meet a patient’s holistic needs; in this framework, it also encompassed a model of care’s ability to respond to changing patient needs in a volatile context (.Hernández-Quevedo and Papnicolas, 2013; Kruk et al., 2018). Integration described the linkage between different levels and sites of care, such as facility-based care and community-based support as well as coordination between providers and institutions, while continuity of care referred to uninterrupted care throughout the patient’s disease and life course."

Formal health system and community-based formal or informal systems

Non-governmental organisations

Crisis type and Region
Political: Conflict, Disaster

Affordability, income, worth of service


Person :: Service


"Availability was defined as the volume and type of existing services and whether this was adequate for the volume and needs of service users. Affordability constituted the patient’s capacity to use financial resources to obtain care balanced against their income and the perceived worth of the service. Accessibility addressed the match between the location of services vs the location of people in need, including transport, travel time, distance, and cost. The accommodation was defined as the organization of service delivery, such as opening times and ability of service users to accommodate to this. Acceptability was considered as the relationship between the services and the patient’s expectations of appropriate care."
(My emphasis)

NCD  - Non-communicable disease

My source: HIFA list

CITATION: Models of care for patients with hypertension and diabetes in humanitarian crises: a systematic review, Michael S Jaung, Ruth Willis, Piyu Sharma, Sigiriya Aebischer Perone, Signe Frederiksen, Claudia Truppa, Bayard Roberts, Pablo Perel, Karl Blanchet, Éimhín Ansbro
Health Policy and Planning, https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czab007

Saturday, March 13, 2021

9th World Congress of Clinical Safety (9WCCS)

The 9th World Congress of Clinical Safety (9WCCS)

(Theme) Clinical Safety Promotion and Risk/Crisis Management of COVID19

Greenwich Mean Time 9:00 Sep 1 (Wed) -18:00 Sep 14 (Thu), 2021

WEB Conference (On-Demand)

Official language: English
No translation to other languages
Can access all presentations during 14 days repeatedly.

Congress homepage

"Abstract submission"    till 1 June 2021

"Congress registration"
    (Presenter) from 10 June 2021 to 25 July 2021
    (Audience) from 10 June 2021 to 20 August 2021

Registration fee: http://www.iarmm.org/9WCCS/registration_fees.pdf

Abstract Topics (You may submit abstracts under the following topics)

Patient safety promotion / Medication safety / Medical Engineering safety / Nursing safety /
Quality analysis of patient safety / Quantity analysis of patient safety / Human factors /
Preoperative risk management and Checklists / Improvement of IT technology for clinical safety / IT & Clinical information safety / Big data analysis for clinical safety / AI for clinical safety / IoT for clinical safety / Risk and safety in medical device and alarms / Transparency and visualization of clinical risk in healthcare / Risk and safety in medical device and alarms / International perspectives for clinical safety / Patient and family centered care / Leading effective change / Improving population and community health / Simulation and human factor for clinical safety / The impact of education, training and simulation on patient safety / Education and coaching for clinical safety / Improving Healthcare - Lessons from other industries / Patient participation in clinical safety / Voice of patient /Writing for publication - how to publish quality improvement reports and research / Safety culture in healthcare and group medicine / risk or crisis management of SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 / Safety Data Sheet (SDs) for disaster / Environmental safety / Others 


My source: 9WCCS

Friday, March 12, 2021

14-20 March - Patient Safety Awareness Week

Next week 14-20 March is Patient Safety Awareness Week. 

Further information here:


​​​​​​​​​​​​About the Initiative

Patient Safety Awareness Week is an annual recognition event intended to encourage everyone to learn more about health care safety. During this week, IHI seeks to advance important discussions locally and globally, and inspire action to improve the safety of the health care system — for patients and the workforce.

Patient Safety Awareness Week serves as a dedicated time and platform for growing awareness about patient safety and recognizing the work already being done...
[See link above for events - webinars.. PJ]

My source:
Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator, neil AT hifa.org www.hifa.org

HIFA: Healthcare Information For All: www.hifa.org

Thursday, March 11, 2021

PhD position on "Analyzing the Interactions Between Spaces of Argumentation in Different Contexts"

We are seeking applicants for a PhD position on «Analyzing the Interactions Between Spaces of Argumentation in Different Contexts» at LAMSADE (University Paris-Dauphine).

The Covid19 crisis shows us that arguments can circulate between different social worlds, as they have done between scientific and academic worlds, media, and social media, in different directions. However, the way people discuss in these different environments is very different and rely on different standards to recognize proofs.

How can different groups advance in a debate when sharing information, evidence on a complex issue, refer to different notions of arguments and proof standards?

For example, in recent months we could observe some ideal-typic description of the shape of the argumentation:

  1. in the mediatic world: repeat, follow, approve/disprove, exaggerate, attack ad hominem;
  2. in the scientific world: decide paradigm, decide hypothesis, test, revise, purify, consolidate, invalidate, give examples, give counter-example.

The literature on argumentation theory has elaborated several defeasible argumentation schemes, which are abstract argument forms that do not necessarily fall into the classical deductive or inductive argument structures, and that capture also what traditionally is classified as a fallacy.

For a detailed description see:


*Required Profile*

- Master degree in Computer Science (or equivalent) with good GPA
- Knowledge in Computer Science, Mathematics, Economics and Logic
- Minimal programming skills
- Strong interest for multidisciplinary research
- Autonomy and ability to work in a team
- Good writing skills in English

*Application procedure and deadline*

Interested candidates should send the following PDF documents to Juliette Rouchier (juliette.rouchier AT dauphine.fr) and Gabriella Pigozzi (gabriella.pigozzi AT dauphine.fr) before 11 April 2021:

- CV
- Scan of transcripts of marks with their ranking
- A letter of motivation
- One letter or recommendation

A first selection will be performed amongst eligible applications, and selected candidates will be interviewed.

PS: Please forward this email to potential candidates.

My source: 

Philos-L "The Liverpool List" is run by the Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/philosophy/philos-l/

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Count Down: What on Earth are We Doing?

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic


See also:


My source:

Capurro, D. 2021, Falling sperm counts 'as big a threat to humans as climate change', The Daily Telegraph, 27 February, p.15.

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Hodges' model: What is the Question? (ii)

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
What is the basis for meta-cognitive and meta-conceptual claims for Hodges' model?

Does Hodges' model have a role in secondary education and if so, what is it?

If Hodges' model facilitates reflection and is reflexive how is this achieved and demonstrated?

Is Hodges' model a meta-semantic framework and if so, is this what provides genericity?

What is the foundation of the axes in Hodges' model and what characteristics can be described?
Is Hodges' model safe? "Cold, Warm, Hot, Hotter!" nearer to 'navel gazing' than 'reflective practice'?

Are 'concepts' sufficient to explain the structure of Hodges' model, and account for its claimed role(s) in assessment, planning, evaluation and assurance?

Is Hodges' model a constant: as the contemporary model?

Are 'individual', 'group', 'humanistic', and 'mechanistic' sufficient as conceptual anchors
; and if so are they sufficient to give rise to the two continua that then invoke four knowledge (care) domains?
Can Hodges' model simultaneously preserve, protect and assure 'patiency' whilst also facilitating self-care?

What forms of literacy are encountered by users of Hodges' model and are they accessible to the public, patients and carers?

Hodges' model: Show me the praxis.

What does Hodges' model say about holism (and consequently reductivism) and why should anyone listen?

Is there such a thing as a generic 'model of care' in a multidisciplinary world?

Is there a 'logic' to the seemingly diametric opposition of 'power' as exercised here and the two individual domains in Hodges' model?

If claims for Hodges' model of universality, genericity and global scope are 'true' is this also a risk for healthcare professions and specialisation, as it supports the 'universal worker' and automated processes?


Monday, March 08, 2021

International Women's Day 2021#ChooseToChallenge

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic


Bulgaria 1957 Women’s Day

Algeria 2004 International Women's Day


Images: https://www.stampsoftheworld.co.uk/wiki/Category:International_Women%27s_Day

Sunday, March 07, 2021

WHO: 1 in 4 people projected to have hearing problems by 2050

"When unaddressed, hearing loss impacts many aspects of life at individual level"

 and collective too.

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

"Communication and speech


Education and Employment: In developing countries, children with hearing loss and deafness often do not receive schooling. Adults with hearing loss also have a much higher unemployment rate. Among those who are employed, a higher percentage of people with hearing loss are in the lower grades of employment compared with the general workforce."

"Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization’s (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released today. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken."

"But the most glaring gap in health system capacity is in human resources. Among low-income countries, about 78% have fewer than one ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist per million population; 93% have fewer than one audiologist per million; only 17% have one or more speech therapist per million; and 50% have one or more teacher for the deaf per million. This gap can be closed through integration of ear and hearing care into primary health care through strategies such as task sharing and training, outlined in the report."

"Impact on society and economy

Years Lived with Disability (YDLs) and Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs)

WHO estimates that unaddressed hearing loss poses an annual global cost of US$ 980 billion. This includes health sector costs (excluding the cost of hearing devices), costs of educational support, loss of productivity, and societal costs. 57% of these costs are attributed to low- and middle-income countries."





Dear colleagues,

We have recently published an article that presents some insights from Canada 

(full-text available from ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343400636_Here's_to_sound_action_on_global_hearing_health_through_public_health_approaches )

Shroff, F.M. and Jung, D. (2020), "Here's to sound action on global hearing health through public health approaches", International Journal of Health Governance, Vol. 25 No. 3, pp. 235-244. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJHG-01-2020-0004 

Abstract Purpose – A global pandemic, non-occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a completely preventable public health problem, which receives limited air time. This study has dual purposes: to contribute to scholarly literature that puts non-occupational NIHL on the global priority map and to effect change in the City of Vancouver’s policies toward noise. 

Design/methodology/approach – Experts in public health and hearing health were contacted in addition to a scoping literature search on PubMed. Information pertaining to both developed and developing countries was obtained, and comparison was made to Canada where possible. The authors met with elected officials at the City of Vancouver to inform them of the win–win aspects of policies that promoted better hearing.

Findings – Non-occupational NIHL is an underappreciated issue in Canada and many other countries, as seen by the lack of epidemiological data and public health initiatives. Other countries, such as Australia, have more robust research and public health programs, but most of the world lags behind. Better hearing health is possible through targeted campaigns addressing root causes of non-occupational, recreational noise–positive associations with loud noise. By redefining social norms so that soft to moderate sounds are associated with positive values and loud sounds are negatively attributed, the societies will prevent leisure NIHL. The authors recommend widespread national all-age campaigns that benefit from successful public health campaigns of the past, such as smoking cessation, safety belts and others. Soft Sounds are Healthy (SSH) is a suggested name for a campaign that would take many years, ample resources and sophisticated understanding of behavior change to be effective.

Research limitations/implications – A gap exists in the collection of non-occupational NIHL data. Creating indicators and regularly collecting data is a high priority for most nations. Beyond data collection, prevention of non-occupational NIHL ought to be a high priority. Studies in each region would propel understanding, partly to discern the cultural factors that would predispose the general population to change favorable attitudes toward loud sounds to associations of moderate sounds with positivity. Evaluations of these campaigns would then follow.

Practical implications – Everyday life for many people around the world, particularly in cities, is loud. Traffic, construction, loudspeakers, music and other loud sounds abound. Many people have adapted to these loud soundscapes, and others suffer from the lack of peace and quiet. Changing cultural attitudes toward loud sound will improve human and animal health, lessen the burden on healthcare systems and positively impact the economy. Social implications–Industries that create loud technologies and machinery ought to be required to find ways to soften noise. Regulatory mechanisms that are enforced by law and fines ought to be in place. When governments take up the banner of hearing health, they will help to set a new tone toward loud sounds as undesirable, and this will partially address the root causes of the problem of non-occupational NIHL.


Irina Ibragimova, PhD

Co-editor, International Journal of Health Governance

HIFA profile: Irina Ibraghimova is a medical librarian, based in Croatia, and works with health care professionals in the countries of the Former Soviet Union, Central and Eastern Europe, and Africa. Her interests include evidence-based practice (both in health care and in library/informatics field). She is a HIFA Country Representative for Croatia. https://www.hifa.org/support/members/irina www.lrcnetwork.org www.healthconnect-intl.org ibra AT zadar.net


HIFA https://www.hifa.org/

(Posted a little late...)

Saturday, March 06, 2021

The Great Green Wall

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

The Great Green Wall

"Africa's history with the west is littered with examples of plunder masquerading as benevolence, and science is no exception. Doctors and researchers who came to help during Ebola flew out with more than 269,000 blood samples from patients in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. That has meant that researchers in those countries cannot access samples that in many cases they had collected.    'All those superpowers, all those parachute researchers ... they pretended as if they want to help, but the real agenda was to control samples, so they can do all kinds of research on them'".



Munshi, N. (2021) Lunch with the FT Christian Happi: With pathogens, we need to play offence. FT Weekend, Life&Arts, 20-21 February, p.3. (A rewarding read.)

Image source: https://africaresearchonline.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/the-great-green-wall/

Friday, March 05, 2021

gameChange VR therapy

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

"The issue is an urgent one: all too often, individuals with psychosis find day-to-day life so anxiety-provoking that they simply withdraw. Everyday tasks — getting on a bus, doing the shopping, speaking to other people — become very challenging. Work and home life suffer. And mental and physical health deteriorate.

Psychological therapy can be very beneficial here. But it needs to be the right kind of therapy. What works best is active coaching in the situations that trouble people, helping patients move beyond their fears. However, this is difficult without a skilled therapist who has the time to get out and about with patients. And patients often find the idea frightening. The result is that a potentially powerful treatment is seldom actually delivered."


Source: Flyer from Salford - Early Intervention Team, Sept-Dec 2020 (Great team too!).

VR on archived site 1998-2015:



Thursday, March 04, 2021

The Practical Origins of Ideas by Matthieu Queloz

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

A few years ago 2018, I noticed a conference on conceptual engineering, if you browse this blog you may see the attraction that included New York. I never got there in person and of course back then virtual conferences were less 'popular'. This afternoon I joined an online presentation with Q&A on this topic and my interest was renewed. A subsequent search also revealed this book which is open access.

"The second strategy is what might be called the dynamic model interpretation advanced by Martin Kusch (2009b, 2011, 2013). On this view, genealogies are not just elaborate ways of describing our actual practices. They involve genuine historicization and fictionalization, because they are best interpreted as models which at first involve strong idealization, but are then gradually de-idealized to approximate their target system. They provide models with a time axis — dynamic models — explaining why we came to think as we do." pp.12-13.

"The genealogical model helps us situate, contextualize, and account for each of the different functions a practice acquired in different contexts, thereby imposing a form of order on the irreducibly varied synthesis that Nietzsche describes. The measure of the quality of that model will be its ability to make sense of the internal diversity of the practice and of the multiplicity of functions laid up in it." p.63.

"Often, our needs shape the space of reasons the way our eyes shape the field of vision: they render us sensitive to certain aspects of the world without themselves showing up in it." pp.246-247.

My source:

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Fully funded PhD opportunity: Power

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

How power is exercised here ...

[The above is my addition, and is not an endorsement]

Power as a social determinant of health inequalities (supervised by Mhairi Mackenzie and Sharon Greenwood at the University of Glasgow and Dr Gerry McCartney, Head of the Scottish Public Health Observatory at Public Health Scotland).

This PhD aims to deliver academic and policy learning about how power shapes health and health inequalities at a societal level and methodological learning about collaborative autoethnography as a means of generating data from/with elite participants. The findings will be used to develop learning materials for those engaged in the health inequalities field and to contribute to Public Health Scotland’s ongoing work programme in understanding power as a fundamental driver of health inequalities (HI).

In its proposed focus and methodological approach, the PhD draws on three ideas within the health inequalities literature:

  • Power is not properly understood as a determinant of health and HI – it appears as a relatively amorphous concept whose multiple mechanisms have not been sufficiently delineated; this means that potential policy levers remain obscured.
  • Those working within HI themselves sit within power structures and, as such, are a group whose understanding of power is important to explore. They have opportunities to influence policy debates, experience barriers created through power structures and, it is argued, despite commitment to resolving the problem, themselves benefit from the so-called ‘poverty industry’.
  • Researching concepts such as HI with professional elites is difficult when professionals have well-practiced repertoires of responses.

There is evidence that using non-standard research approaches in the field of HI can bring original perspectives to bear.

Using a novel methodological approach (collaborative autoethnography) the study will:

  • Explore how academic/policy elites working within the HI field:
  1. Understand the mechanisms through which different types of power impact on health outcomes and HI.
  2. Reflect on and conceptualise the power which they deploy or otherwise benefit from within their own personal/professional lives.
  • Generate learning about hidden and actionable levers of power relevant to HI. 
  • Develop learning sets for use with professionals in the HI field.
  • Generate learning about researching with elite participants.


Mhairi Mackenzie,
Professor of Public Policy,
Urban Studies, School of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow,
Email: mhairi.mackenzie AT glasgow.ac.uk


Deputy Director (Studentships and External Communications) of the Scottish Graduate School Social Sciences: Doctoral Training Partnership
Sgoil Cheumnaichean Saidheans Sòisealta na h-Alba: Com-pàirteachas Trèanaidh Dotaireachd
University of Edinburgh

A selection of recently published papers:

Mackenzie, M., Skivington, K., Fergie, G. (2020) “The State They’re In”: Unpicking Fantasy Paradigms of Health Improvement Interventions as Tools for Addressing Health Inequalities. Social Science & Medicine. 256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113047

Mackenzie, M., Gannon, M., Stanley, N., Cosgrove, K., Feder, G. (2019) ‘You certainly don't go back to the doctor once you've been told, “I'll never understand women like you.”’ Seeking candidacy and structural competency in the dynamics of domestic abuse disclosure. Sociology of Health & Illness 41(6): 1159-1174. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.12893

Mackenzie, M., Bradley, L., Gannon, M., Cosgrove, K., Barton, D., Feder, G., Stanley (N) (2019) What might normalisation process theory bring to policy implementation studies? Learning lessons and uncovering questions through a case study of the profound implementation failure of a new policing policy’. Social Policy & Administration 53 (3): 449-463 DOI: 10.1111/spol.12467

Mackenzie, M., Hastings, A., Babbel, B., Simpson, S. and Watt, G. (2017) Proportionate universalism as a route to mitigating health inequalities? Exploring political, policy and practice uncertainties in times of austerity. In: Fee, D. and Kober-Smith, A. (eds.) Inequalities in the UK: New Discourses, Evolutions and Actions. Emerald Publishing Limited. ISBN 9781787144804,

Mackenzie, M., Collins, C., Connolly, J., Doyle, M. and McCartney, G. (2017) Working-class discourses of politics, policy and health: 'I don't smoke; don't drink. The only thing wrong with me is my health'. Policy and Politics, 45(2), pp. 231-249. (doi:10.1332/030557316X14534640177927)

Mackenzie, M., Hastings, A., Babbel, B., Simpson, S. and Watt, G. (2017) Tackling and mitigating health inequalities – policymakers and practitioners 'talk and draw' their theories. Social Policy and Administration, 51(1), pp. 151-170. (doi:10.1111/spol.12154)

My source: POHG

Monday, March 01, 2021

Hodges' model: What is the Question? (i)

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
Can Hodges' model assist student nurses in assessment and  evaluation of their well-being through their course of study?

What sort of 'spaces' do we find in Hodges' model and do they matter or meta?

What is Hodges' model?

Is there a theory implicit in Hodges' model?

What theories might underpin this 'model'?

The Demarcation problem: Hodges' model - is this science or non-science?
Does Hodges' model display consistency when used within a specific cohort of students and across disciplinary student groups?

What is a 'span' and 'career' in the 21st century, and why do they matter to the individual and group?

Created in the 1980s is there a political need for Hodges' model in the 2020s?

What are 'legacy' problems in healthcare and nursing, and how can Hodges' model characterise them?


Prompted by post-graduate study and avoiding reference to methods and/or methodology, plus:


Over many years, many questions have arisen.

Resnik, David B. A pragmatic approach to the demarcation problem. Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci., 2000, 31: 2, 249-267.