Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: September 2022

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, September 30, 2022

Update on draft papers ii

The draft paper on cardiovascular nursing, first episode psychosis, research methods and Hodges' model is just about finalised; at 4700 words, 4 figures (one illustration of the model, plus three 2x2 tables) and 42 references.

One of the oldest drafts is c. 2013; in mitigation I completed an MRES in-between. This is on case formulations, diagrams and Hodges' model and is quite near completion. Although now of course the references and literature need to be re-examined. There's a new rationale to pick this up - and it connects with work below.

Another effort morphed into two papers, following an initial inquiry with a journal (lost in the email archive). The focus is Threshold concepts, Liberty Protection Safeguards - a change from DoLS, the care context is nursing homes and the residential sector applying Hodges' model.

This draft has served a purpose, forming the basis of a presentation to the virtual Threshold Concepts Conference last year. News will follow soon regards next year:

9th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference (I really miss the Specialist Group on TCs in Health, but also appreciate the time such a commitment takes.)

Last summer, seduced by reference to 'advanced studies' (and a call that presented a broad door, sufficient to get h2cm through) I responded to a call on technology, and society. Liaising with the editor, we added - COVID-19 and Hodges' model. Before I knew it, I'd amassed more than 12,000 words in six weeks. The comments even when far from final draft, were poor. No encouragement at all. Contact was lost, blanked in fact: the paper slept. 

Months later, picking it up again, I can see why. It was poor.

I've taken some -ve critique previously. Welcome it in fact: so the Earth-bound vacuum was rude.

When working on the Michel Serres paper:

Jones, P. (2008) Exploring Serres’ Atlas, Hodges’ Knowledge Domains and the Fusion of Informatics and Cultural Horizons, IN Kidd, T., Chen, I. (Eds.) Social Information Technology Connecting Society and Cultural Issues, Idea Group Publishing, Inc. Chap. 7, pp. 96-109.

- some rather negative feedback proved the spur to the final work - that I think (and been told) is coherent, engages and 'delivers'(?).

This will be the result again, but the chain reaction has to be tempered and channeled.
Clear the desk - clear the desk! I am my own worst enemy...!

The latest paper, and its being co-authored has proved an enormous help, in time management, discipline and focus (despite COVID intervening):

Jones P, Wirnitzer K. Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2022;0:e000254. doi:10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000254

Out of the technology, society text, a structured work - maybe two - will materialise.

Swiss army knife

After wittering on about legacy problems in nursing, and health care for quite a while, I've wondered about an original purpose Hodges' model - that of curriculum design, planning, development. As ever, it is just one tool in the toolkit, but regards nursing curricula, mental health nursing, the general Vs specialist distinction Hodges' model can be the ubiquitous Swiss army knife:

Boyer's model, Hodges' model, scholarship, future website and Drupal


Noting and replying to threads on twitter, Hodges' model can help articulate the arguments for the future of mental health nursing as a distinct pathway of study, discipline, and profession.*

So if you're struggling to complete a paper, keep going!

That mention, back in 2009 of a 'future website' is embarrassing though.

*A post re. the BBC Panorama TV expose will follow in the future.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"healthcare finance" - September 2022

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

NHS Supply Chains -
(Procurement, Logistics, Sustainability...)

Virtual Reality - Virtual Wards
Patient-level cost data
Standardised finance systems

Whole Theory - The Bigger Picture - Holistic Approach?

Together health and social care professionals orchestrate*
person-centred, integrated care with constant regard to patient and
public safety and quality.

We cannot do this without
effective administrative, management
and financial support and resources.

Contents: Patient-level cost data
Standardised finance systems

PFI liability revaluation
Reclaiming VAT on welfare services

Population Health

Previously on W2tQ:

Value, Values-Based Commissioning

*Khine, Myint & Saleh, Issa & Dillenbourg, Pierre & Jermann, Patrick. (2010). Technology for Classroom Orchestration. New Science of Learning: Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education. 10.1007/978-1-4419-5716-0_26. 

Source: @HFMA_UK

Saturday, September 24, 2022

More pennies - drop ... A personal note


Quite a while back on twitter, someone took exception as I replied to a tweet. The specifics aren't important, what is, is how much I take for granted here. 

The suggestion was that h2cm is, gives credence to, accentuates ... the 'general' at the expense of the specific, specialist, advanced. This [Hodges' model] is BAD.

As regards Hodges' model this is plain false, wrong.

Are specialists, advanced practitioners 'born' fully formed?

As I have always tried to remember my days as a Nursing Assistant, we must remember students and across disciplines.

Some comments, by new students on placement also on twitter suggest this is sadly, not the case.

I think I replied again in the thread, highlighting h2cm's open, situated, context driven potential.

In reality people on twitter are patient; I'm muted; the cliques, click away; whatever. As I churn out the same images and phrases.

What I need to do [yes, I know!], and will from now on, is qualify 'generic conceptual framework' (which on a Saturday night [UK] is probably a turn-off for many 😘).

As your knowledge grows, and is pruned by new learning, experience (and time) so your conceptual knowledge and vocabulary changes - expertise.

Hodges' model can reflect this.

So, if you are a specialist - and new here - WELCOME! 

Here are four pools, choose yours and by all means: DIVE IN.

Don't worry. IT IS SAFE.

At least, you won't hit the bottom, and you may not even find the sides. 😉

If your field is theology, the spiritual - well, well, you are in for a real treat.

*I love this journey^

^to follow ...


'ABCD' mapped to '1234'*

For context [UK politics and policy] please see below ...

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      


Person-centred: "Am I there yet?"
Service-centred: "Are we there yet?"


'Just in TI:ME' [not]


(Social) CARE



"Sally Warren, director of policy at The King’s Fund,
said that Our Plan for Patients ‘amounts to little more
than tinkering at the edges’ despite containing some
‘sensible’ policies."     https://www.nursinginpractice.com/

Whether tinkering or not, don't forget and do take care around all the edges.
Do 'C' the low-hanging fruit.

[Just to be clear: This isn't about in boxes.
It's about integrating care, values, quality and safety. ]


^ and '5' the Spiritual too.


"Thérèse Anne Coffey is a British politician who has been Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care since 6 September 2022." Wikipedia.

"For Coffey, 'ABCD' stands for ambulances, backlogs, care, doctors and dentists – and rightly so." The Guardian

See also: c/o The Health Foundation

What are the public’s priorities for the NHS? And is the government listening?

Friday, September 23, 2022

Bahrain Nursing Society 1st International Nursing and Midwifery Conference

Investing in Nursing and Midwifery for Health Security

Bahrain Nursing Society 1st International Nursing and Midwifery Conference

Dear friends and colleagues and distinguished member of Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing & Midwifery,

This might be the first time I have written in the last few years. However, have been actively following your news and rich engagement. It has been an honor to work as part of WHO CCs for NM and also shaped initially the GANM.

To day I am writing to invite you to my beloved country Bahrain where we held the First WHO Global WHO Network for Nursing and Midwifery Conference in 1996. This time to invite you to join the Bahrain Nursing Society first international nursing and midwifery conference entitled: Investing in Nursing and Midwifery for Health Security from 21 to 23 December 2022, including pre-conference workshops on 21 December.

The link to the conference website:


This Conference will be one of the most exciting opportunities for nurses and midwives in Bahrain and the Region to present their achievements and contributions to both professions in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and achieving universal health coverage respecting health security.

 Abstracts can be submitted under the following sub-themes:

  • Nursing and Midwifery governance and leadership 
  • Evidence-based practice and knowledge dissemination 
  • Digitalization, technology, artificial intelligence and innovation in nursing & midwifery 
  • Advanced care practice and public health 
  • Sustainable development goals and health security amidst COVID-19 Pandemic 
  • Transformation of nursing and midwifery education

Three Keynote speakers will address the conference: the International Council of Nurses, the World Health Organization and the International Honor Society of Nursing. Main speakers from the GCC, Eastern Mediterranean Region, and Africa have also been invited. 

Bahrain Nursing Society looks forward to receiving your abstracts for concurrent sessions and for your participation at the conference this coming December 2022

Dr. Naeema Al Gasseer
World Health organization Representative in Egypt & Head of Mission


Mobile: +201224201566

GPN: 66200

Email: algasseern AT who.int

FB: https://www.facebook.com/WHOEgypt/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WHOEgypt

Instagram: https://instagram.com/whoegypt?igshid=169poqgwun71c

My source:

IBP Network Global

Image: screen capture from conference website.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Book: "The Unintended Consequences of Technology" - UCOT

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

"The Unintended Consequences of Technology"
here ...

[or, full-steam ahead?]


... here ...

... and here?

Book cover: c/o Wiley

ii This post reflects the two-sides of technology:

Territories of Belief, Community, Nature and Technology i

More posts to follow over coming months on this theme ...

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Territories of Belief, Community, Nature and Technology i


 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
Aleks Krotoski

The Digital Human
The Digital Human
13 June 2022 BBC Radio 4

The TERRITORY - A film

Image: The Territory - https://www.enprimeur.ca/photos/english/the-territory/163889/movie-poster/

Saturday, September 17, 2022

What's in a word - 'hysteric-al'?

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
Exploding the Myth of Gendered Emotions
Pragya Agarwal
"Rolling resistance is a compound of two factors: hysteric and dampening losses. Hysteric loss is the energy surrendered when a soft tyre deforms; as pressure rises, deformation decreases, therefore diminishing hysteric loss." p.17.


Book - various.

Bates, D. How time lords win race against clock. Sport, Cycling, The Times, 17 September 2022, p.17.

Cycling image: c/o @DavidSBates


Thursday, September 15, 2022

SDG paper published: "Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework"

It has taken an age ... 2017, an invitation to write about Hodges' model, then COVID, transfer from one journal to another, a new invaluable co-author in Dr Katharina Wirnitzer without whom this paper would not have been completed. Many, many thanks are in order!

Dr Wirnitzer also provided the theme of nutrition helping to unify the discussion on the SDGs mapped to Hodges' model.

Dr Wirnitzer's work, projects and colleagues include:

From Science 2 School: Sustainably healthy – active & veggy


The reference has been added to the blog's bibliography in the sidebar.

I am hoping for news soon on another paper concerned with psychosis, early intervention, psychosocial intervention, research methods and h2cm.

Thanks also to the referees,

Jones P, Wirnitzer K. Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2022;0:e000254. doi:10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000254

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Yes, size matters

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

Hammond, G. 'The mini market'. House&Home, City Living Special, FTWeekend, 4-5 May 2019, pp.8-9.

This morning I shared three slides with the PAMHOP research team and greatly appreciate the opportunity to present and join their meeting:

Physical and Mental Health of Older Prisoners (PAMHOP)

As I spoke of considering the environment and the carceral context across the domains of the model, I recalled another piece of paper.

The image above is from FTWeekend in 2019.

In prison of course, while the physical environment is the intended constraint, the model also invites consideration of the psychological, social, political environments and added here - the spiritual.

Since 2019 and post-COVID, the change in how we regard and value the spaces we inhabit - voluntarily or otherwise.

Hammond, G. 'The mini market'. House&Home, City Living Special, FTWeekend, 4-5 May 2019, pp.8-9. https://www.ft.com/content/03a9343e-6b35-11e9-80c7-60ee53e6681d

The image above was copied from FTWeekend and pasted into a new image and saved from avif format to .jpg.


Monday, September 12, 2022

Endangered - so many things ...

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

Songs of Disappearance

Musics Lost and Found

Musics Lost and Found image:


My source:

Lagan, B. Endangered birds on song in album chart, The Times, December 21, 2021, p.43.

Hewett, I. Your mission: to find the most endangered song in the world, Books, The Daily Telegraph, 30 October 2021, p.18.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Is there an implicit theory in Hodges' model?

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC -------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC    

From early on I've thought that there is a theory in Hodges' model. Maybe not in the structure - the axes, or the (potential and eventual) content - the care (knowledge) domains, but in combination is there an implicit theory?

"Models in the philosophy of science are usually distinguished from theories. However, the distinction is not always clear cut and some authors slip from one to the other. Three examples of philosophers who use the terms differently are: Apostel [16] who allows a theory to be a model, Hesse [216] who argues that a theory is meaningless if it does not include a model and van Frassen who says “To present a theory is to specify a family of structures, its models...” [161] p. 64). On the whole the use of the term ‘model’ implies something relatively concrete, possibly visualisable, approximate, specific and tractable whereas a ‘theory’ implies a more general, abstract and reliable construction. In the social sciences it is more common to use the term ‘model’ for things that would be called theories in the physical sciences (according to Braithwaite, 1962, who deplores the practice)."

Edmonds, B. (1999). Syntactic Measures of Complexity. Doctoral Thesis, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. http://bruce.edmonds.name/thesis/

[16] APOSTEL, L. Towards the Formal Study of Models in the Non-Formal Sciences. Synthese, 1960, 12, 125-161.

[216] HESSE, MB. Models and Analogies in Science. London: Sheed and Ward, 1963.

[161] VAN FRASSEN, BC. The Scientific Image. Oxford: Clarendon, 1980.

[73] BRAITHWAITE, R. B. Models in the Empirical Sciences. In NAGEL, E; SUPPES, P; TARSKI, A (eds.). Logic Methodology and the Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1962, 224-239.

Friday, September 09, 2022

2021/22 Human Development Report: Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World

On Friday, 9 September 2022 at 00:37:02 BST, Dennis Raphael <draphael@yorku.ca> wrote:

Canada ranked 15th… UK 18th

From: Pophealth <pophealth-bounces AT mailman13.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Stephen Bezruchka
Thursday, September 08, 2022 6:21 PM
To: pophealth AT u.washington.edu
Subject: [Pophealth] 2021 Health Olympics & vast US Health decline

Today the UN released its human development report with life expectancy for 2021. You can access it (Table 1) at http://report.hdr.undp.org.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/

I've been using the UN rankings to create the health Olympics since the early 1990s for consistency. The U.S. ranks 44th, down from tied for 36 in 2019.  We are 7.6 years behind the longest lived country, Japan.  If we eradicated our three leading killers (heart disease, cancer, and COVID-19), we would be close to the first in the finish line.  In the UN rankings Thailand is now ahead of us!  And quite a few poorer nations.  

Trying to get action on our not being dead first is challenging.  


Stephen Bezruchka MD, MPH
Departments of Health Systems and Population Health & of Global Health
School of Public Health 
Box 357660 
University of Washington 
Seattle, Washington 98195-7660


My source - Dennis Raphael: draphael AT yorku.ca (with additional image c/o UNDP).

Politics of Health Group Mail List Messages

Visit the PoHG website for lots of interesting links and publications: http://www.pohg.org.uk/

Visit PoHG on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/282761111845400
Follow us on Twitter: @pohguk
You can subscribe to / unsubscribe from the PoHG mail list here: http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/POHG

Thursday, September 08, 2022

"Enough (long since ...) already!" - #FairPayForNursing

 INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      


"as much as is necessary; in the amount or to the degree needed:

as much as or more than is wanted:"

enough is ENOUGH

enough is enough

"something you say when you want something to stop:
Enough is enough - I don't want to argue with you any more."

Image: c/o RCN - https://twitter.com/theRCN/status/1321438463162540033


Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Book review iii "Human Landscapes: Contributions to a pragmatist anthropology"

Human Landscapes

As per previous 'reviews', this reader can get lost in the Introduction.

Discussing - "interactions, and loop effects within the organic-environmental system" - there is emergentism, causality, teleology, and supervenience with argument about definitions and word-use through the historical development of pragmatism and understanding of human behaviour individually, collectively and as a culture.

 A close reading can help, is called for here ...


What is of interest to me at present is the non-surprising mention of logic, Dreon points to the many problems that Dewey and pragmatic and other philosophers encountered from the introduction of subjective-objective dichotomies. 

For a mental health nurse the intra- interpersonal is your 'bread and butter' so to speak. Dreon has you reflecting on your professional field, by raising the dichotomy of feelings and cognition, the psychical and the physical aspects of emotions, language and experience. (Interesting, does a pragmatic approach foster identification of dichotomy or continuity?)

For a moment on page 66 I thought we were still on the introduction: 

"The final chapter of this volume will be devoted to the development of a qualitatively richer conception of human linguistic experience conceived as continuous, rather than as opposed to sensibility."
But this is fine and is a statement of Dreon's argument, its depth in dealing with the thought of Dewey, James and others (e.g. Mead). This is dense, and yet detailed, when it is not your field, but you can - begin, at least - to see how the historical development of pragmatism (schools of philosophy), psychology and sociology create so many dilemmas and debates:

"In my opinion, some of the Classical Pragmatists’ insights should
be brought to a coherent conclusion by basically working on two sides,
in order to avoid a foundational conception of language, while at the
same time gaining a more rounded view on sensibility, as it unfolds in
our ordinary lives. As already hinted at in response to Dreyfus, I endorse
a more complex conception of language as primarily consisting in fully
embodied and socially shared linguistic practices that have a variety
of different ends in view and are largely regulated by an affectively or
qualitatively oriented mutual sensibility." p.66.

The book is also 'developmental' too:

"Those practices—from so-called motherese to lullabies, nursery rhymes, and storytelling—are often specifically directed at eliciting responses from the baby and catching attention. The baby’s behaviors—shaking the arms, keeping the eyes wide open,
squealing—are strongly embodied, even when they are vocal; but they are also affectively based and oriented responses to cultural-linguistic stimulations on the part of its caregivers." p.67.
All this shouted emergence to me (and as above), and Dreon rewards this reading. 

Thinking about the 'logic' (if any) in Hodges' model, this stood out:

"The point is to change our approach and to adopt the point of view of the
shared social context in which an individual’s first perceptions occur,
rather than the still monological perspective of an isolated individual
as the primary starting point of experience." p.67.
With more to follow ... I know now why I saved this:

embodied nature

an interactive installation to nurture
our sensibility to the living world

Dreon R. (2022) Human landscapes. Contributions to a pragmatist anthropology. Suny Press, Albany.


Video: Roux, Caroline, Design Miami: Tangled up in the natural world. FT Weekend, Collecting, 27-28 November 2021, p.3.


Saturday, September 03, 2022

"NHS to pilot smart goggles to free up time for community nurses"

c/o Digital Health:

"The NHS is to trial the use of smart goggles that will be worn by community nurses on home visits in order to free up time with patients.

Providing that the patient consents, the virtual reality style headset can transcribe the appointment directly to electronic records, reducing time-consuming admin for nurses.

Staff will have the ability to share live footage directly with hospital colleagues to get a second opinion, avoiding the need for further appointments or hospital admission."

Read more at Digital Health ...

My source:

Eleanor Hayward, Smart goggles give nurses advice during home visits, The Times, 20th August 2022, p.16.

Call for Papers: The Digital Movement in Nursing

Call for Papers: FOCUS The Digital Movement in Nursing

Focus Edition Guest Editor

Prof. Camille Cronin, Director of Research and Impact, School of Health and Social Care, University of Essex, UK

The Journal of Research in Nursing (JRN) is a leading peer-reviewed journal that underpins good research with current policy and aims to publish papers that will influence nursing practice and health- and social-care policy.

Over the last two years we have seen an unparalleled digital-technological response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has re-shaped the way health- and social-care functions, for better or worse. This change has been fast and relatively unevaluated, with little time or opportunity made available for the involvement of nurses, critical discussions or reflections. What did this do to the nursing world? JRN is commissioning this focussed edition to find out more.

We are seeking papers that showcase, describe, and highlight the impact of new digital technology and innovation on digital health related to nursing. These might include:

  • showing how nurses are leading the development of such technologies or digital solutions; or
  • how service users were involved in developing a digital resource using participatory practices; or
  • the impact these innovations have had on nurses, and patients and their families – e.g. on accessing health care, on delivering and evaluating care; or
  • what do we expect for the future and how do we enable the future health-care workforce to keep pace with such change?

Papers can be built around different research designs, case-studies, evaluations, or service improvement initiatives and may address any of these issues in relation to digital health:

  • improving the quality of health-care and health, access, and safety through digital health;
  • using digital health data to improve health- and social-care services;
  • improving recruitment, deployment and retention of health- or social-care workers using digital technology;
  • developing innovative technology and digital health strategies to improve care;
  • developing or using technology;
  • demonstrating initiatives that use technology to promote health and/or wellbeing; and
  • what, if any, are the consequences of the rapid insurgence of digital health technology?

As JRN’s mission is to contribute knowledge to nursing practice, research and local, national and international health and social policy, the contribution of the paper to, or implications for, both nursing practice and health and social-care policy must be made explicit.

Authors interested in contributing to this edition of JRN should submit by 1 JANUARY 2023.

More details ...

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Update on draft papers ;-)

Please excuse the intended irony, as need for an - 'update' could refer to far more than papers.*

Across the life of W2tQ (since April 2006...) there are many posts about papers by other people, papers planned and less frequently work published

A paper that started in 2017 has finally been accepted and we (not the Royal variety - which is a critical joy) await the proof. 

I'm really grateful to my co-author who stayed the course on what has been an utter roller-coaster and with COVID too. I look forward to sharing details and hence news of their ongoing research elsewhere - in Europe.

Another paper conceived in March has progressed more rapidly. With the initial draft well received, I'm addressing some revisions from editors, which are straightforward. 

I still need to 'see' these two birds in my hands, to believe: it will be worth it (I think?) to add these to the bibliography, as:

  • SDGs are fundamental in global health and reveal the scope and relevance of h2cm;
  • nutrition is critical in public (mental) health, policy and sustainability;
  • there is more to follow from the 'mapping' that is exercised on W2tQ [2x2 HTML tables thus far], in these, and other papers;
  • the psychoses constitute a severe mental health condition that can also illustrate the impact on individuals, friends, family and society;
  • in health (and social) care we must address parity of esteem in and across theory, practice, management, policy, and research;
  • how do (research) methods figure in Hodges' model (a mapping approach);
  • what does a similar mapping of cardiovascular medicine and nursing reveal?

These bibliographical additions may help researchers in health, social care, and other fields find the model. While it is disappointing to find out about papers that reference h2cm 'after the writing' this still counts. It is a reference, not a collaboration! This is very welcome and a key purpose of the blog, and presence - @h2cm - on twitter. 

It would be validating, so 'me' [massaging ego] but it would also be contradictory. 

Hodges' model is simple, isn't it? 

In its basic form, blank and template - it presents virgin territory for the user(s) to overlay with their map according to context.

I'll post again about three remaining drafts papers, one dates back to 2012 (I was full-time then) and one that is in two parts. I've learnt a lot (again) with the two 'nearbies' and will post and list details when able. 

If I can help you, your project - I'd be pleased to do so.

*a website for example!

See also: the blog's bibliography in the sidebar, plus -

'New' citation: "Pratique en milieu de psychiatrie légale: proposition d’un modèle interdisciplinaire."