Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: April 2021

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, April 30, 2021

Conference: Diagrams in Science, Science in Diagrams

Johannes Stabius, Astrolabium imperatorium: detail (Nuremberg: Johann Stuchs, 1515). Courtesy Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Einbl. VIII, 12, broadside, 61 × 45 cm.

Diagrammatic forms of visualization are ubiquitous in scientific publications, as well as in popular mediations of scientific contents. Every computer interface relies on diagrammatic forms, combining textual and graphical elements. Diagrams abstract and encode information. They are indispensable in many scientific contexts, and, together with charts and graphs, also in the daily media, reaching a wide audience of experts and non-experts.


As natural and familiar as these abstract forms of representing information are to us, they are products of many historical developments. Their historical roots may go back to prehistoric epochs. However, the historical integration of diagrams in scientific contexts is relatively recent. Even if these developments with regard to Western cultures have their origin in antiquity and were significantly developed further in the sciences of the Middle Ages, the early modern period can be considered the first flourishing phase of the diagram in practically all areas of the sciences of that time.

This event proposes to trace this historical development in the early modern period. It takes a truly interdisciplinary approach when talking about a timespan of roughly 500 years (1300-1800) across all early modern sciences, from Architecture to Zodiac men in medicine. The talks bring together research on the culture of the diagram in various sciences of the epoch to form a large overall picture.

This event aims at tracing the emergences and the disruptions of traditions of diagrams in all fields of scientific theory and practice, e.g. (but not restricted to) geometry, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, alchemy, law, theology, and music.

It will address, among others, questions such as the following:

1. Do the diagrams under investigation come from a precise tradition or do they form the foundation of such a tradition?

2. What is the scientific/disciplinary context of the diagrams under investigation and how do they relate to it?

3. What is the aim of the diagrams under investigation (illustration, explanation, demonstration, etc.)?

4. How does the medium carrying diagrams under investigation impact their form and role (print, manuscript)?

5. What are the most intriguing visual/graphical features to be found in the diagrams under investigation?

6. How do the diagrams under investigation interact with the text and which vocabulary is used to refer to the diagrams?

7. What justifies the diagrams under investigation to be labelled as ‘diagrams’ (and not ‘tables’, ‘maps’, etc.) and what is a reasonable demarcation line here?

8. How do the diagrams under investigation relate to scientific practices (experiments, taking measures, etc.)?

More details:


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Book: ii "Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights"

Well I've finished it! Yes it is an empowering read. Even though still 'fresh' published in 2020 clearly events race ahead:

  • COVID-19 continued to assert its life-suspending and life-ending presence, which even now is ongoing;
  • Global (geo-)politics continues its unpredictable dynamic across all continents;
  • The oceans, atmosphere - biosphere no less, also await the outcomes of COP26 this year.

As the book closes with a critique of populism I think the volume is deserving of a revised edition - when the time comes. Until then, there is a great deal here. I looked back on the chapter on Global Health Law: Legal Foundations for Social Justice in Public Health. The UK news today made me wonder for everyone: what is social justice? From the BBC: [ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-56924131 ]

"New laws that could leave flat owners facing bills for fire safety measures are "indefensible," say Grenfell Tower survivors and bereaved relatives.

The Fire Safety Bill is aimed at making homes safer following the 2017 blaze, in which 72 people died."

 Far from the global context I know, but the last chapter prompted the connection:

"The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have sought to incorporate state protections against abuse by business, establish a "Protect, Respect and Remedy" framework for corporate obligations, and facilitate accountability through greater access to effective remedies for those who are harmed." p.452.
I am guilty, as surely the vast majority of us are, of referring to 'human rights' without having much depth of knowledge. One book a legal professional and crusader does not make. But this text helps. There is an irony in the passage of time since publication, as you the reader have some extra pieces of the jig-saw to fit in. There really is hope!

The Afterword resonates loudly as if written yesterday. Calling for those involved in the struggle to self-care and tend to their resilience and the welfare of their fellow practitioners. The first lesson of first aid remains salutary and critical.
More to follow...

Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights. (2020) Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier (Eds.), Oxford: OUP. ISBN: 9780197528303.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tides: Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services


humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

"What is the TIDES study?

The Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in health Services (TIDES) study investigates how discrimination experienced by both patients and healthcare practitioners may generate and perpetuate inequalities in health and health service use. The TIDES study is funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)."

My source:


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Peter 4.0* surely?

Or, more modestly Health 4.0?

No, it's ...


humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic


Peter 2.0


*'Peter 5.0' more accurately, the four domains embedded within the 'spiritual'.

My sources:

C4 UK Documentary and Reid, M. The making of a human cyborg, Saturday Review, The Times, April 3, 2021, p.16.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

On the Border - In the Border

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

... It is not about the people of Chad
and what's good for them.'" p.8.

"A French diplomat who knew Déby expressed a romantic view of the late president common in Paris, calling him a "warrior" who 'wanted to die in battle rather than in a hospital bed'.
Ayisha Osori of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa said the Parisian view betrayed a casual indifference to the fate of ordinary Chadians. "It just seems fundamentally unfair that the whole world's view of Déby  is 'Oh, we've lost the great soldier'," she said. 'And now we have to do everything to make sure Chad is secure. But we don't really mean Chad, we just mean the borders around Chad. ...

My source:

Munshi, N., Pilling, D. Death of Chad leader spells uncertainty for Sahel, FTWeekend, 24-25 April, 2021, p.8.

Graphic: https://vemaps.com/chad/td-01

Friday, April 23, 2021

Call For Papers: Special Track on AI for Tackling Dis/Misinformation during Pandemics

Call For Papers: Special Track on AI for Tackling Dis/Misinformation during Pandemics In conjunction with the ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT 2021)

The GoodIT conference is sponsored by ACM SIGCAS, the Association for
Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computers & Society.

The conference focuses on the application of IT technologies to social good.

The Special Track on AI for Tackling Dis/Misinformation during Pandemics focuses on new data technologies based on artificial intelligence, data governance, machine learning, natural language
processing, and social network analysis to aid experts in analyzing large volumes of social media data in order to detect fake news, misinformation, and disinformation. A number of open challenges need
more investigation from the research community, such as recent trends in composing information disorder by combining false and real content, the mechanisms that drive fake content diffusion during pandemics, how to differentiate fake content from personal viewpoints, why people tend to believe fake content and make decisions based on it during pandemics, and what are the different motivations behind the dissemination of fake content. Fact-checking and claim verification are two important strategies that are worth incorporating in the automated tackling and curtailment of fake content during and after pandemics.

************ Key Dates ************
Papers Submission Due:      May 1, 2021
Authors Notifications:        June 22, 2021
Final Manuscript Due:        July 10, 2021
GoodIT 2021:                    September 09-11, 2021

************ Important Links ************
Special Track Website: https://aitdmp.conceptechint.net

************ Submission Guidelines  ************
All submissions will be reviewed using a single-blind review process.
The identity of referees will not be revealed to authors, but authors can keep their names on the submitted papers, on figures, bibliography, etc.

Papers should not exceed 6 pages (US letter size) double column including figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format. Papers must be submitted electronically in printable PDF form.
Templates for the standard ACM format can be found here:

https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template No changes to margins, spacing, or font sizes are allowed from those specified by the style files. Papers violating the formatting guidelines will be
returned without review.

ACM has partnered with Overleaf, a free cloud-based, collaborative authoring tool, to provide an ACM LaTeX authoring template. The ACM LaTeX template on Overleaf platform is available to all ACM authors at: www.overleaf.com/gallery/tagged/acm-official

Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. 
Special  issues associated with the conference are being organized.

************ Topics ************
Papers on practical as well as on theoretical topics and problems in various topics related to rumors, fake news, misinformation, and disinformation during and after pandemics, are invited, with special emphasis on novel techniques and tools for automated tackling and curtailment of fake content during and after pandemics. Topics include(but are not limited to):
  • AI approaches for the detection of online influence and manipulation
  • AI approaches to identify misinformation and disinformation campaigns
  • AI approaches for spotting misinformation and disinformation spreaders.
  • Social media mining for automated detection of misinformation propagation and disinformation circulation
  • AI approaches for automated identification and verification of claims
  • AI approaches for intention detection for misinformation and disinformation contents
  • AI approaches for credibility assessment of Social media sources
  • AI approaches for fake news curtailment, filtering and prevention.
  • AI approaches for analysis/detection of distributed and multi-platform misinformation and disinformation disseminations
  • AI approaches for predicting the Impact of misinformation and disinformation during pandemics
  • New datasets and evaluation methodologies to aid in automated detection and analysis of misinformation and disinformation content in social media channels

**********The Conference Sponsored by**********
Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computers & Society http://www.sigcas.org/

This workshop is supported by the Association of Cyber Forensics and Threat Investigators (www.acfti.org) and the Industrial Cybersecurity Center (www.cci-es.org).


This message was issued to members of www.jiscmail.ac.uk/SOCIOTECH, a mailing list hosted by www.jiscmail.ac.uk

Thanks to Andrew Zayine.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

PUBLIC VICES: The individual and collective dimensions of civic and epistemic vices

1-2 October 2021, Università di Genova, Genova (Italy)

Keynote speakers:

Heather D. Battaly                 (University of Connecticut)
Emanuela Ceva                    (University of Geneva)
Fabienne Peter                    (University of Warwick)
Alessandra Tanesini            (Cardiff University)


The conference aims to bring together political and moral philosophers to discuss key civic and epistemic vices, to assess their corrupting impact on public life, and to devise effective countermeasures.

Political deliberation is increasingly characterized by epistemic vices, e.g. inaccuracy (Chambers 2020), arrogance (Tanesini 2018), closed-mindedness (Battaly 2020) and epistemic insouciance (Cassam 2018). Consequently, many citizens worry that the public sphere is being polluted by an unprecedented number of misleading claims and inaccurate statements (Matsa and Shearer, 2018; Mitchell et al., 2016, 2019). Furthermore, certain epistemic vices could even compromise the legitimacy of democratic deliberation (Peter 2020).

On the other side, the conference will focus on civic vices. There has been a growing debate on civic virtues which facilitate public life (Croce & Vaccarezza 2018), e.g. prudence (Ottonelli 2018), effectiveness (Zuolo 2020), resilience (Snow 2018) or civic friendship (Schwarzenbach 1996). Yet, comparably less attention has been paid to civic vices, which are not limited to the negative side of civic virtues, but include new character traits with dangerous impact on democratic well-functioning e.g. hyperbolic partisanship (Muirhead 2010), polarization (Aikin & Talisse 2020), radicalization (Waldner and Lust 2018, 109), or corruption (Ceva & Ferretti 2017, 2021).

We welcome submissions relevant to this research aim, broadly construed. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following questions:

  • What are civic and epistemic vices? What is the harm in them?
  • Are individuals blameworthy for the development of civic and epistemic vices?
  • Are there genuinely collective civic and epistemic vices?
  • How do civic and epistemic vices impact democratic politics?
  • How can civic and epistemic vices be curtailed or corrected?
  • Are there specific virtues that should be cultivated among democratic citizens?
  • Under what conditions could these be fostered?
  • Where does the responsibility lie for rectifying civic and epistemic vices?
  • What institutional mechanisms, if any, should be ordained to control civic and epistemic vices?

To apply for the conference, send an abstract (500 words) to: callpublicvices AT gmail.com by June 30. Notification of acceptance will be sent within a month.

COVID DISCLAIMER: the conference is organized aiming for personal attendance, as vaccination should have reached significant levels in Italy by the end of September. If circumstances require it, we will consider online alternatives or a hybrid format.

Organizing Committee: Valeria Ottonelli, Angelo Campodonico, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Federico Zuolo, Carlo Burelli, Carline Klijnman.

This workshop is part of a PRIN research project: Deceit and Self-Deception. How We Should Address Fake News and Other Cognitive Failures of the Democratic Public (www.deceitproject.com) and it is supported by Aretai Center on Virtues (www.aretaicenter.com).

My source: 

Philos-L "The Liverpool List" run by the Department of Philosophy, University of Liverpool https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/philosophy/philos-l/

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

NMC: A consultation on draft standards for community and public health nursing

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

What do you think ...

... as a Professional?

... as a member of the Public?

"We are reviewing post-registration standards and we want to hear from you! Find out more and tell us what you think of the draft standards.

The consultation will be open until 2 August 2021


My source: Twitter

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Editorial: Sex, gender and nursing

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Distinct concepts:

Gender identity
Personal ethics/values
Self‐identified gender
Conflates sex and gender. The individual—not external others—identifies their gender identity/sex ... on the basis of subjective experience in which the person determines their identity as a man or woman on the basis of how they feel...
Individual dignity
Natal sex, gender, transgender
Informed decisions
My understanding/stance on sex - gender
Young people who express feelings of gender dysphoria
Biological sex—once one of the most solid and indisputable of ‘facts’ in healthcare

Academics and Researchers

Sex is taken to refer to a biological reality which is observed at birth and distinguishes between male and female—normally on the basis of external genitalia
polarized discussion
Also determined at biochemical and chromosomal level and basis of internal and external organs

Anatomy and physiology texts?
Binary: MALE :: FEMALE
Biological essentialism
Sex identity of the baby
Puberty blockers for young people
- a social construction
Evidence of ideological custom and practice
Gendered Familial Care Work*
Nurse clinicians (practice) and Researchers
Cultural & social values and attitudes
Gender: Feminism and women's studies
Stereotypical behaviours and roles; male and female behaviour—the masculine and feminine
Domestic abuse and sexual violence
Social media debate
Gender theorists -
socially constructed ways of being

Dignity in Human Rights
Gender inequality, Law
‘chestfeeding’ and ‘birthing partner’
Sex‐based rights
Policy makers
Activism, Protest movement
'Woke' movement
Polarised DEBATE:NO debate
GC Academia Network
Implications for nursing
Data? Service delivery and planning?

 My source:

Ion, R., Patrick, L., Hayter, M. and Jackson, D. (2021), Sex, gender and nursing. J Adv Nurs. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14843 

I am emphasising the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research, mixed methods also acknowledged.

The first section for me is supportive of a conceptual framework.

The SDGs are added as this debate must simultaneously address sex and gender from within nursing and as nursing is theorised and practised on an individual and population (collective) basis.

*See also: [c/o HIFA]



Friday, April 16, 2021

Tracking the Alzheimer's-Down syndrome connection

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Communication, speech
self expression
Extend meaningful quality of life
Age 40
most people with Down syndrome develop beta amyloid plaques in the brain — a key characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists believe this is because they have an extra copy of chromosome 21, which carries an amyloid-producing gene.Major international research effort, (ages 25+) plus siblings over five years.
Multisite Alzheimer’s Biomarkers Consortium — Down Syndrome (ABC-DS) study
Biomarkers, genetic background, environmental, metabolic and other physiological factors

Intergenerational angst
if parent/family member a primary carer?
Help families prepare for what’s going to happen potentially with their loved one

Funded by a $109 million grant
from the National Institutes of Health

 My source:

 Learn more about the study at mind.uci.edu/adrc/about


Thursday, April 15, 2021

'Faulty thinking' or 'Thinking faulty'?

By Mikenorton - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4050363

Mikenorton, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Webinar: ‘Global Remote and Rural Healthcare – how can we do it better?’

Following a successful online event last November Ms Jackie Aldridge got in touch, seeking speakers and attendees for a further webinar next month.

If you can suggest a speaker, present yourself, or are interested in attending please contact Jackie as per her [edited] message below.

Many thanks

Peter J.


Hello Mr Jones

We were so pleased that you agreed to be a speaker at our conference last November on the subject of ‘Global Remote and Rural Healthcare – how can we do it better?’.

As part of our follow up after the conference we decided it would be a good idea to try and run a short webinar a few times a year to keep this important subject under discussion. We are planning to run our first one on Tuesday 18 May.

I am hoping you may be able to help us by suggesting another contact who works in the field of remote and rural healthcare, who you think may be interested in giving a short presentation (no more than 20 minutes) about their specific field of expertise.

All I would need is their name, contact details and a short indication of what their specialism is.

I hope you can help and I look forward to hearing from you with your suggestions.

Best wishes


 Jackie Aldridge

Programme Delivery Coordinator 

jackie.aldridge AT bridge2aid.org

Working part time, usually on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays



UK office: Bridge2Aid, The Keepers, Symn Lane, Wotton-Under-Edge, GL12 7BD

Tel: 01453 546776.   Registered Charity No: 1170578

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Book: "Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights" i

Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights

This book would have been a timely and great read back in 1998 when my online career began. Of course, back then the global health and human rights environment we know today was incomplete; even as core challenges and barriers were a known and frustrating presence. In nursing theory, practice and management there was much policy and politics to also run its course. As policy and law continue to play out over the past two decades, the relevance of Hodges' model is also continually affirmed.

"Foundations .." is a dense read, but it is meant to be. There are two clues, one is on the cover especially if your work is in health, in a developed nation, but you have no experience of working in humanitarian crisis situations. Thankfully, or not, that is the case for the vast majority of us, but this text could persuade many to get involved. Many who might think of nursing, medicine, public health and other more obvious clinical pathways may realise there is another way

The other clue is how each chapter has a series of questions to check your reading and attention. I could not answer them all but I will hide behind the excuse that in providing the foundations I am busy laying bricks, timber, whatever materials are to hand. The book was published last year and COVID-19 is ongoing and recognised as a global event, but its full impact is not yet apparent. Whether this could justify a revised edition I'm not sure. There is much to add, but the same can be said of so many books now.

Nonetheless the book delivers, organised in four sections:

I. The Human Rights Movement: International Norms and Principles
II. Bringing Rights Home: Tools for Human Rights Implementation and Accountability
III. Contemporary Applications: Healthy People, Healthy Populations
IV. New Challenges: Human Rights to Advance Public Health in a Globalizing Era

From OUP, the quality [pb] is high as expected, with clear type and an appealing, if conventional layout. The book is pretty heavy, 254x178mm and over more than 467 pages. In the car the steering wheel is a welcome support (wanting the book placed higher).

A foreword by Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus [@DrTedros] Director-General of the World Health Organization acknowledges the arrival of COVID and WHO's role as a catalyst in the global response. Dr Tedros concludes:

"'Health is a human right' must be more than just a slogan - it must be embedded in international law, national legislation, and health policies, a commitment to protecting and promoting the right to health for all people, in all countries, through global solidarity." p.xiv
humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
 "Health is a human right" "Health is a human right"

From the introduction and throughout the explanation of history is very welcome. The book readily qualifies as a foundational teaching text. The preface's intent to provide a holistic perspective on the field, is well achieved. There is a developmental pathway in the sections and chapters with references back to what was covered previously. This is helpful and in my reading drew attention to what still must be resolved.

More to follow ...

Foundations of Global Health & Human Rights. (2020) Lawrence O. Gostin and Benjamin Mason Meier (Eds.), Oxford: OUP. ISBN: 9780197528303.


Monday, April 12, 2021

DrupalCon Summits: Higher Education & Healthcare

DrupalCon Attendee
DrupalCon North America 2021 started today and the programme includes  several summit events; two of particular interest next week:

Higher Education Summit

Using Drupal at a college or university? Attend this summit to connect with other Higher Education Drupal users, typically web developers, managers, communicators, graphic designers,  editors and the like. 

Learn from peer Drupal users and experts, working in a variety of contexts in the higher education sector, about the ever-changing Drupal and web landscape, including new trends and current best practices. 

Expect small group discussions, lightning talks, a keynote, and other formats allowing you to engage with your peers. 

The DrupalCon Higher Education Summit is informal, and focuses on best practices, case studies, and discussing solutions to the unique situations inherent to higher education.

Who should attend?

The DrupalCon Higher Education Summit is open to all higher education staff, volunteers, and service providers who are using, or considering using, Drupal as part of their technology stack. This summit is not intended for vendors to pitch new business. 



Healthcare Summit

The healthcare space is now, more than ever, a critical area for all development communities. Digital communication and technologies offer the promise of improved access for patients, but building good solutions requires a solid foundation in accessibility, security and compliance.

Whether you are at a pharma working towards the next vaccine or therapy, a hospital network treating patients with AND without COVID, an insurance company making sure all patients have access to critical healthcare during this tough time, there is much for you to gain from this summit.

Join us for a day of facilitated peer-to-peer problem solving combined with industry leaders sharing their experience solving common challenges like building a digital roadmap for a healthcare system, vaccine distribution platforms, and building user-centered patient experiences.

Who should attend? 

Anyone interested in hearing how companies and the community are creating rich Digital Experiences in the Healthcare space and all levels of colleagues in the Pharma, Medical, Clinical, Hospital, Payers, Caregivers and Healthcare Professional space.


Saturday, April 10, 2021

An atmospheric inversion

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

.. a t m o s p h e r e ..
methane and carbon dioxide
at record levels

We need to take care

 .. a t m o s p h e r e ..
nitrous oxide

You need to take care


World Week in Review, Methane and carbon dioxide in atmosphere rise to record levels, FT Weekend, 10-11 April, 2021, p.4.

Friday, April 09, 2021

Pioneering safe staffing whistleblower nurse dies aged 91: c/o RCNi

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic
Graham Pink at his home in Manchester in January 2008
Picture: Neil O'Connor
courage : compassion : values : commitment : leadership

"A nurse who was among the first in the UK to blow the whistle on safe staffing issues has died aged 91.

Graham Pink first raised concerns about poor staffing and the dangers to patients when he worked at Stepping Hill Hospital in Greater Manchester in 1990. His four-year campaign to highlight inadequate staffing levels made a lasting impression on the nursing profession. Mr Pink died on 6 March in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

Nurses caring for him remembered his safe staffing campaign

Speaking to Nursing Standard about his final months, his niece and carer Sarah Pink said: ‘Barnsley Hospital gave him a lot of care and attention and treated him with a huge amount of respect. There were nurses caring for him who said they knew him from what he did and how he stood up for the NHS back then. One sister said it was an honour to meet him and take care of him.’"

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh RIP


My source: RCNi via twitter: 


Thursday, April 08, 2021

"Public Domain" - The Vaudeville Theatre

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Public Domain is a dark, funny, verbatim musical about the internet: Those who own it; those who live in it; and YOU!

Following an acclaimed digital debut at Southwark Playhouse this thrilling, new British musical, composed entirely from the real-life words of YouTube vloggers, Instagram influencers, Facebook’s tech giants, and everyday internet users now has its live world premiere in the West End.

Written and performed by the hugely talented Francesca Forristal (Oddball) and Jordan Paul Clarke (Showstopper! The Improvised Musical), this blackly comic musical follows two teenage influencers; Millie (sporty spice, health guru, buddha bowls – millennial) and Z (GCSEs existential dread, swag – generation Z), as well as featuring exclusive ‘footage’ of inside Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan’s family home…

You’re gonna get their honest, true selves… with some serious bass, obvs. Authentic, right?

Remember, it’s like ‘Black Mirror’ but real and set to music.

The Vaudeville Theatre operates strictly under the government COVID-19 guidelines. For further information check our COVID-19 secure information page. All bookings in a party must only be from the same household or the legally defined support bubble.

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Just because they have 'eco' in common ...

... don't assume you can monitise*

 the world's ecosystems 

by their roots and branches ... 


humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic



*despite the ongoing 'project' ...?

Sunday, April 04, 2021

The Times: Education Commission

"An education commission is being set up by The Times that could lead to radical change across schools and universities.

It brings together experts including senior MPs, head teachers, academics, vice-chancellors and a children’s author who will work on the year-long project that is expected to inform government policy. They say school closures during the pandemic and the resulting surge in online learning have provided the perfect opportunity for an overhaul of the system to be considered."

humanistic ----------------------------------------------- mechanistic

Lifelong Learning
(Attitude (cognitive access))
Knowledge & Skills
(Purpose of education)
Critical thinking, Problem Solving, Reflection

New Technology
(Anticipating AI & Robotic Process Automation)
Lifelong Learning
(Physical access, Technology Enhanced Learning)

Lifelong Learning
Social mobility (Social access)
Social skills
How many forms of 'literacy'?
Team work / Collaboration
Challenge social gender stereotypes

Lifelong Learning (Policy, Economic access)
Government policy - Work creation
University entrants - nos.
Curriculum 21st Century
Still the 'Two Cultures'?

My source:

Woolcock, N. (2021) Push to give children a better start, The Times, March 24, p.4; The pandemic has exposed weaknesses in education, leading article, p. 27.


Friday, April 02, 2021

ERCIM News No. 125 Special theme: "Brain-inspired Computing"

Dear ERCIM News reader,

ERCIM News No. 125 has just been published at https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/

The Special Theme of this issue highlights ongoing brain-inspired computing research with contributions from some of the leading academic and industrial research laboratories in Europe, coordinated by our guest editors Robert Haas (IBM Research Europe) and Michael Pfeiffer (Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence).

Thank you for your interest in ERCIM News. Feel free to forward this message to anyone who might be interested.

Next issue:
No. 126,  July 2021
Special Theme: "Privacy-preserving computation"

Announcements in this issue:

Call for Proposals: Dagstuhl Seminars and Perspectives Workshops
Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik is accepting proposals for scientific seminars/workshops in all areas of computer science, in particular also in connection with other fields. https://www.dagstuhl.de/dsproposal

ERCIM "Alain Bensoussan" Fellowship Programme - postdoctoral fellowships available at leading European research institutions.
Simple application procedure. Next application deadline: 30 April 2021

is published quarterly by ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.
With the printed and online edition, ERCIM News reaches more than 10000 readers.

ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase co-operation with European industry. Leading European research institutes are members of ERCIM. ERCIM is the European host of W3C.
ERCIM LinkedIn Group
Peter Kunz*                  	
ERCIM Office
2004, Route des Lucioles
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex 
*With many thanks.
Higher Cognitive Functions in Bio-Inspired Artificial Intelligence 
by Frédéric Alexandre, Xavier Hinaut, Nicolas Rougier and Thierry Viéville (Inria) 
"From a modelling point of view, this organisation of architecturally similar loops is very interesting because it implies that similar computing principles (implemented in the circuitry of cortico-basal loops) are exploited on different kinds of information to implement different kinds of behaviour (reflexive and reflective)." p.20.

Thursday, April 01, 2021

8th Biennial Conference, 2021: Threshold Concepts in the Moment

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you're all well in these on-going strange times. You may have seen this elsewhere so apologies for duplication.

I'm very pleased to announce that we have now re-opened the submissions for the Bi(tri)ennial Threshold Concepts conference originally scheduled for July 2020 at UCL, and now running online between 7-9 July 2021. If you didn't get a chance to submit originally, now is your chance...

The submission window closes on April 12th at 6pm (UK time).

Some other details:

  • We will very shortly be opening up registration for everyone and I will post further details about that (hopefully in a few days). The full fee will be £30, with a lower-/un-/precariously waged option of £10.

  • You will need to create an EasyChair account to submit.

  • We intend to run a single-session continuous conference with plenty of breaks (as long as we can arrange the schedule according to people's timezones!).

  • It will take place between 7th and 9th July (UK time) but the precise timing will be determined by the final submissions.

  • We will make every endeavour to have people present during their normal working hours.

The blog for the conference has more information and the call for papers is both there and on EasyChair.

Have a lovely weekend, when it gets here

Jason Davies (on behalf of the steering group)