Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: January 2025

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Friday, January 31, 2025

Saving 'a' School of Nursing ... Cardiff, et al. (2025 ...)?

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      

Nursing has provided many models and theories and (even as some have scoffed), we could be on the cusp of new things; with the ideal model - for reflection, reflective practice, and critical thinking. Surely this is worthy of ongoing undergraduate and post-graduate study?

What message does closing a SoN send to:
  • the public;
  • other universities, colleges and schools;
  • to students (and alumni) selecting subjects for study;
  • to highlighting the mental health impacts on campus for students, faculty and researchers;
  • other disciplines;
  • the policy makers (APPGs ...);~
  • other nations?
You know: students and families know -  #MentalHealthMatters!

Ethics too - with the need for self-care, sustainable services, recognition of ALL the literacies.

Nursing isn't Philosophy (and others..) with dept.s globally also under threat, but you can find it there - in uniform and civilian dress with all the -isms to be negotiated.

Nursing has moved on from its past, but still calls on giving of self, a certain character, self-awareness. ... Closure!? And, just as it was getting all transdisciplinary!

You've exposed here the literal primacy of an individual's 'health career' : how this is impacted by life chances.^

If you hadn't noticed, the robots & AI are coming.  Ah! But of course, you do know that's were the £££ is. Indeed they are already here.

Nursing is an art and science, but in terms of data, the future workforce requirements are stark.

We need to act today - 4 tomorrow!

Each nation needs its own nurses.

Here is a way to contribute to global health; (there must be a way to achieve equity).

Parity of esteem too: health is mental AND physical.

This misses the continuum that touches so many curricula from the SELF to PLANETARY health.

How will we pursue (confirm?):
  • Models of Care & Nursing Theory still has a place?
  • Nursing & Nurses can deliver much a-Cross curricula, and as collaborators in research.
Nursing can contribute so much to the community of lifelong learning.

No! No! Nursing is much more than bio-psycho-social. It is BIOPSYCHOSOCIOPOLITICAL:
- pardon the irony, but thank you for the evidence.

Nursing has much to offer in education, EdTech, informatics, living in the 21st Century.
What about history?
What would Betsi and Florence say?

What about the future health of society: improved nutrition, air quality, climate change, emergency preparedness and the true Nat. Health & Care Services?

Especially, as so much is incomplete: 
consider - Social care, Community Care, Older Adults - demographic change, Prevention and Health Education, Public Health & Public Mental Health.

A measure of a culture - society isn't merely how it looks after the sick and disabled, it is also (must be) how it educates its populace. 'Teach your children well.'*

^Nursing knows (really) that it is not merely a case of the social determinants of health. It is all - political, economic, education ...

Does this mean Project 2K is a mistake? Was Project 2K a waste of time, effort and resources? 

What of the students to date: the fees, COVID ..? What was promised to this Profession - these Professionals? Or is this LIFO at work?

How do Nursing's leaders respond - in light of the frequency Nursing is poorly, or not represented at the 'table'?~

Nursing is dynamic, not only shoe leather and mental gymnastics, but the demands placed on curricula, call for a curriculum design, planning, development and evaluation resource.

Nursing can help inform the National Care Services, and provide part of an incredible career pathway.

- wither a Duty of Care - Social Responsibility?

Sorry, what are the reserves? Saving for a lunar campus, no doubt? Well, healthcare will be needed in space too.

Will you switch off the lights, or will the nurse have to return with the keys to 24/7/365 care?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Nursing_Society (resurrected?)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Save Cardiff University School of Nursing - Sign the Petition

Cardiff University have announced that the School of Nursing is set to close with cuts to staffing because of a funding shortfall. 

We condemn this action and urge the university to find another solution that does not involve closing the School of Nursing. 

This awful decision will have a direct impact on the number of nurses available to work in health boards across the country . At a time where there is a significant number of nursing vacancies within the NHS this action will undermine an already depleted workforce. 

With well over a 1,000 students within the department, Cardiff University School of Nursing contributes a very important number of nurses which are employed within the NHS each year. 

The school of nursing is ranked 1st in Wales and is an centre of excellence. It is a dynamic, innovative and forward looking school. They are recognised for their excellence in learning, teaching and research. They pride themselves on pursuing research of the highest quality, and are one of the leading healthcare departments in the UK.

As well as this, the staff  work incredibly hard, have invaluable diverse expertise and put their hearts and souls into making the school a vibrant and welcoming place. The nursing department is full of warm, intelligent, passionate people with a wealth of knowledge, who are at danger of losing their livelihoods. We stand in solidarity with the university staff affected by this decision. 

Please sign this petition in the hope that Cardiff University reconsider its decision to close the School of Nursing. 


QR code also available.

Previous posts: 

Nursing, history and (future) travels


It would be marvellous to be able to deliver a lecture on Hodges' model to new nursing course entrants. Vital though to secure the future of all.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Sticky Categories and Their Negative Consequences c/o Mikulak et al.

Category - Theory and Practice

Hodges' model -
A model for care in whatever situation, care environment*.

      INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC  --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
My name is . . .
I am a person.
I am an individual.

Even if I don't thank you,
there may be someone out
there who thanks you for
acknowledging, confirming,
sustaining, preserving and
respecting my identity.

Even if I don't ask you
for your name please share
it with me, when you feel
 the time is right.

Together ...

[Abstract] "‘Behaviours that challenge others’ are attributed to 20% of people with learning disabilities. These behaviours are not a diagnosis, it is something people are labelled with. We conducted qualitative interviews with social care staff in the UK within four models of care: independent supported living, residential nursing home, Shared Lives, and living with family and attending a day opportunities centre*. We examine how the category of ‘behaviours that challenge others’ is produced, applied, and contested in adult social care settings. We demonstrate its stickiness and discuss its stigmatising consequences. How behaviours are understood, felt, and talked about matters for the support people with learning disabilities receive and maps onto their consequent inclusion or exclusion from society. We point out the harms the category carries for people who receive it and argue that it should be abandoned." p.110.

"Labeling theory suggests that labels lead to stigma, through changing how a group is perceived by others and supporting stratification (Haft et al. 2023). According to Link and Phelan (2001: 383), stigma ‘exists when elements of labeling, stereotyping, separating, status loss, and discrimination co-occur in a power situation that allows these processes to unfold’ (emphasis added). The acceptance of categories as valid and important differences is described by the labeling element of stigma (Link and Phelan 2001). Here, we attend to how this ‘labeling’ aspect of stigma interacts with its other mechanisms in the category of ‘behaviours that challenge others’." p.112.

"Emotions are not private, rather, they ‘circulate between bodies and signs’ producing meanings and creating ‘the surfaces or boundaries of bodies and worlds’ (Ahmed 2004b: 117); thus, affect is always distributed (Wetherell 2015). We propose the category—and the labeling process behind it—should be understood within an ableist (Campbell 2009) distribution of affect and politics of emotion; one that subordinates the experiences of people with learning disabilities through establishing the ‘truth’ of the reading as external and mediated through the emotions of people without learning disabilities. ‘Behaviours that challenge others’ (and synonyms of the category) are inherently relational but also reflect and reproduce existing power imbalances. We suggest their stickiness rehearses and reinforces the ableist politics of emotion that positions people with learning disabilities as ‘less human’ (Goodley 2021) and at times as monstrous. The category is a product of this politics, one that repeats its rehearsed, sticky associations, making the reading of the proximity of people with learning disabilities in the present a result of histories marked by dehumanization. The method of categorizing people through labels also makes them more susceptible to what McClimens has described as ‘reauthoring’, with collective histories ‘presented in a way that condones or even justifies their current situation’ (2007: 259)." p.113.

Mikulak, Magdalena, Sara Ryan, Elizabeth Tilley, Susan Ledger, Lisa Davidson, Pam Bebbigton, and Dawn Wiltshire. 2024. “Sticky Categories and Their Negative Consequences: People with Learning Disabilities and ‘Behaviours that Challenge Others’.” Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 26(1): 110–123.
DOI: https://doi. org/10.16993/sjdr.1069 (with my emphasis)

I have cited Mikulak et al. in 1/2 papers submitted yesterday after revision on: threshold concepts, deprivation of liberty, residential care and Hodges' model.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

20th anniversary special issue of The Journal of Community Informatics

Dear CI (Community Informatics) colleagues,

I am thrilled to announce that Peter Johnson and I just published the 20th anniversary special issue of  
The Journal of Community Informatics:

As we explain in our editorial, the first issue of The Journal of Community Informatics was published by Michael Gurstein on October 1, 2004. Since then the journal has continued to remain the open access peer reviewed journal featuring contributions at the intersection of community informatics research, practice, and policy.  We are excited to feature nine essays in this special issue from many of the leaders in our field.

We invite you to read the full special issue in its entirety here:

Colin Rhinesmith, Ph.D. (he/him)
Founder and Director, Digital Equity Research Center
Metropolitan New York Library Council


Listed in the blog's bibliography:

Jones, P. (2012). Exploring several dimensions of local, global and glocal using the generic conceptual framework Hodges's model. The Journal Of Community Informatics. 8(3). Available at: https://openjournals.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/JoCI/article/view/3034

Friday, January 24, 2025

ERCIM News No. 140 Special theme: "Large-Scale Data Analytics"

Dear ERCIM News reader,

The January 2025 issue of ERCIM News (Number 140) is online with a special theme on Large-Scale Data Analytics. This issue features a Special Theme that highlights the diverse applications of large-scale data analytics across Europe. The advancements are achieved through close collaboration with European data spaces and open science platforms.

You can access the issue at https://ercim-news.ercim.eu/

This special theme was coordinated by our guest editors Andras Benczur (HUN-REN SZTAKI) and Dominik Ślęzak (University of Warsaw).

Note PJ: Includes: 
Breaking the Silence: Brain-to-Speech Innovations. p.36
Data Visualisation for Big Data: Digital Epidemiology. p.39.

CWI Research Semester Programme. Truth is in the Eyes of the Machines Amsterdam, 8-9 May 2025.

Thank you for reading ERCIM News! Please share this issue with anyone who might find it interesting. You can also support us on LinkedIn. Let's keep the conversation going and share the latest updates together!

Next issue: No. 141, April 2025
Special Theme: "Cultural AI". Submissions are welcome! See preliminary call for contributions.

ERCIM News is published quarterly by ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics. With the printed and online edition, ERCIM News reaches more than 10000 readers.
All issues published to date are available online.


ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics - aims to foster collaborative work within the European research community and to increase cooperation with European industry. Leading European research institutes are members of ERCIM. ERCIM is the European host of W3C.

ERCIM LinkedIn Group
ERCIM LinkedIn Page

Peter Kunz                      	
ERCIM Office
2004, Route des Lucioles
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

A Voyage in Cosmic Health ... loneliness

     INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      
[2] 'Most pressingly, Voyager 1 has severe memory loss It stopped speaking clearly on November 14. All they received at JPL was a carrier signal. This was described to me in many ways: flatlining, an interstellar dial tone, useless ones and zeros, gibberish, no data. Imagine your friend is on a long journey and sends you a detailed letter every day, then, one day, empty envelopes start arriving. What happened to your friend? How do you help?' p.21.
[1] 'VOYAGER 1 SUFFERS MANY AILMENTS OF AGE. It has arthritis. During its planetary encounters, the team excitedly swung the camera and other instruments this way and that; this squeezed the lubricant out of the bearings of its articulated platform. Only painstakingly slow movements could loosen its joints. It also has heart disease, as Todd Barber, its propulsion engineer, explained. The arteries that deliver its propellant, which keeps it perfectly pointed at Earth, are partially clogged. Barber calls himself a space plumber and wore a shirt with flying saucers on it as we spoke in the Voyager office. He had considered all the usual cardiological remedies. 
Diet: unfortunately, Voyager eats only the propellant hydrazine, total junk food. 
Exercise: they haven't thought of a way to fire the thrusters to clear the blockage. 
Medication: so they've relaxed its alignment a bit and fire its thrusters less often; in other words, Voyager is on beta blockers.' p.21.

The Sounds of Earth Record Cover - GPN-2000-001978

My source - with thanks - brilliant writing! 

Roeder O. TERMINATION SHOCK. Last Days of a Lonely Interstellar Spacecraft. FT Magazine, August 3/4 2024. pp.18-27. https://www.ft.com/content/0f2dce04-ec78-4aeb-808c-cff5b5135699


Friday, January 17, 2025

"AI & Health: Seminars 2025" - Current topics in AI in medicine and health informatics ...

Dear Madam/Sir,

This is to officially announce the FIRST seminar of the "AI & Health: Seminars 2025" series as hosted by HC@AIxIA, i.e., the "Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare" working group of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.

*** Save the date: 22 JANUARY 2025. 3:30 CET ***

We hope you will attend and participate in the discussion on the relevant topics that will be presented and by our speakers. Feel free to share this with those potentially interested.

Please find some details below, and a poster attached. All directions for participating are available at https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/.

2024 January 22 - 3:30PM CET

Mor Peleg, PhD, Professor of Information Systems, University of Haifa (HAifa, Israel), EIC of Journal of Biomedical Informatics

Current topics in AI in medicine and health informatics: 
current challenges and a look ahead

Abstract: In this talk I will review current challenges, current work by the biomedical informatics community, and future topics related to AI. I draw the information from a paper[1] that a group of informatics editors and other respected members of the community co-authored and published in 2023 in the Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research. There, we identified focus areas that should be addressed in the next ten years, specifically learning from new challenges that emerged in the Covid-19 epidemic. I will also present my analysis of current and emerging topics of papers published in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI) in the past two years, and current calls for special issue papers. I will also touch upon the role of international collaboration in emerging research areas (in JBI).
[1] Combi C, Facelli JC, Haddawy P, Holmes JH, Koch S, Liu H, Meyer J, Peleg M, Pozzi G, Stiglic G, Veltri P. The IHI Rochester report 2022 on healthcare informatics research: Resuming after the covid-19. Journal of healthcare informatics research. 2023 Jun;7(2):169-202.
Short Bio: Mor Peleg is Full Professor of information systems and Founding Director of the University of Haifa’s Data Science Research Center, former Chair of the Data Science BSc program of the University of Haifa, and former Chair of the Department of Information Systems. She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biomedical Informatics, which focuses on novel biomedical informatics methods. Mor's BSc and MSc degrees in biology and her PhD in Information Systems – are from the Technion -- Israel Institute of Technology, and her 4-year postdoc was at Stanford University's Center for Biomedical Informatics Research. Mor’s research focuses on clinical guideline-based decision support systems (CDSS) for patients and physicians. She led the large-scale European project MobiGuide and was a PI in the CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience ( CAPABLE project https://capable-project.eu/). There she uses machine learning methods to personalize triggers for health behavior change, utilizing behavioral theories. Web-site: https://mpeleg.hevra.haifa.ac.il/

Flyer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1pYIdbkk63mS52wRbOiiEpwaDJmsraZJL&usp=drive_fs

Link to participate: https://unimib.webex.com/unimib/j.php?MTID=m8e6e76b39cc5aa47f15922dddb167a25

(PLEASE CHECK the site https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/ for any changes or updates)
Some notes
Serving as coordinators of the working group on AI for Healthcare of the Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, see: https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/), part of our commitment consists of fostering contamination and collaboration between AI researchers and experts and operators in Medicine and Healthcare; in particular, we aim to contribute in building a two-way road for informing healthcare operators about AI results and opportunities, while also raising awareness among AI researchers about challenges and problems in medicine and healthcare.
Therefore, the 2025 seminar series, in the trail of the 2024 edition, will feature a number of experts presenting research results, projects, best practices, ideas, and more to a mixed audience of AI researchers and healthcare operators.

== Are you interested in Joining the group? ==
Please head to https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/ fo find out how. Do not hesitate to contact us at
  hc-aixia AT googlegroups.com for any information or clarification.

Thank you for your interest in the AI & Health seminar series and the HC@AIxIA working group, and see you soon!

Francesco Calimeri, Mauro Dragoni, Fabio Stella
(coordinators of the HC@AIxIA working group)
(and my source)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Book list: Global health c/o Madhu Pai, MD, PhD

Way back in 2023 on twitter c/o Madhu Pai, MD, PhD, I learned of a listing of books on global health:

The list is updated quarterly -


Here are four titles - and of course now the list is even richer!

     INTERPERSONAL    :     SCIENCES               
HUMANISTIC --------------------------------------  MECHANISTIC      




The Psychosis of Whiteness

Book images:



(If you search harpercollins you will find the book.)


My source - with thanks:

Twitter? Yes, I know; don't we all?

Monday, January 13, 2025

NPR: What is your wish to improve life on earth in 2025?

Dola Sun for NPR

With thanks to NPR, 'an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a mission to create a more informed public'. NPR asked 11 global health professionals to share their wishes for 2025.

Read in full here:

We asked global thinkers how to improve life on earth in 2025. Here are their wishes

My wish: Honor the legacy of Jimmy Carter Dr. Ifeanyi M. Nsofor, project director, VaxSocial HPV Vaccination Initiative, Nigeria

My wish: World, awaken to the medical emergency in Haiti Dr. Ousmane Abdoulaye, Port-au-Prince in Haiti, medical coordinator, Haiti Mission, ALIMA — The Alliance for International Medical Action

My wish: Nothing too grand. Just a small wish that things for us go back as they were three years ago — when women could go to parks or markets but most of all go to school. Maryam S., Afghanistan, former Master's student of Pashto literature. She asked to be identified by her first name only out of fear that her criticism of Taliban policies would put her and her family in danger.

My wish: Make monumental strides in using advanced technology to detect emerging pathogens Dr. Abraar Karan, physician and researcher, Division of Infectious Diseases & Geographic Medicine, Stanford University

My wish: Let us recognize that violence has never been the true solution to conflict KR Raja, Madurai, India, lawyer advocating for criminal justice reform and the founder of the Indian charity Global Network for Equality, which supports children orphaned by crime

My wish: I dream of a future where there are safe and healthy conditions for workers, where they are free of discrimination and can earn a fair wage. Ashila Dandeniya, Colombo, Sri Lanka, founder and director of the Stand Up Movement, a women-led organization that advocates for workers' rights.

My wish: Make progress in developing treatments to reduce deaths and complications from dengue André Siqueira, head of the Dengue Global Programme at Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative and public health researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation's National Infectious Diseases Institute in Brazil

My wish: For trekkers and travelers to help clean up the waste they leave behind — and to help protect our natural treasures Raj Kumar Shrestha, trekking guide, Kathmandu, Nepal, and founder of Let's Clean Up Nepal, an environmental conservation organization

My wish: Use digital innovation to enable health workers to deliver their care, especially in places where resources are constrained Dr. Junaid Nabi, public health researcher specializing in health-care reform and innovation, and a senior fellow at the Aspen Institute and a Millennium Fellow at the Atlantic Council

My wish: May the year bring peace to the world Dr. Atsbha Merhawit, Ayder Hospital, specialty in endocrinology and diabetes, Mekelle, Ethiopia

My wish: Follow the rules of war regarding the welfare of children Joe English, New York, N.Y., emergency communication specialist for UNICEF ==

What is your wish for 2025?

Best wishes, Neil

HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is coordinator of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), a global health community that brings all stakeholders together around the shared goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA has 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting in four languages and representing all parts of the global evidence ecosystem. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network, a UK-based nonprofit in official relations with the World Health Organization. Email: neil AT hifa.org

n.b. My wish: That "Hodges' Health Career - Care Domains - Model" continues to emerge as a generic conceptual framework shared and understood by all learners for lifelong learning.

Thanks Neil. I will post this with HIFA link.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

C/o FT 'Inside the rise of the mental-health volunteer movement'

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

'Amid a surge in demand for psychological support that has been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, Blue is one of many people without formal psychiatric qualifications — including volunteers and health workers — who are stepping in to deliver interventions.'

'Sangath became one of the first projects to run a randomised control trial (RCT) of task-sharing in mental health in 2007. “It’s not a compromise,” said Nadkarni, “it’s an idea backed by solid research evidence.”' [FT]

'Known as task-shifting or task-sharing, the trend has grown across healthcare as services grapple with a stark mismatch between resources and demand. The World Health Organization estimates that there is a global average of 13 mental health workers per 100,000 people, but in low-income countries this can fall to fewer than two.

But a number of studies suggest that simple interventions, such as benches where people can sit with a sympathetic listener, can be at least as powerful as expensive clinical approaches, easing the burden on specialist workers.' [FT]

'About us - Sangath: Our vision is a world where every person has access to quality and affordable mental health care.

Our signature principles are to leverage community and health system resources to deliver psychosocial interventions for the prevention and care of mental health problems. We address a wide range of mental health concerns across the life course, from cognitive development in childhood to self-harm and depression in youth, to drinking problems, psychoses and dementia in adults.  ...

Our name: ‘Sangath’ (सांगात) means togetherness and consensus. It signals our mission – to take an integrated and participatory approach to addressing mental health challenges.'

'Health policymakers are increasingly seeking to replicate projects pioneered in the developing world, a process that has been dubbed “frugal innovation”.'

'“Every $1 invested in a service like this gives you about $9 in return — both for the individual and the society combined,” he added.'

'Initiatives such as the Friendship Bench and the Common Elements Treatment Approach devised by Johns Hopkins University, a mental health intervention that can be delivered by trained and supervised lay providers in low and middle-income countries, are collectively reaching millions of people and have proved their worth in multiple studies.

But funders still tended to focus on setting up clinical projects rather than bringing about systemic change in resource allocation or medical payment models that would drive widespread adoption.' [FT]

My source:
Sarah Neville, India inspires project saving lives in Texas. FTWeekend, 21-22 December 2024. p.4.

n.b. While these efforts are ongoing, there is a crisis and a crisis of confidence in student mental health nursing as a specialty: 

Virtual 1200-1830 25th March 2025. (Too expensive for me.)

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Are you planning a health* study in 2025?

New Year - new project perhaps?

*nursing, mental health, theory, practice, management, workforce, medicine, allied health professions, social work, psychology, labs, diagnosis, palliative, end of life, diseases, public health, public MENTAL health, -isms, prevention, protection, education, learning disability, parity in care, informatics, information, literacIES, AI, arts, policy, leadership, migration, history, future, women, children, men, LGBTQ+, ethics, rights, health economics, social care, systems, services, climate change, refugees, conflict, law, leadership, resources, commerce, fraud, self-care, UN, WHO, UNESCO, regional, national, global, or planetary ..., ...

Is there a 'space' for Hodges' model in your study?


Is this statement ...?

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

utter nonsense and arrogance

a psychological threat^

it's either a great joke, or a grand delusion

look - get real, we can't cover all the bases

calling attention to the high-degree of subjectivism in academia and health research

no, actually it is blatant evidence of bias and a lack of objectivity! Who is Hodges?

shamefully egotistical

our project does not need to consider:
reflection - reflective practice
critical thinking
holistic - integrated care: parity of esteem
the curricula (however 'expressed')

methods - methodology - philosophy

a sign we've found the true 'meta-' tool
(Yes, this is interesting!)

to the Nth degree!

a physical threat^

a fact - when critiqued using Hodges' model

limited apprehension of 'HEALTH'..

sheer ignorance

proof of an incomplete (grey) literature search

proof that 'not invented here' prevails

identification of relations and relationships is catered for, as are ...

safety, situational awareness, scoping, mapping, evaluation, analysis, synthesis, diagrams - graphical approaches, project mangement

potentially supporting inter- multi- transdisciplinarity

a sign that ('fashion') science, evidence have moved on: get over it!

a soul in search of a community of practice?

demonstrating much effort is falling on deaf ears?

time to listen, with all that's going in the world

Hodges, did you say? Sorry not here!

not commissioned/funded by a 'us'. 

what? No Doctorate? Go away: please!

who does that person think they are!

   fao project/research management group/committee?

^No threat is implied, on the contrary frustration ... If Hodges' model may be use, please do get in touch. Thanks to all for your visits and best wishes with your respective projects, studies and careers.

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Hodges' model: A person - Everyone else [x2!]

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

'Michael Collins, the astronaut who took this photo in 1969, is the only human, dead or alive, that isn't in the frame of this picture.' 

 (Image credit: NASA/Getty Images) 

“If the universe is meaningless, so is the statement that it is so… The meaning and purpose of dancing is the dance.”

'Alan Watts on our search for meaning and the antidote to our existential loneliness'

Image: https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/news/spaceman-who-photographed-every-living-being-but-himself-rip-michael-collins

Text: https://x.com/themarginalian/status/1876298178326069285


So good I'm repeating myself ... https://hodges-model.blogspot.com/2019/07/2-everyone-else-1-thank-you-michael.html

'dance' :: 'meaning'

Monday, January 06, 2025

Variable Hours Tutor: Take II

In September 2019 I was successful in securing a part-time post as a university tutor. This was great news.

While I've always worked in practice, I've enjoyed having students as a (sign-off) mentor and helping colleagues to fill holidays and other gaps; and completing a certificate in education (PGCE). In the past with the help of colleagues, I've organised teaching sessions for students on placement and small conferences. Now, I miss 'mentor updates' and meetings with the university outreach teams - practice education facilitators.

Of course at the end of 2019 a pandemic was brewing. The upshot - sadly for me - the tutoring was a non-event. No teaching (learning) opportunities followed, and the contract was not renewed in August 2020. 

Through nurse revalidation in March 2023, I was helped in Warrington with another academic contact. I attended an open event, but again no openings. In (N) spring last year, I picked up the 2019 thread once again. 

Success again! Another chance. Six months having passed, I do wonder though  - if any hours will follow? 

Fingers still crossed, having chased and looking elsewhere too.


Sunday, January 05, 2025

Be proactive: Evidence supporting proactive care for older people with frailty

'These BGS publications outline evidence and delivery recommendations for proactive care and support for older adults with moderate to severe frailty. 

We set out how to deliver proactive care against core components and key enablers, with recommendations for success of a proactive care service. Building on NHS England's proactive care guidance, Proactive care: providing care and support for people living at home with moderate or severe frailty, we also outline key recommendations for the successful implementation of proactive care services across the UK. 

We hope that users will be able to use all three documents when designing proactive care services, with the NHS England guidance document acting as key framework and starting point, BGS’s Be proactive: Evidence supporting proactive care for older people with frailty as a business case, and Be proactive: Delivering proactive care for older people with frailty  as a roadmap for implementing the NHS England framework and delivering services. ...'


[All best Charlie (on your Christening Day), Casper and Jamie]. #hope #love #future #action #HealthCareer #LifeChances

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Are concepts of adolescence from the Global North appropriate for Africa? A debate

'The proponents for the motion argued that adolescence is indeed a distinct developmental phase when puberty is achieved and the neurocognitive development that occurs shapes behaviours that impact health outcomes. This occurs universally, is marked by cultural rites, and recognised in legal frameworks and therefore geographical distinctions in understanding are unnecessary.'

'The opponents argued that adolescence is more than a biological or legally recognised transition to adulthood: instead, concepts, including that of adolescence, are shaped by beliefs, values and expectations founded within a cultural milieu. The concept is dissonant to Africa as it prioritises individualism over communalism, and attributes gender and social roles as accepted in the Global North.'

'Thus, many interventions targeted at adolescents in Africa have remained ineffective. The notion that the concept of adolescence, which originated in the Global North but is universally applied, is a consequence of colonialism giving less value to the lived realities and understandings of peoples from the Global South.

For achieving both epistemic justice and effective health policy and programmes in global health, acknowledgement and centralisation of context are critical. However, in a more interlinked and open world, there is a massive potential for cross-learning and collaboration across geographies to develop a concerted approach to improve the health of adolescents and for a more equitable global health practice.

However, adolescence is also a social entity shaped by beliefs and values within different cultural contexts. A move away from universal, often western-defined concepts of adolescence, to centring the distinct sociocultural factors that shape adolescence in different societies will enable more effective policies and programming.' (Summary box) 

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic
debate (argumentation)

mental space, mindset

my beliefs



Not just NORTH - SOUTH 
philosophy of mind
belief systems


[Hodges' model] 'Health career' - 'life chances'

 2018 - scientific symposium
Mwanza, Tanzania

'Adolescence is widely defined as a distinct phase in the life-course during which an individual completes their biological development and transitions from childhood to adulthood.'

Appropriate for Africa - health interventions and global health policy that are shaped by such concepts can be universally applicable and relevant?

geographical distinctions

physical place, space, locale

biology - neurocognitive - puberty

universal - cultural rites

adolescence - global north culture
but applied universally

'adolescence is also a social entity shaped by beliefs and values within different cultural contexts'


Gender - social roles

Arts - music, film, drama, literature ...
media, technology


"Comme d'habitude"

legal - policy

Is there a universal conceptual model to critique*:


In policy can you ignore LONG-LAT?

epistemic justice 
effective health policy
programmes in global health
- aimed at adolescents

centralisation of context 

glocal/global - WHO - national/local

Many thanks to the authors:

Nothando Ngwenya, Chido Dziva Chikwari, Janet Seeley, Rashida Abbas Ferrand - Are concepts of adolescence from the Global North appropriate for Africa? A debate: BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e012614. https://gh.bmj.com/content/8/12/e012614

My source:

Reminded of 'My Way' :: 'American Graffiti'

*I have long wondered what models of care, models of nursing, nursing and care theories may be found in Africa, across Europe, Asia, South America, Native North America, Australasia and Oceania?  
Is Hodges' model truly global and universal - is it (can a model of care be) culturally neutral? Perhaps, this is another conference debate, or might constitute a special journal issue?

Friday, January 03, 2025

How 'divine' is the language of care?

'My impression was that algebra was less a subject than a practice into which one was inducted by the algebra priests after a series of mortifications. The letters and equations that the teacher drew on the board did not seem related to the numbers I had handled in other classrooms. For one thing, a problem in arithmetic was vertical, one number beneath another, and a problem in algebra, an equation, was horizontal. I felt as if in a permanent present, unable to see how the past and the future were joined. In Ulysses James Joyce writes that the present is the drain that the future goes down on its way to becoming the past.' p.12.
'The mathematician Alonzo Church, who taught Alan Turing, told another of his students, David Berlinski, "Any idiot can learn anything in mathematics. It requires only patience." I would sit with a pencil and paper trying to solve an algebra problem and sometimes go only so far before my mind would halt, because I had could used up what little I knew that might apply. It hadn't occurred to me to think of algebra as the bright boys and girls I had been among had thought of it, as a series of related procedures. They were constructing a map. I was collecting postcards from places where anxiety or incuriousness had kept me from leaving my hotel.' p.31.
(my emphasis)

Alec Wilkinson. (2022) A Divine Language. Learning Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus at the Edge of Old Age. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250168580/adivinelanguage/

Previously: math :: logic

Thursday, January 02, 2025

"Hi! I'm new to Hodges' model - and this blog - what's it about?"

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

The model was created in the early - mid 1980's with four purposes in mind - to facilitate:

1. reflection & develop reflective practitioners;
2. person-centred, integrated (holistic) care;
3. help bridge the theory-practice gap;
4. curriculum design, planning and development.

This was prompted by the change in the UK to university-based nurse education, which was to commence in (Project) 2000.

Learning and applying Hodges' model in 1987-88, and creating a website 1998-2015, I am clearly invested in Hodges' model and biased, questions and debate are welcome.

Created by Brian E.

Hodges' model is a generic framework - 
a conceptual framework.

This model is situated, as 'generic' suggests
which means of course it is universal.

If you've a problem, scenario forthcoming project, or one that is nearing completion Hodges' model can assist in reflection and critical thinking to plan, scope, or evaluate as per your purpose.

This blog has posts about papers, events that interest me (PJ), plus many posts using this two-by-two table approach that suggests how the model can be applied in a variety of contexts.

This blog also has a bibliography
and template in the sidebar.


As noted previously (and last month!), it is marvellous to hear news of a paper citing Hodges' model. If you are planning a piece of writing, research and believe that Hodges' model may be of help please get in touch.

If you don't and can see merit in Hodges' model asit is presented, that is fine also. In fact, although I mention collaboration unique - untainted perspectives are probably much needed. Learning of a citation after publication is great news and encouragement.

This could and should be an amazing community:
Welcome to the QUAD

Thank you for your visit and interest.
Any questions pleased to try to help:
h2cmng AT yahoo.co.uk

As a nurse who trained in learning disability, Brian Hodges was acutely aware of the political in health care, the role of the institutions and the aspiration of community-based and person-centred care.

Yes, you can use the model. It is open source. 
All we* ask is that you cite and credit the source.

With the 'politics of health' much in mind there are many papers to write on the model that includes: reflection; person-centredness; integration of care; self care TO planetary health FROM ?; Inter- multi- transdisciplinary in Hodges' model; A model of healthcare viewed mathematically: Surely you're joking Mr Hodges?

This blog started in 2006, the template is dated, comments are disabled. A new site - repository is needed.

*In Brian's memory too : Brian E. Hodges (1942-2022) RIP^

Wednesday, January 01, 2025