Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: October 2024

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

What are the characteristics of living a life?

What about Nationhood?


[Spiritual ( Sciences, Sociology, Intra- Interpersonal, Political )]

person(hood) individual
humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic





Source: Various since 2021 - image 'X'.

Women's rights in Afghanistan: An ongoing battle

Afghanistan: No future without women’s participation

Monday, October 28, 2024


humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

Source: Various

Saturday, October 26, 2024

NOT 'Nanny State': Protection & assurance of the quality of nutrition

The Government needs a plan to fix our broken food system and turn the tide on the public health emergency

24 October 2024

The House of Lords Food, Diet and Obesity Committee demands that the Government should develop a comprehensive, integrated long-term new strategy to fix our food system, underpinned by a new legislative framework. This is the key conclusion of the Committee’s report, ‘Recipe for health: a plan to fix our broken food system’.

Chair's comments

Baroness Walmsley, Chair of the Food, Diet and Obesity Committee, said:

“Food should be a pleasure and contribute to our health and wellbeing, but it is making too many people ill. Something must be going wrong if almost two in five children are leaving primary school with overweight or obesity and so many people are finding it hard to feed healthy food to their families. That is why we took a root and branch look at the food system and analysed what had gone wrong over the past few decades.

“Over the last 30 years successive governments have failed to reduce obesity rates, despite hundreds of policy initiatives. This failure is largely due to policies that focused on personal choice and responsibility out of misguided fears of the ‘nanny state’. Both the Government and the food industry must take responsibility for what has gone wrong and take urgent steps to put it right.

“We hope, given the recent comments from the Prime Minister, Lord Darzi and the Secretary of State for Health, that there is now an appetite to shift towards prevention of ill health. We urge the Government to look favourably on our plan to fix our broken food system and accept that not only is it cost-effective, but that it would lead to a lot less human misery.”

[My emphasis] 

About time! Real action please.


humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic
Personal responsibility
Educational determinants
Health literacy
My choices
Role model
Internal - Extrinsic motivation
The life chances I am afforded
impact my 'health career'.

Environmental/Physical determinants 
Ultra Processed Foods
Food & Nutrition
Impacts of Obesity
Child development
Nutritional value of foods

Social determinants
public (mental) health
Family economics
Social values
Sustainable Living

Political determinants
'Nanny State' (political rhetoric)
Lobbying - (Food) Industry
Business ethics
Food poverty
Advertising regulation
Cost to Government, NHS, Society

Spiritual determinants: Values of society, governments, citizens, business . . .


Jones P, Wirnitzer K. Hodges’ model: the Sustainable Development Goals and public health – universal health coverage demands a universal framework. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health 2022;5: https://nutrition.bmj.com/content/5/2/358

'nutrition' on W2tQ



Friday, October 25, 2024

RCN: Are you an internationally educated RCN Member?

Please tell us about your experience so we can campaign for change on issues you care about the most!

We are keen to hear from *all* members, including HCAs and students, so please share this with your networks.


This survey closes at 11:59pm on 3 November 2024.

Thank you

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Case formulation - Theory and Practice

 Still sorting papers, I've discovered copies of slides from the COPE course University of Manchester on Case Formulation by John McGovern.

An original purpose for Hodges' model is to help bridge the theory-practice gap.

The slides include -

  • content: ingredients - preliminary formulation
  • a means of understanding an individual's problems and distress in line with cognitive behavioural theory
  • hypothesis to explain acquisition, and maintenance of problem
  • not piecemeal


Bridge between theory and practice

a flexible tool for guidance

an explanatory framework to share with the patient

How types of formulation can be related to situations (Hodges' model is situated) - inference chain.

Comprehensive formulation - reflects the template that supports data gathering

inc. core beliefs - conditional beliefs

Questions for Preliminary Formulation

Main Ingredients - includes social support/relationships/employment/finances

(so this touches on determinants)

Choosing Treatment Targets

group exercise and summary

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Register for Free! AI for One Health and Planetary Health: Where Are We?

Friday 8 November, 9:30am GMT – onwards

BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, Ground Floor, 25 Copthall Avenue, London EC2R 7BP

Join BCS SGAI in London for an engaging full-day event featuring a line up of exciting talks. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a hands-on tutorial on low-code/no-code AI and Certificates of Attendance will be provided.

* Speakers & Agenda

* Invitation for Free Registration

100% Discount Code: AIHealth24Committee

Hope to see you there - in London 6th-9th November.

Book received: 'Handbook on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence'

Many thanks to Edward Elgar Publishing for a review copy of this book which arrived today:

Edited by David J. Gunkel, Professor of Communication, Northern Illinois University, US, and Professor of Applied Ethics, Łazarski University, Poland

Publication Date: 2024 ISBN: 978 1 80392 671 1 Extent: 336 pp
This engaging Handbook identifies and critically examines the moral opportunities and challenges typically attributed to artificial intelligence. It provides a comprehensive overview and examination of the most pressing and urgent problems with this technology by drawing on a wide range of analytical methods, traditions, and approaches.

This is timely, prior to next month's event on AI and Planetary Health, about which news to follow shortly, especially if you are based near London and southern England.

I also can't believe it is 34 years since publication of the following case study:

Davies, M. and Owen, K. ‘Complex uncertain decisions: medical diagnosis’, Case Study 10 in Expert System Opportunities from the DTI’s Research Technology Initiative, HMSO 1990.

Ethics in AI 2024 :: Expert Systems 1990

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Consultation: CHANGE NHS

Our NHS is broken, but not beaten. Together we can fix it.    
[ c/o https://change.nhs.uk/en-GB/ ]

The NHS has been there for us for over 76 years. But to make sure the NHS is here for the next 76 years, doing all it can to support the health of everyone, we need your help.

We want to have the biggest ever conversation about the future of the NHS.

It doesn’t matter whether you have a lot or a little to say. Your views, experiences and ideas will shape a new 10 Year Health Plan for England. 

This is open to everyone. If you are a member of the public or someone who works in health and care in England, 'Start Here', to tell us how the NHS needs to change.

If you are contributing as a representative of an organisation, complete the organisation questionnaire. This is an early opportunity to share your insights as we begin an extensive programme of engagement to develop the 10 Year Health Plan. 

If you register your email address, we will stay in touch to seek your views as the 10 Year Health Plan develops.

[video no longer available]

'change' in Hodges' model

The NHS and people's health is more than 
a machine, more than a mechanistic thing 
that if broken can be fixed.

By definition you cannot be 'inclusive'
if you do not achieve balance
with the humanistic; and the
values of humanity and
 the spiritual as per context.

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic



personalised care experiences


mental state; mental health

attitudes - mindset

expectations (public education)

my health literacy (all of them: education)

(care inc. 'writing' records, 'gates' access)
demographically-driven care 

define 'success' - metrics - data

utilise evidence

peak CO2
peak obesity

physical health:
chronological age - pathological age

encourage self-care to support sustainability

social care

social attitudes

child support - support for families

proven practices that delivers

community as resource

community: homes for living in -
not profiting from

Public involvement: 

Protect / Create green spaces for outdoor play

funding, finance, budgets, economics

FROM: National ill-Health Service
TO: National Health Service 


E3^ for all the literacies

address: food quality, 
air, water, noise, litter

SOCIO-tech approach to applied technology

Teach Hodges' model to teens, and prisoners
as part of PSHE and rehab programmes

E3^ education, education, education - by literacies we include: information, emotional, media, finance, spiritual, cultural, scientific, religious, climate...

'delivers' includes: improved care experiences, integrated care (related to all the domains), patient, carer, public safety, cost effectiveness, research questions, accurate - valid reporting.

All health disciplines / professionals, social care, and APPGs ... share a common model - a conceptual framework for critical thinking and reflective practice.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Call for focus group participants: the records of adopted and care-experienced people -

– additional retention guidance for
record-keepers and care professionals

Could you help update retention guidance for record-keepers and care professionals by joining a focus group in November?

Care-experienced and adopted people, archivists & records managers and social workers are invited to participate in an online focus group to shape updated and detailed improvements in retaining care-experienced and adopted people’s records in England and Wales. This has been identified as a critical need by many recent reports including IICSA.

We recently published Guidance on the Records of Adopted and Care-Experienced People (Feb 2024) which sets out best practice, to improve consistency across England and Wales. We are a participative and inclusionary project led by members of the Chief Archivists in Local Government Group (CALGG), independent consultants and academics and professionals working in the records management, data protection and access to records fields, in the charitable and local government sectors. Some of our project members are adopted or care-experienced people.

Focus groups will take place on

Weds 13 Nov 11am-12.30

Mon 18 Nov 2-3.30pm

Thurs 28 Nov 2-3.30pm.

We will meet on Zoom: you will be able to join in your web browser, no zoom account or desktop app/licence is required.

Further information

The Guidance is aimed at people responsible for creating, managing, and providing access to care and adoption records. It includes the viewpoints of care-experienced people and adopted people to give practitioners a greater understanding of their experiences, needs and the challenges they face. The Guidance highlights that all organisations should have an up-to-date policy covering all records relating to children, young people and their families, together with procedures and plans to implement the policy including up-to-date retention schedules. Retention schedules recommend how long to keep different types of records. Each record type should have a retention period based on best practice, legislation, business need or a combination of these. Schedules also include how and when the retention period is triggered, and what should happen at the end of the period: typically either confidential destruction, or being kept permanently.

A retention period of [at] least 125 years from date of birth for case files and preferably 150 years as exemplary practice is recommended in the Guidance. However it also recommends the permanent preservation of these records with an option for people to opt out in the case of their own records.

These recommendations are made because many care-experienced or adopted people reconstruct their personal histories by turning to the records created about them by social workers and care providers. Thousands of requests to view records for this purpose are made each year in England and Wales. The records – a “paper self” - have significant impacts on a care-experienced person throughout their life. However, accessing records is often difficult, both practically and emotionally, and can be traumatic and dehumanizing. Records have been kept inconsistently across the public, private, and voluntary care sectors, affecting outcomes for individuals. Across England and Wales the records of adopted and care-experienced people who are formally classified as ‘looked-after people’ should be kept for 100 and 75 years respectively, but there are no permanent preservation protections for records in law. Moreover, some care-experienced people are omitted from the requirement for records to be retained. In addition, there are now many records sitting in digital systems which do not have a proper data migration/preservation strategy.

My Source: To view the list archives go to: https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=RECORDS-MANAGEMENT-UK 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Nobel Peace Prize 2024

'The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2024 to the Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo. This grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, also known as Hibakusha, is receiving the Peace Prize for its efforts to achieve a world free of nuclear weapons and for demonstrating through witness testimony that nuclear weapons must never be used again.

In response to the atomic bomb attacks of August 1945, a global movement arose whose members have worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of using nuclear weapons. Gradually, a powerful international norm developed, stigmatising the use of nuclear weapons as morally unacceptable. This norm has become known as “the nuclear taboo”.

The testimony of the Hibakusha – the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – is unique in this larger context. ...'

Press release. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sat. 19 Oct 2024. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2024/press-release/>

Previously: Nobel Prize :: peace

1989 SHADES OF GREY, Computer Aided Learning program, BBC Micro. Simulation of nuclear weapons, Based on Fanchi, J. Local effects of nuclear weapons, BYTE, Volume 11. Issue 13. Dec., pp. 143–155. Computer Aided Learning program, BBC Micro, published by Open Software Limited.

Friday, October 18, 2024

HC@AIxIA: AI&Health Seminar - OCTOBER 21 AI in PCNSL: a diagnostic and therapeutic journey

Dear Madam/Sir,

This is to officially announce the NINTH seminar of the "AI & Health" series as hosted by HC@AIxIA, i.e., the "Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare" working group of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.

*** Save the date: 21 OCTOBER 2024. ***

We hope you will attend and participate in the discussion on the relevant topics that will be presented and by our speakers. Feel free to share this with those potentially interested.

Please find some details below, and a poster attached. All directions for participating are available at https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/.

== Are you interested in Joining the group? ==
Please head to https://aixia.it/en/gruppi/hc/ fo find out how. Do not hesitate to contact us at hc-aixia@googlegroups.com for any information or clarification.

Thank you for your interest in the AI & Health seminar series and the HC@AIxIA working group, and see you soon!

Francesco Calimeri, Mauro Dragoni, Fabio Stella
(coordinators of the HC@AIxIA working group)
Link to participate: https://unimib.webex.com/unimib/j.php?MTID=m447969fc152aadf2062314114be484a6

2024 October 21 - 4:30PM CET
Teresa Calimeri, Senior Staff Physician Lymphoma Unit, IRCCS San Raffale Hospital (Milan, Italy)
- joint with Nicoletta Anzalone, Head of the Neuroradiology Unit of Advanced Vascular Imaging, IRCCS San Raffale Hospital, Milan, Italy, and Michela Destito, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy).

Title: AI in PCNSL: a diagnostic and therapeutic journey

Abstract: The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of oncology represents one of the most significant challenges of the near future. Recent studies indicate that radiomic features can assist radiologists in addressing diagnostic and prognostic healthcare challenges, potentially ushering in a new era of personalized medicine. In this seminar, we will discuss our experience with primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL) as a case study. Initially, we will delineate the constraints of the current diagnostic and prognostic tools. Subsequently, we will illustrate the application of a radiomics-based machine learning model and a deep learning (DL) approach to enhance the precision of outcome prediction. Furthermore, we will present our ideas on the possible application of these models in the treatment path of patients, along with the potential integration of a composite genetic and radiomic (radiogenomics) risk-adapted strategy. This strategy could be studied, validated, and routinely used during PCNSL treatment. Through case studies and recent research findings, this seminar aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state and future potential of AI in PCNSL management. (joint work with Nicoletta Anzalone, Head of the Neuroradiology Unit of Advanced Vascular Imaging, IRCCS San Raffale Hospital, Milan, Italy, and Michela Destito, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy).

Short Bio: Teresa Calimeri, MD PhD, works in the Lymphoma Unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy as a senior staff physician and she has been recently identified as the clinical coordinator of the Disease Unit Lymphoma. Dr. Calimeri’s personal research focus includes the molecular characterization of primary and secondary CNS lymphomas along with the applications of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) as a biomarker of diagnosis, treatment response and disease prognosis. Dr. Calimeri has also recently promoted and launched a collaboration with biomedical and informatic engineers with the aim to apply radiomic and deep learning approaches for the studies of lymphoid malignancies. Moreover, she is deeply involved in the clinical management of indolent and aggressive lymphomas. She spent part of her PhD in Molecular Oncology at The Jerome Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard Medical School in Boston. In 2017, she also completed a II Level Master course in the diagnosis and therapy of Lymphomas at the University of Udine sponsored by the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi. She is member of both European and International PCNSL Collaborative Group (EPCG and IPCG). She is actively involved in the projects of the Fondazione Italiana Linfomi (FIL) and International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG).

Thursday, October 17, 2024

‘Guanyin: Confessions of a Former Carebot’ by Lawrence Lek

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic


Adnan, M.Z. Can robots have nervous breakdowns, Collecting, FTWeekend, 5-6 October 2024, p.7.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

2025 6th edition of "Seed Projects for Interdisciplinary Research"

Para quem possa ter interesse. / To whom it may concern.

Caros/as Coordenadores/as das Unidades I&D da UC,  

Caros/as Gestores/as de Ciência, 

A pedido do Vice-reitor para a Investigação e Diretor do Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar (IIIUC), Professor João Ramalho-Santos, i
nformamos que estão abertas as candidaturas para a 6ª Edição de financiamento dos "Projetos Semente de Investigação Interdisciplinar", com o apoio da Fundação Santander, promovido pelo Núcleo das Áreas Estratégicas da UC (NAE), em colaboração com o Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar (IIIUC). 

Com este concurso, a UC pretende continuar a apoiar o desenvolvimento inicial de projetos de investigação originais e interdisciplinares com um financiamento semente que permita aos investigadores e às investigadoras da UC tornarem as suas propostas científicas mais robustas, de forma a assegurar financiamento competitivo no futuro e o desenvolvimento de novas linhas de investigação que cruzam áreas do saber na Universidade de Coimbra.

Irão ser financiados até cinco projetos de investigação interdisciplinar, uma em cada Área Estratégica da Universidade de Coimbra:  Saúde; Clima, Energia e Mobilidade; Recursos Naturais, Agroalimentar e Ambiente; Digital, Indústria e Espaço; Património, Cultura e Sociedade Inclusiva.

Poderão concorrer a este financiamento investigadores/as integrados/as nas Unidades I&D (ou noutras estruturas da Universidade de Coimbra) que desenvolvam investigação na UC e que obtiveram o doutoramento após 1 outubro de 2014. A equipa do projeto deve incluir de três a seis Investigadores/as da UC, de pelo menos duas Unidades I&D de
domínios científicos distintos. 

As candidaturas podem ser submetidas até 6 de dezembro de 2024, às 17h na página web do concurso:


Estão disponíveis nesta página as normas do concurso, modelo para submissão de candidatura e a lista de júri nomeado para esta edição.


O Núcleo das Áreas Estratégicas 

Isabel Neves 

Maria João Neves   

Natacha Leite   

Shiva Saadatian   


On behalf of the Vice-rector for Research and Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (IIIUC), Professor João Ramalho-Santos, we would like to inform you that applications are now open for the 6th edition of "Seed Projects for Interdisciplinary Research", with the support of Santander Foundation, promoted by the UC Strategic Areas Unit (NAE), in collaboration with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research (IIIUC).  

Through this call, the UC intends to provide support for the initial development of original and interdisciplinary research projects with seed funding that will allow UC researchers to make their scientific proposals more robust, ensuring competitive funding in the future and the development of new research lines that cross areas of knowledge at the University of Coimbra. 

There will be funding for up to five interdisciplinary research projects, one in each of the UC Strategic Areas: Health; Climate, Energy and Mobility; Natural Resources, Agri-food and Environment; Digital, Industry and Space; Heritage, Culture and Inclusive Society. 

Researchers of the R&D Units (or other structures of the University of Coimbra), who carry out research at the UC and who obtained their doctorate after 1 October 2014 are eligible to apply for this funding. The project team must include three to six researchers from the UC, from at least two R&D Units in
different scientific fields 

The applications can be submitted until 6 December 2024 at 5pm on the call website: 


The call guidelines, proposal template and the list of juries appointed for this edition are available on this page. 


Yours sincerely,  

Strategic Areas Unit 


Isabel Neves   

Maria João Neves    

Natacha Leite    

Shiva Saadatian 

Universidade de Coimbra • Reitoria • Administração | University of Coimbra • Rectory • Administration

Serviço de Promoção e Gestão da Investigação | Research Management Service

Núcleo das Áreas Estratégicas | Strategic Areas Unit

Polo I | Rua Larga • Edifício da FMUC (1º piso) • 3004-504 COIMBRA • PORTUGAL

Polo II | Casa Costa Alemão • Rua Dom Francisco de Lemos • 3030-789 COIMBRA • PORTUGAL


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bridging more than theory |-----| practice

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

A purpose of Hodges' model 
is to help bridge
the theory-practice gap.




'We've built more than 500 trail bridges, serving over 1.8 million community members throughout the world. At Bridges to Prosperity, we envision a world where poverty caused by rural isolation no longer exists.'





Suqi, R. Bridge the GAP, HTSI. Autumn Design Special. FTWeekend, 14 October 2023, p.67.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Dramatherapy 2 - Personal identity

'Dramatherapy helps make sense of the world. Just as Goffman (1971) regards society as dramaturgically constructed, for the social presentation of selves, so Kelly (1955) describes a process in which individuals 'try on for size' various views of themselves as perceived by other people, in order to select the ones which allow them to carry on social relationships with one-another. Understanding of the other person is achieved by the process of construing his or her world, or 'construct system'. Kelly uses the notion of constructs and construct systems to describe cognitive structures. A construct is basically way of registering the degree to which an idea is present in relation to other ideas:

A construct is like a reference axis, a basic dimension of appraisal, often unverbalised, frequently unsymbolised, and occasionally unsignified in any manner except by the elemental processes it governs. Behaviourally it can be regarded as an open channel of movement, and a system of constructs provides each man with his own personal network of action pathways, serving both to limit his movements and to open up to him passages of freedom which otherwise would be psychologically non-existent.
(Kelly, 1955:199)' p.164.

'The multifarious ingredients of dramatherapy, like those of a theatrical event, are not haphazard. They are closely related, either by similarity or difference, to one another. Where there is confusion, this too is distinguished: it is confusion as opposed to order. Structure is employed in a conscious or intentional way, in order to reveal its true identity as the means by which we perform the fundamental action of relating things, in order to plot our movements in the world we live in. By allowing us to distinguish from, structure permits us to relate to. Certainly, the mechanism of perception performs this action without any conscious intention on our part; drama, and dramatherapy, is consciously contrived to assist it in its critical function, helping it to achieve a particular kind of clarity, by providing it with the raw material for involvement with the objects of perception.'


Construct Theory rests upon the proposition that ideas hang together in a trustworthy way because people's behaviour is basically consistent. If people behave inconsistently, the thinking which they induce will lose its articulation, because the sense we make of life demands continual validation from the people and events we base it on. Thus, confused experience of relationship is, at its most fundamental level, the same thing as confused thinking; when our ideas begin to lose their coherence this is because, for us, other people have begun to come apart'. When they no longer fit the model we have of reality, the model itself loses its precise definition. At this point, Kelly suggests, we make our model more vague in order to preserve its identity as a model of reality: reality is blurred, so our model is imprecise. Unfortunately, it may become too inexact to function as a means of communication with the world of people and events it is intended to represent. The task of therapy is to provide evidence of the world's conformity to the individual's model, thus validating that individual's constructs. Because a person's disordered thinking is primarily concerned with the way they construe people, it must be done personally; because it is the result of experience over a considerable time, it must be done systematically, or 'serially`.
pp.171- 172.

Note to self: 'It is' :: 'It is - as if ?'. p.166.

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic



Greek theatre masks

Institutional masking

Grainger, R. Dramatherapy and thought-disorder. Chapter 11. In Jennings, S. (Ed.), (1992) Dramatherapy. Theory and Practice 2. London: Routledge.
(Apologies, punctuation in the above may not be accurate, and I no longer have the text.)

Friday, October 11, 2024

Spontaneity - have we lost something?

. . . asking for a friend … of course . . . 

Creative therapy
'Moreno states that in the evolution of man, spontaneıty  appeared 'before libido, memory and intelligence .. .. In effect it is generally discouraged and thwarted by our cultural  mechanisms. Many of the problems of the psyche and social difficulties suffered by humanity are attributable to an insufficient development of spontaneity. For this reason the art of teaching people to use their spontaneity is the most beneficial thing to be learned in any of our educational institutions.' He also pointed out that anxiety indicates a loss of spontaneity.
A 'cultural conserve' (Moreno) is the end product of a cultural endeavour, the fixed conserve or preserve of culture  the contents of all the libraries, the teaching in all the schools, the knowledge acquired by a child in the home or at school, what is given by radio, television, the theatre, the  cinema, books, lectures - all the 'conserves' of the past creativity of others offered to the intellect.' p.142.

Jennings, S. (1983) Creative therapy. Banbury: Kemble Press edition. (Image: c/o Amazon)

#ChildDevelopment #Attention #Cognition #Play #Adolescence #Curiosity #Innovation #Life #Serendipity #Literacy #Media #DigitalTechnology

Thursday, October 10, 2024

British Computer Society: AI for One Health and Planetary Health


AI for One Health and Planetary Health: Where Are We?

Friday November 8th 2024 - British Computer Society London Office (near Moorgate Underground)

Invitation to Register


A full-day event with invited talks on the following topics:

  • One Health and Planetary Health: the case for considering a unified health perspective
  • Translational Diagnostics in Companion Animals
  • Mixed AI approaches to surfacing information hidden in veterinary electronic health records
  • Hands-on Tutorial: Low-Code/No-Code AI: Democratise AI for Text, Images, and Audio
  • AI for One Health and Planetary Health: is there a generic framework?
  • Low-Code/No-Code AI for Biomedical Image Classification: Visual Impairment as a case stud
  • Low-Code/No-Code AI for Planetary Health: World Fisheries and Aquaculture as a case study
The  21st  century  brings  major  global  challenges,  including  climate  change  and  rapid  population  ageing, calling  for  transdisciplinary  involvement  of  diverse  sectors  and  stakeholders,  including  academics  and students, companies and societal organisations. One Health considers human health, animal health, and our shared  environment  as  parts  of  a  deeply  interconnected  system.  Our  environment  is  changing  and  it  is affecting  our  health.  Planetary  Health  emphasises  that  everything  is  connected:  "the  quality  of  the  air  we breathe and of the water we drink, the quality and quantity of food we produce, our exposure to infectious diseases, and even the habitability of the places where we live". Digitalisation is happening in both human and veterinary medicine. Human-AI collaboration can bring humans and AI together to gain more valuable insights  than  either  could  achieve  alone. The  event  comprises  a  number  of  talks  with  speakers  from  the Animal  and  Plant  Health  Agency  (APHA.gov.uk),  Veterinary  Health  Innovation  Engine  (vHive),  Small Animal  Veterinary  Surveillance  Network  (SAVSNET),  National  Health  Service  (NHS)  England,  and  UK universities.  

Low-code/no-code AI is on the rise with Large Language Models (LLMs) at its core, including multimodal LLMs that can produce content (text, image, video, or audio/speech) as output (generative AI). Come along to the hands-on tutorial if you are interested in content generation and content analysis of text, images and  audio  with  open-source  LLMs from  Google,  Facebook,  Microsoft  and  OpenAI  in  just  3  lines  of python  code  (low-code  AI)  and  LLM  prompting  (no  code  AI).  The  exercises  can  be  executed  in  1  to  5 minutes using Google Colab (free of charge for basic use and without setup to use).  

There will be Certificates of Attendance for those who register and attend the event.

We hope that you will come and join us, and that you enjoy this new offering from the BCS SGAI.

Full details are available at http://www.bcs-sgai.org/health2024/

Reduced delegate fees!!
The  delegate  fee  is  just  £50  plus  VAT  for  BCS  and  SGAI  members  and  £90  plus  VAT  for  others. This includes  attendance  at  the  event,  lunch  and  refreshments.  A  special  rate  of  £35  plus  VAT  is  available  for students. A Group Discount Rate is available for group bookings of three or more.

To register for future mailings about SGAI events go to http://www.bcs-sgai.org/register/

Max Bramer
Chair BCS Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence (bcs-sgai.org)

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Capital -ism in Hodges' model

The New Nature of Business
'In The New Nature of Business, Luc's son André, now vice-chair of Roche, and co-author Peter Vanham lay out how to bring these parallel tracks together. "The business of business isn't just m of business," they write. "The business of business is to at least preserve and where possible expand the world's human, social, environmental and financial capital." 

 The book makes the familiar case that maximising short-term profit leads to long-term destruction of value. But it also suggests that a "narrow focus on [reducing] carbon emissions" could have dangerous unintended consequences. Those four "capitals" depend on one another, write Hoffmann and Vanham. They call for nothing less than a systemic change to a "sustainable, inclusive form of capitalism, with new principles, and new practices".

The most interesting parts of the book describe Hoffmann's path to the realisation in the early 2000s that the profit- making power of business should be harnessed in the quest for sustainability.' (My emphasis with some re-formatting.)

Hill, A. (2024) The sweeter pill, FTWeekend, Life&Arts, 28-29 September. p.11. 

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic


the new nature
SOCIALof business


Andre Hoffmann, Peter Vanham (2024) The New Nature of Business: The Path to Prosperity and Sustainability. London: Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-394-25754-6

Previously: 'capital' e.g. 'Capital Patient' :: 'Patient capital'.

Monday, October 07, 2024

“Violência, Memória, Redes” :: "Violence, Memory, Networks” - Monthly online seminar March 2025

Caros colegas,

A partir de Março de 2025 realizar-se-á, mensalmente, um seminário online sobre a tríade “Violência, Memória, Redes”.

Este é organizado pela nossa equipa de um dos grupos de investigação interdisciplinar do CEIS20, um centro ligado à Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) dedicado a temas de memória, entre outros tópicos multidisciplinares. Esta nova série de seminários dará continuidade ao sucesso do anterior trabalho sobre “Memória, Trauma e Narrativas sobre Si” (2021-22).

Desta forma, pedimos que seja divulgada pelos vossos canais a Call for Papers com a data limite em Janeiro de 2025.

Toda a informação adicional pode ser encontrada na página do seminário (https://www.uc.pt/fluc/seminarvmn/) e no anexo. Os pedidos de esclarecimento devem ser endereçados para: vmn AT uc.pt.

Disponíveis para qualquer esclarecimento adicional.


A Comissão científica:

Edmundo Balsemão Pires (CEIS20/UC)
Joana Ricarte (CEIS20/UC)
Cláudio Carvalho (UCP/FFCS / IF/UP)
Giovanni Zanotti (CEIS20/UC)


Dear colleagues, 

From March 2025 onwards, an online seminar will be held monthly on the triad “Violence, Memory, Networks”. 

This is organized by our team from one of the interdisciplinary research groups at CEIS20, a center linked to the University of Coimbra (Portugal) dedicated to memory themes, among other multidisciplinary topics. This new series of seminars will continue the success of the previous work on “Memory, Trauma and Narratives about the Self” (2021-22). 

Therefore, we ask that the Call for Papers be published through your channels with a deadline of January 2025. 

All additional information can be found on the seminar page (https://www.uc.pt/fluc/seminarvmn/) and in the annex. Requests for clarification should be addressed to: vmn AT uc.pt. Available for any additional clarification. 

Compliments, ...

My source: IEF