Further to the post:
c/o Gärdenfors: "Events and Causal Mappings Modeled in Conceptual Spaces"
[ re. Gärdenfors (2020) ]
A related work (Gärdenfors et al., 2019) includes 'figure 1' copied here:
Fig. 1. The components of the holistic AI architecture Gärdenfors et al., 2019 | |
I've never been diagnosed with ADHD, but am left to wonder. I say this in all seriousness, having come across individuals who need formal assessment (autism too) and hence referral. Listening to others, it seems many people have 'unfinished' writing projects. One here (>40k words) still proves helpful, with notes on Gärdenfors' work and trying to relate this to the Health Career Model.
With some notes, I have copied the tables below from Gärdenfors (2000) and you can see the development in figure 1 above.
Cognitive Science
explanation and
problem of
Table 6 Cognitive Science as
explanation and construction
These solutions to the problem of
representation have been applied and their respective strengths
identified in the construction of ANNs as per table 4.
of Representation p.253
matching and rule following
calculations, coordinate transformations and other geometrical
recognition, pattern transformation and dynamic adaptation of
Table 7 Levels of Representation
When presented with evidence in support of my project, I must utilise it. So, quoting Gärdenfors again:
"In this way, simulations can provide the robotic system the power
to imagine events that is needed to understand the physical, social
and, eventually, the emotional world we live in." Gärdenfors (2020)
Here, Gärdenfors' reference to: physical, social, and emotional I read as:
physical - SCIENCES domain
social - SOCIOLOGY domain
emotional - INTRA- INTERPERSONAL domain
Of course, Gärdenfors defines domain* and other terms (quality dimensions), and domain differs within Hodges' Health Career Model.
Students and artificial intelligence [AI] have something in common in that we want to enroll student nurses who have an aptitude and attitude that equips them with basic nursing skills and knowledge. This knowledge is nuanced, and would draw upon the plethora of proposed literacies, emotional, social and spiritual in this instance. Even before lectures begin, and the curriculum begins its march, the point is the need for common sense, general intelligence and ability to problem solve and reason.
Englemore, Robert; Morgan, Tony (1988). Blackboard Systems. Addison-Wesley. ISBN 978-0-201-17431-1. |
In Englemore and Morgan's Blackboard Systems, Chapter 12, AGE: (Attempt to GEneralize) A Knowledge-Based Program for Building Knowledge-Based Programs (Nii and Aiello), there are two levels of irony.
H2cm is a long-term project and the journey here covers aspects of knowledge engineering, information processing to arrive at a care architecture and care assurance.
Below I've re-created figure 1, retaining 'symbolic' and 'conceptual' capabilities. The conceptual capability extends beyond conceptual spaces, to include threshold concepts, a concept-based curricula, semantic networks and more. The 'symbolic capability' is retained as I still maintain that h2cm can be represented within a computer program. The 'sub-conceptual level' has in a way been reversed - 'exploded' to take-in the primary focus and purposes for h2cm: the student, the patient, the public.
H2CM: The components of a holistic care architecture - See also: Gärdenfors et al., 2019 |
Our 'event board' is Nursing, Health and Social care situated using h2cm. Simulation is retained, its central location does not imply importance - quite the contrary. Theory combines lectures, research, the evidence-base, self-study, models and theories of nursing. Placements brings in clinical encounters with patients, carers and the public; plus mentors and the scope of learning opportunities. I have kept peers separate with the process of professional socialisation - which (should) span all.
*I will revisit this and my notes (definitions) at some point.
Gärdenfors P (2020) Events and Causal Mappings Modeled in Conceptual Spaces. Front. Psychol. 11:630. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00630
Gärdenfors, P., Williams, M.-A., Johnston, B., Billingsley, R., Vitale,
J., Peppas, P., et al. (2019). “Event boards as tools for holistic AI,”
in Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence and Cognition, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Vol. 2418, eds A.
Chella, I. Infantino, and A. Lieto (Palermo: University of Technology
Sydney), 1–10.
Gärdenfors, P. (2000). Conceptual Spaces, MIT Press, Cambridge.