Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: 2025

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Are concepts of adolescence from the Global North appropriate for Africa? A debate

'The proponents for the motion argued that adolescence is indeed a distinct developmental phase when puberty is achieved and the neurocognitive development that occurs shapes behaviours that impact health outcomes. This occurs universally, is marked by cultural rites, and recognised in legal frameworks and therefore geographical distinctions in understanding are unnecessary.'

'The opponents argued that adolescence is more than a biological or legally recognised transition to adulthood: instead, concepts, including that of adolescence, are shaped by beliefs, values and expectations founded within a cultural milieu. The concept is dissonant to Africa as it prioritises individualism over communalism, and attributes gender and social roles as accepted in the Global North.'

'Thus, many interventions targeted at adolescents in Africa have remained ineffective. The notion that the concept of adolescence, which originated in the Global North but is universally applied, is a consequence of colonialism giving less value to the lived realities and understandings of peoples from the Global South.

For achieving both epistemic justice and effective health policy and programmes in global health, acknowledgement and centralisation of context are critical. However, in a more interlinked and open world, there is a massive potential for cross-learning and collaboration across geographies to develop a concerted approach to improve the health of adolescents and for a more equitable global health practice.

However, adolescence is also a social entity shaped by beliefs and values within different cultural contexts. A move away from universal, often western-defined concepts of adolescence, to centring the distinct sociocultural factors that shape adolescence in different societies will enable more effective policies and programming.' (Summary box) 

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic
debate (argumentation)

mental space, mindset

my beliefs



Not just NORTH - SOUTH 
philosophy of mind
belief systems


[Hodges' model] 'Health career' - 'life chances'

 2018 - scientific symposium
Mwanza, Tanzania

'Adolescence is widely defined as a distinct phase in the life-course during which an individual completes their biological development and transitions from childhood to adulthood.'

Appropriate for Africa - health interventions and global health policy that are shaped by such concepts can be universally applicable and relevant?

geographical distinctions

physical place, space, locale

biology - neurocognitive - puberty

universal - cultural rites

adolescence - global north culture
but applied universally

'adolescence is also a social entity shaped by beliefs and values within different cultural contexts'


Gender - social roles

Arts - music, film, drama, literature ...
media, technology


"Comme d'habitude"

legal - policy

Is there a universal conceptual model to critique*:


In policy can you ignore LONG-LAT?

epistemic justice 
effective health policy
programmes in global health
- aimed at adolescents

centralisation of context 

glocal/global - WHO - national/local

Many thanks to the authors:

Nothando Ngwenya, Chido Dziva Chikwari, Janet Seeley, Rashida Abbas Ferrand - Are concepts of adolescence from the Global North appropriate for Africa? A debate: BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e012614. https://gh.bmj.com/content/8/12/e012614

My source:

Reminded of 'My Way' :: 'American Graffiti'

*I have long wondered what models of care, models of nursing, nursing and care theories may be found in Africa, across Europe, Asia, South America, Native North America, Australasia and Oceania?  
Is Hodges' model truly global and universal - is it (can a model of care be) culturally neutral? Perhaps, this is another conference debate, or might constitute a special journal issue?

Friday, January 03, 2025

How 'divine' is the language of care?

'My impression was that algebra was less a subject than a practice into which one was inducted by the algebra priests after a series of mortifications. The letters and equations that the teacher drew on the board did not seem related to the numbers I had handled in other classrooms. For one thing, a problem in arithmetic was vertical, one number beneath another, and a problem in algebra, an equation, was horizontal. I felt as if in a permanent present, unable to see how the past and the future were joined. In Ulysses James Joyce writes that the present is the drain that the future goes down on its way to becoming the past.' p.12.
'The mathematician Alonzo Church, who taught Alan Turing, told another of his students, David Berlinski, "Any idiot can learn anything in mathematics. It requires only patience." I would sit with a pencil and paper trying to solve an algebra problem and sometimes go only so far before my mind would halt, because I had could used up what little I knew that might apply. It hadn't occurred to me to think of algebra as the bright boys and girls I had been among had thought of it, as a series of related procedures. They were constructing a map. I was collecting postcards from places where anxiety or incuriousness had kept me from leaving my hotel.' p.31.
(my emphasis)

Alec Wilkinson. (2022) A Divine Language. Learning Algebra, Geometry, and Calculus at the Edge of Old Age. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250168580/adivinelanguage/

Previously: math :: logic

Thursday, January 02, 2025

"Hi! I'm new to Hodges' model - and this blog - what's it about?"

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

The model was created in the early - mid 1980's with four purposes in mind - to facilitate:

1. reflection & develop reflective practitioners;
2. person-centred, integrated (holistic) care;
3. help bridge the theory-practice gap;
4. curriculum design, planning and development.

This was prompted by the change in the UK to university-based nurse education, which was to commence in (Project) 2000.

Learning and applying Hodges' model in 1987-88, and creating a website 1998-2015, I am clearly invested in Hodges' model and biased, questions and debate are welcome.

Created by Brian E.

Hodges' model is a generic framework - 
a conceptual framework.

This model is situated, as 'generic' suggests
which means of course it is universal.

If you've a problem, scenario forthcoming project, or one that is nearing completion Hodges' model can assist in reflection and critical thinking to plan, scope, or evaluate as per your purpose.

This blog has posts about papers, events that interest me (PJ), plus many posts using this two-by-two table approach that suggests how the model can be applied in a variety of contexts.

This blog also has a bibliography
and template in the sidebar.


As noted previously (and last month!), it is marvellous to hear news of a paper citing Hodges' model. If you are planning a piece of writing, research and believe that Hodges' model may be of help please get in touch.

If you don't and can see merit in Hodges' model asit is presented, that is fine also. In fact, although I mention collaboration unique - untainted perspectives are probably much needed. Learning of a citation after publication is great news and encouragement.

This could and should be an amazing community:
Welcome to the QUAD

Thank you for your visit and interest.
Any questions pleased to try to help:
h2cmng AT yahoo.co.uk

As a nurse who trained in learning disability, Brian Hodges was acutely aware of the political in health care, the role of the institutions and the aspiration of community-based and person-centred care.

Yes, you can use the model. It is open source. 
All we* ask is that you cite and credit the source.

With the 'politics of health' much in mind there are many papers to write on the model that includes: reflection; person-centredness; integration of care; self care TO planetary health FROM ?; Inter- multi- transdisciplinary in Hodges' model; A model of healthcare viewed mathematically: Surely you're joking Mr Hodges?

This blog started in 2006, the template is dated, comments are disabled. A new site - repository is needed.

*In Brian's memory too : Brian E. Hodges (1942-2022) RIP^

Wednesday, January 01, 2025