Alliance for Responsible Citizenship
Last month on two occasions, I came across the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (which is a registered company).
This is a project Hodges' model can help address - with a balanced but not necessarily a neutral output.
identity personality attitude aptitude character faith individual beliefs religious engagement courage hope threshold concepts my destiny well-being trust | future physical thresholds waste climate change circular economy AI truth - information disorder science technology PAST - work - FUTURE our future destiny - (what does the clock say?) future generations? |
grassroots social movement arts family community culture - diversity social - cultural identity society - support social change social capital social contract social values our shared destiny our children's children welfare - living wage employment - leisure quality of life | power political systems past policy UK: 'Troubled Families' economics organisations, institutions corporations political (manifest! - colonialism ) destiny policy systems political engagement health of leaders trust international law - justice control of fraud, corruption, crime human rights political thresholds |