Hodges' Model: Welcome to the QUAD: September 2024

Hodges' model is a conceptual framework to support reflection and critical thinking. Situated, the model can help integrate all disciplines (academic and professional). Amid news items, are posts that illustrate the scope and application of the model. A bibliography and A4 template are provided in the sidebar. Welcome to the QUAD ...

Monday, September 16, 2024

Book: Care Poverty - When Older People’s Needs Remain Unmet

'This open access book turns the research attention of social policy scholars and long-term care researchers from comparative descriptions of care systems, focusing mostly on expenditures and volumes of long-term care services, to outcomes, and in particular to the question whether older people really receive the support that they need. Without knowledge about which needs and which social groups are currently inadequately covered, it is impossible to guide policy development.

The book puts forward a novel theoretical framework to guide future research work and public discussion on the issue of unmet long-term care needs, by broadening the current discussion so that inadequate care is seen in its societal and policy contexts, taking structural issues and policy designs into account. Kröger outlines three different domains of care poverty (personal care poverty, practical care poverty and socio-emotional care poverty) and differentiates between main methods how unmet needs are measured.' [my emphasis]

In psychiatry and psychiatric nursing, a person may be assessed to display poverty of thought, ideas or speech. As an exercise it may be useful to invert the rendering below in Hodges' model, and  consider Kröger's forms of poverty and possibly others that arise from your critique, reflections and life experience to date. Clearly, another book to add to the list!
humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic





Previously on W2tQ - (unmet) 'needs'

Kröger, T. (2022) Care Poverty - When Older People’s Needs Remain Unmet. Cham: Palgrave Macmillanhttps://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-97243-1#about-this-book

Will check on a related title too.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Interview study: Exploring psychological safety in inpatient mental health settings


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hardy (1940) A Mathematician's Apology

In Liverpool I came across G.H. Hardy's short book A Mathematician's Apology. At £2.00 - a pristine bargain and a  marvellous read, especially the latter sections.

From being taught and applying Hodges' model in a case study in 1987 through to online work since 1998; I have to ask myself. Do I need to write:

'A Nurse's Apology'?

Aware of Hardy in the history of mathematics, and having read his apology, I'm no Hardy. My antics are a lesson in addition, but this is more 'Laurel and Hardy' - with apologies to comic genius of course. 

By their nature professions seek to maintain, and assure their continuity. A professional body can point to a definable body of theory, practice (curricula), that carries social and political status, if not patronage. There is national agreement that the NHS needs reform; radical reform no-less. The new Labour government is drawing lines to negotiate with the BMA, other professional bodies and unions. Specificity, specialisation is key. In healthcare people have suggested to me that Hodges' model invites genericism. Any suggestion of genericism is to be shunned. There seems an almost allergic reaction such is the threat to professional identity; unless, of course, you are a 'General Nurse', or General Practitioner - GP family doctor). Even Hardy warns:
"'GENERALITY' is an ambiguous and rather dangerous word, and we must be careful not to allow it to dominate our discussion too much." p.105.

This also applies to the quality and solidity of professional agencies and bodies whose role is to provide governance and set standards. The NMC has stumbled? Life and death is made up of details AND big pictures. How do you provide for - balance both? Curricula are another concern. Is the future of mental health nursing guaranteed as a profession? 


The instrumental potential of Hodges' model is obvious. It invites a checkbox approach. One-to-one clinical encounters and interactions reduced to a tick-box exercise. This reduces any sense of specialist knowledge, training and education needed to assess, plan, deliver and evaluate high quality, effective, sustainable healthcare.

'THE second quality which I demanded in a significant idea was depth, and this is still more difficult to define. It has something to do with difficulty; the deeper? ideas are usually the harder to grasp: but it is not at all the same.' p.109.

Hardy's thoughts (and no doubt similarly expressed by other mathematicians and logicians) can be 'found' in Hodges' model; with an addition. Depth and difficulty rests on the uniqueness of  the 'one'. 

Here, Hardy is comparing between 'real mathematics' and chess:

'A chess problem also has unexpectedness, and a certain economy ; it is essential that the moves should be surprising, and that every piece on the board should play its part. But the aesthetic effect is cumulative. It is essential also (unless the problem is too simple to be really amusing) that the key-move should be followed by a good many variations, each requiring its own individual answer. 'If P-B5 then Kt-R6; if .... then if .... then ...., ....' - the effect would be spoilt if there were not a good many different replies. All this is quite genuine mathematics, and has its merits; but it is just that 'proof by enumeration of cases'  (and of cases which do not, at bottom, differ at all profoundly*) which a real mathematician tends to despise.' p.114.

*I believe it is now regarded as a merit in a problem that there should be many variations of the same type. (footnote)

While Kings, and Queens et al. undoubtedly have their own unique personalities, in healthcare effective clinicians make a concerted effort not to merely enumerate cases. The professional emphasis is (idealistically, professionally, purely and in application to) person-centredness; with the compassion, complexity, cussedness, and (sometimes literal) complications this brings. From 1-1 interaction, the clinical encounter, the therapeutic relationship, and alliance are the reason for practitioners achieving and sustaining intra- and interpersonal communication skills. Our attitudes towards knowledge, what is thoughts affects what we feel individually and collectively. Science should be neutral. It might be concluded that this question is for the philosophers and ethicists to wrestle with. In healthcare ethics are central: 'Do no harm'. Whether the practitioner, theorist, manager, policy maker is a nurse, scientist or mathematician such questions impact upon the person. As they are social, cultural and political. Revisiting Bronowski's Ascent of Man, this question arose in Archive on 4.

'It seems that mathematical ideas are arranged somehow in strata, the ideas in each stratum being linked by a complex of relations both among themselves and with those above and below. The lower the stratum, the deeper (and in general the more difficult) the idea.' p.110.

(my emphasis)

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

logical & mathematical reasoning
depth of reasoning (memory)
mathematical aptitude
pure maths

depth of analysis, complexity
pure - applied maths
"1" problem per visit

patient - health practitioner 
Watching cricket - conversation

reports - outcomes
enumeration of cases

Back-tracking to page 104, Hardy:

'The relations revealed by the proof should be such as connect many different mathematical ideas.'

Our proof is person-centredness, placing the person at the center (in this case - of Hodges' model). The proof can be quantitative and qualitive. There are a great many ideas at work. Critically, the ideas that might be called upon (even improvised) are not all health-related, but can extend beyond to encompass the four care (knowledge) domains of Hodges' model. In healthcare as in Hardy's life the spiritual is encountered. So, the determinants of health are ALL available to us - as required. Well not available as a resource might be, they are available in the hope they will be seen as factors. Hardy would approve I think of the direction of travel, not just as a vector, but a model of multidimensional vectors - reaching for relations.

Hardy, G.H. (1940) A Mathematician's Apology, Cambridge: Canto.

Friday, September 13, 2024


26 – 27 September, 2024 

The program includes:
  • The house is on fire, but this is fine: the incoming tsunami of disinformation 
  • Encrypted subjectivity in digital space 
  • You are (not) your avatar: personhood, personal identity and legal issues in mind uploading 
  • On Techno Dharma: Neurofeedback-assisted meditation as an enhanced technology of the self 
  • Mapped in real time: Affective technologies and the post-human subjectivity 
  • Does social bots rely on beliefs to communicate the science: An implication for misinformation. 
  • The Paradox of Information Abundance: Homogenization of Political Thought in the World of Social Media 
  • The main problems of Robotpolitics. Hints for their resolutions 
  • « Smart city » / Intelligent Citizen 
  • Smart Cities and Sustainability: Malthusian Sexual Robots 
  • Sex-Bots: Friend or Foe to Human Relationships? 
  • Towards Digital Platonism 
  • Autonomous weapons systems in armed conflicts: ethical and legal implications 

See also - The Jena Declaration: https://thejenadeclaration.org 

Previously on W2tQ robots

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

THE GRID by Eli Payne Mandel

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

'Therefore, a mathematician babbles when he refers to cutting a given line in two. The actual line that he shows to us on the abacus has length and width. But the line he has in mind is a stroke with length and no width. What is drawn on the abacus cannot be such a stroke, and he who goes about cutting it cuts not the line that is but the line that is not.'

(Sextus Empiricus, Against the Mathematicians 9.282)
(n.b. The above is printed upside-down on the page.)

Scatter the trace of the vessel from the ash. Pythagoras here is riddling about confusion and mental cloudiness, for if one wants to do philosophy one must pass over physical and sensible demonstration in favor of abstract argumentation. The ash is analogous to the dust on the abacus in which diagrams are delimited and proofs brought to an end. 

(Iamblichus, Exhortation to Philosophy 34)' p.55

'[1] In ancient Greek, an abacus is a sand table. 'The abacist draws lines and maybe moves pebbles around the lines. When done, she wipes the sand blank. 

[2] A board or slab for drawing, computation, games; a cutting board. Technical term, likely to be a loanword, but conjectured origin in Hebrew abãq "dust" remains unproven. --  Pierre Chantraine, Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue greque.' p.10.

'[122] The abacus computes and it erases. It tells a life. Then gambles it away. Achilles and Ajax sit down to play a game of dice. They have hung up their shields. They lean on their spears. They are tired. The Anatolian air is cold off the water. Attendants wrap them each in wool cloaks thick with eight-pointed stars. The stars wander along eddies and meanders. The only straight lines are servants of error. Their fingers are on the abacus, but Achilles and Ajax do not play, do not speak, lost in the maze of their cloaks.

[124] The first reference in Western literature to written language is in the Iliad. An unsuspecting  man in a story is carrying semata lygra / grapsas en pinaki ptukto thymophthora polla: baleful signs written on a folded tablet, utterly soul-  destroying. The words, which some scholars conjecture to be Linear B, spell out the man's death, and the reader murders  the unreading man. After the murder, Death Wipes the tablet  blank and folds it back again.' p.54.

'[3] Because dust blows away and only the slab remains, an abacus is also the part of a column in immediate contact with what it supports. If that structure no longer survives, the abacus upholds the edifice of the sky.' p.10.

THE GRID by Eli Payne Mandel, Carcanet Press. 2023.


Previously on W2tQ - 'poetry'

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Suicide Postvention in the Workplace - new SOM resource


Posted by Ann Caluori | Mon, 09/09/2024 - 08:52

The term 'suicide postvention' refers to the actions taken by an organisation to provide effective support in a sensitive manner after a death by suicide. It aims to promote recovery and prevent further adverse outcomes.

This new SOM resource, authored by Professor Gail Kinman and Professor Neil Greenberg, provides evidence-informed guidance and recommendations for organisations to respond to the death by suicide of a colleague, or the unexpected death of a colleague from other causes. The guidance draws on high-quality sources from research and practice and was developed through consultation with experts from various fields. It aims to help organisations navigate the complexities and sensitivities involved in such tragic events, ensuring they provide the support required to maintain a healthy and compassionate workplace.

The resource should be useful for occupational health practitioners, wellbeing leads, HR professionals, managers, and policy makers. It addresses several important issues in the aftermath of a workplace death by suicide, such as immediate response approaches, communication protocols, support mechanisms for affected individuals, and long-term considerations for fostering a supportive work environment.

Download the guidance here.

This resource has been launched ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day 2024.

My source: TwiX @somceo

See also: 
World Suicide Prevention Day 2024 #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

Friday, September 06, 2024

Gold gold gold gold ...

Gold: Alchemist-hp (talk) www.pse-mendelejew.de, CC BY-SA 3.0 DE
via Wikimedia Commons

Element Properties

melting point 1,063 °C (1,945 °F)
boiling point 2,966 °C (5,371 °F)
specific gravity 19.3 at 20 °C (68 °F)
oxidation states +1, +3
[ Text & image: https://www.britannica.com/science/gold-chemical-element ]
humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

. . . gold! gold!!

'There is already plenty of gold: the vaults of the New York Federal Reserve contain 507,000 bars, worth about $510bn at this week's prices (the weight is borne by the bedrock of Manhattan  island, 15 metres beneath sea level). London's vaults, including those of the Bank of England, hold another 8,650 tonnes, worth $690bn.

A lot of gold is mined ...

... and then buried again.'

Gapper, J. A new gold rush reflects the world's deep worries. FTWeekend, 24/25 August 2024. p.11.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

The dynamics of life and death

humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

dynamic care?

dynamic care?

dynamic care?

'dynamic pricing'

Cavet emptor!

Beware -

 you get what you pay for; but do you get what you pay for?

Previously on W2tQ - 'dynamic'

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Laughter and Medicine Conference

Manon, Laughing Gas, 2019, installation, Kunsthaus Zürich
photographer: Franca Candrian, 2022.

British Academy/Wellcome Trust Conferences bring together scholars and specialists from around the world to explore themes related to health and wellbeing.

'Connecting knowledge across the disciplines, this conference will put practicing doctors in direct dialogue with researchers in the humanities – especially scholars of literature, cinema and cultural history. Together, they will seek to understand the social, diagnostic, therapeutic and physiological implications of laughter, inside and outside the clinic. Laughter is not always the 'best medicine', nor is it linked only to comedy and enjoyment. 'Healing laughter' differs markedly from pathological laughter, hysterical laughter, forced or bitter laughter, laughter aimed at mitigating awkwardness in unsuccessful communication, laughter intended to deceive, or laughter signifying fear, discomfort or aggression. Irony and other double-coded signifiers that abound in comic and parodic representations of medical practitioners and their patients often reveal medicine’s paradoxical place in various cultural imaginaries and in individual and collective experience.

This conference will study the diverse forms of laughter occurring around medicine in particular eras and cultural environments alongside comparative analysis of patterns and problematics over the long history of Western medicine and its representations.'


humanistic ------------------------------- mechanistic

I don't find this funny!

 I laughed so much it hurt! 

"All the world's a stage"

Politics is a running joke - that's never funny.

The human epic of triumph and tragedy.

Previously (with overlap):

arts :: drama :: poetry :: literature :: narrative

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

HC@AIxIA: AI&Health Seminar Series (2024) - 16 September

Generative AI in sequencing: enhancing models by synthetic omics data

16 September 2024 - 04:30PM CET

Giuseppe Jurman, Head of DSH (Data Science for Health) Unit, Fondazione Bruno Kessler – FBK (Trento, Italy)

: Generative AI in sequencing: enhancing models by synthetic omics data.

  • Abstract: Synthetic data have recently gained momentum in several scientific areas as an effective solution to dealt with several aspects of data poverty and missingness. In translational medicine, biomedical images and EHR data have been the first to benefit from synthetic augmentation techniques through generative AI algorithms such as GANs or, more recently, Diffusion-like models. Extension of these methods to omics data poses further challenges due to the nature of the signal, such as the need of taking into account sample variability and multilevel omics coherence. In this talk, we will present an overview of the state-of-the-art of the synthetic data in the omics universe, including the generative methodologies, the future perspectives, and the related caveats, concluding with some applicative use cases. (joint work with Marco Chierici and Silvia Menchetti)
  • Short Bio: Giuseppe Jurman is a mathematician, with a PhD in Algebra, currently Head of the Data Science for Health (DSH) Unit at FBK. His main interest is the development and the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning and complex network models for diagnosis, prognosis and prediction in medicine, life science and computational biology, starting from EHRs, omics data and biomedical images, including digital pathology, with a particular emphasis on reproducibility and explainability. He is also interested in scientific programming with Python and other computing languages, and he teaches Data Visualization at the M.Sc. in Data Science at the University of Trento. 
  • Flyerlink
  • Link for participatingwebex link + details
  • VIDEO: available afterwards
c/o: Francesco Calimeri, Mauro Dragoni, Fabio Stella
(coordinators of the HC@AIxIA working group)

Sunday, September 01, 2024

British Computer Society: Real AI 2024 -::- AI for One Health and Planetary Health

In July I posted news of this month's Real AI event 27th September. Plans are in place to attend.

In November, London beckons again:

Friday November 8th 2024

Even as I look forward to September's trip; I'm pinching myself. 

Following a BCS event last year, Hodges' model has been recognised. A video chat and many email exchanges has revealed there is a model possessed with the necessary holistic bandwidth. Hodges' model has the conceptual scope to encompass intelligence(s), One Health and planetary health. 

This also fits with current reading - interrupted by Hardy's A Mathematician's Apology (£2.00) - with posts to follow that will also inform November's co-presentation.

More to follow and clearly I have learned a great deal from engaging with the BCS. While my affiliate  membership has lapsed now, since the early 1990s the Society's publications, specialist groups: medical informatics, nursing, methods, security, expert systems, and now AI have proved well worth getting involved!

I am also hoping for some part-time tutoring at Bolton University in the new academic year.